Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Twitter: 2 sets of interesting statistics to improve efficiency

How to be effective on Twitter?

A question that two recent reviews provide some answers:

one concerns rather the general behavior of users , the other focuses more on the content and format of the messages that you post .

To discover later in this post!

The 7 qualities of an effective message on Twitter

According to Shane Steele, Director Sales and Marketing of Twitter, here are seven common tweets (Twitter messages) that promote the commitment :

Link : 98% include links to more comprehensive content (remember: on Twitter, the size of a message is limited to 140 characters => Twitter is useful for promoting more comprehensive content, you have such detailed in an article Your blog or your website)

Hashtag : 72% use hashtags (accuracy for novice users: hashtags keywords are preceded by the # sign, which allow a user to return all tweets sent by other users on a particular theme, for example # Blog or # FF)

Real-time : 70% are related to recent information (on Twitter, the information expires quickly users are often in a compportement immediacy that makes them look davanateg to novelty)

Call to Action : 40% incentive to take action (eg "click" or "Please RT)

Exclamation : 40% use the exclamatory mode (again!)

New : 38% announce the launch of a new product

Question : 24% ask a question

Fun : 22% are related to a game or contest

Accuracy: The information above has been sent to businesses that use the "Promoted tweets (tweets advertising), but in my opinion, they apply very broadly to any type of tweets.

A tool originally posted on the blog of John Bell and recovery than Choblab (which I appreciate very much and I take this opportunity to recommend you to read!)

The 5 behaviors to avoid or adopt on Twitter

In a graphic posted on the blog of Dan Zarrella (then resume on the Mashable France ), 5 criteria of effectiveness "scientifically proven" (I quote) have been identified to attract the largest number of "followers" (people who follow your Twitter account):

Show who you are : in particular, know that Twitter accounts that include a photo of the author are followed more than others.

Talk about yourself infrequently : According to this study, people who self-promote continuously monitored are 2 times less than the others.

Use sparingly the "Reply" : apparently, the more you reply to other users in "reply" (=> Public chat between 2 users), the less you earn followers! A bias which may seem surprising when one knows the aversion to Twittos impersonal accounts, which give the impression of being administered by a robot! But this advice is certainly related to the fact that on Twitter, primarily looking for qualified content (see above: 98% effective tweets include a link to a content).

Define your level of authority and type of your profile / expertise : for example, indicate in the "biography" that you are an official account of a company officer, an expert ... (Obviously, your expertise, even self-proclaimed, can affect the decision to follow you!).

Do not always negative : this is apparently fleeing users ... So if you want to earn "followers", souriezzzzz! A bit like in real life.


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