With most clients, the minute you establish a relationship after the IT audits are finished, you should start immediately executing a project plan. This plan should be very detailed and regimented, with spreadsheets that will help systematize elements of the project. Through IT audits you will get an idea of the order of priority for certain tasks and know what has to be accomplished immediately vs. what can wait until a bit later or be placed on a wish list.
The items on a wish list are tasks that have to be completed because they are controlled by a vendor or regulatory agency, or because a product is going to become useless and will no longer have support. Wish list projects will typically have fairly inflexible completion dates. As a person conducting the IT audits, you should treat wish list items as a full-time IT manager. Keep track of them and put them on the wish list according to the month during which they must be completed; they could very well represent your long-term revenue.
Once you complete an IT audit, you need to start by organizing the tasks you identify. Organizing is no more difficult than working with a standard Excel document. Set up some columns, including perhaps Month, Estimated Labor Cost, Hardware Cost, and perhaps a column that represent outside contractors the company will need to finish the project or other important extra items you think they will need to track. You may determine that some tasks fall outside your area of expertise, and as a responsible IT professional, you will provide them with the best solutions to fulfill their needs, which often will involve you calling in for extra help where you need it.
Creating a wish list and staying organized will help you plan for the future while keeping the best interests of the company in mind.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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