The web hosting firm ServerPlex Networks stated that its IT consulting division, ServerPlex Online will give free installation and configuration of 500 wireless networks in San Francisco. This campaign will hopefully encourage use of wireless networking by companies that normally would not have thought it was an option for them.
ServerPlex will also include a wireless router, security configuration and set up on up to two personal computers for individuals that take advantage of this offer. While businesses do not qualify for this promotion, they will receive a discounted rate on these items.
This campaign will hopefully bring wireless networks to both homes and businesses in the area. A company spokesperson explained that setting up a wireless network can be particularly confusing for those using it in their home. Since most people don’t know how to set up necessary security features for their networks to prevent online theft, this promotion will hopefully bring awareness and safety to users as the world enters the wireless Internet Age at full speed.
Added By: Computer Consulting Kit
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