Tuesday, May 17, 2011

11 ways to create new content for its online strategy to add

It 's your business ideas, content expiration? Content is the fuel for the launch of social media and replace a strong position in the social sector. Its contents may not be together but can be of great importance, and its target market.

want to consume in order to create compelling content that people can increase traffic to your site and help you win, retain and dedicated following. For the production of high quality content, provide a good source of raw materials to fall again and again. Here are 11 proven tactics that you are never satisfied:

1: RSS Reader: The daily scan

A good way to introduce new ideas and inspiration, sign up for free RSS readers like Google Reader. Use Google Blog Search and sites of Italian directory of blogs like BlogCatalog and Technorati, the blog that are relevant to your product or service. If you find what you're looking for RSS feeds and subscribe to his readers. Organizing feeds in folders and sort by category to facilitate scanning, you can submit your blog with your comments on issues related to construction of the stand.
2: Each employee Dealer

Encouraging people to our blog, contribute articles on the subject of interest for the company. Ask your customer service and sales team of their most frequently asked questions, write posts about solutions. Easily create a blog template perfect tool to eliminate the problems of writing personal e-mail. Click here to see some patterns.
3: LinkedIn Groups

There is lack of research review. Up to 50 groups, depending on the individual profile. Find the most active groups in the farm's research group. An easy way to tell which groups are most active, the number of members and discussions. LinkedIn Answers is a great place to meet your professional network to find out.
4: Forums

How social media is a grandfather, grandfather's name forum. The discussions of the press and of free and open is a great way to find out what's happening in your niche. A simple Google search; + Forum, thousands of output.
5: Create a tag cloud

Use to build a whole calls for the keywords related to the brand. For example, you may notice that 1915 tweets brand, product or company name to be put in an application, Wordle cloud. Often these new keywords that can not be surprised by some things I thought of the association. This is a great way to stretch the dollar and the tendency to find new content, news
6: Eavesdrop

It may be interesting. Listen to the conversations online and offline. Tune in conversations while waiting in line at Starbucks crowded table the ear or in the afternoon. Find what people talk about what you want. Carry a small notebook for writing or to spy on and Evernote points and interesting ideas to keep him awake.
7: Crowdsource

State after the social-network, or blog, asking the audience for the content of themes and ideas. Internet search tools and controls can be a valuable resource for the collection and prioritization of these ideas in an organized way. questionnaire survey or HTML directly from your website or blog is dedicated to his audience in real time and let their opinions. You can also run directly, or search on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn comment.

8: Audio Books

A wise man once said, Why read when someone is born and audio books. When everyone is under pressure today, audio books are a great way to go and listen to books. Listen just 15 minutes by car or 20 minutes in the gym, different ideas for the amount of sparks and to activate, read, or two pounds a month. Verify that the noise and a wide selection of titles eMusic.
9: Google News

Do you want the contents of current events and issues in the media? Sure. Google News aggregates news from sources worldwide, groups similar stories and displays them in the interest of each player. Search by keyword, just want to know your business and on the news. The analytical results are directly provide the headlines about what is happening in the world of bonds.
10: Attend Industry Events

seminars, conferences Tweetchats. There are many online and offline events offer once a week with a number of free exchange of ideas and knowledge. At the meeting on matters relating to the field and jump right to the same opportunities to have new ideas and find new strength, in turn, inspired a remarkable ability to escape.
11: Frankenblogging

A Day In The Life, is one of the songs of the Beatles, the most influential and came in two parts, which, apparently, written by John Paul II. This is an excellent example of how a combination of two different segments can be written regardless of the size of eggs.

Like most bloggers, probably the largest number of posts written medium. It is a common theme or two of them together. For example, I wrote a post about half a combination of animal identification, wrote a half hour to use the lists of Twitter, and has a great post on Twitter seeking to influence and effectively from a list of Twitter.

Source and thank you : Jason Miller


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