Sunday, May 15, 2011

5 reasons why Skype is reached office

When Microsoft announced its acquisition of Skype, a turning point for many early users, the simplicity and utility services from the early days of its bid in 2003.

Since the acquisition also represents a greater potential acceptance by businessmen. Of course it depends on what Microsoft does with Skype. It is an integrated suite of Microsoft sanctions as a means of communication. But there are signs that Microsoft as a standalone product for the millions of people who like to be respected. Taking these factors into account, we see five reasons why Skype will change in companies around the world.

Customer service Skype, a new generation of services for large companies have one thing in common. People use all the time. IPhone to work and play. People use Gmail for their private and professional life. Skype is in the same category. It is a day with his mother and the next minute to discuss with colleagues. We invite our Skype video-conferencing tools, your Year 2010 for action to ensure the enterprise-class connectivity with the convenience of its consumer products.

Cloud and Skype Ted Schadler, Forrester Research, said he expects Microsoft, Skype services market in the cloud Windows Azure and Office 365, it can be assumed, Skype, is synchronized with the eighth of Windows may be some time after but the logical continuation of communication with a single click with your colleagues and friends. Integration with Lync is another matter. Lync is the sequel to Microsoft technology integrates audio, video and web conferencing. Is incorporated, that Skype can disappear into the environment. Skype is a service to peer-to-peer, and its integration with Lync is a question mark. Skype will be as flexible as Microsoft? This is my question.

Skype and Windows Mobile will be connected, Microsoft has invested more than U.S. $9.5 billion participation last year in communication through a partnership with Nokia to $1 billion $8.5 billion and Skype. This means that millions of smartphones with VoIP for cheaper alternatives that applications for business communication is important because the costs.

Skype Developer Community Think about how many types of mobile VoIP Skype Microsoft can now use the Nokia. In addition, the Skype ecosystem of application development on devices with Windows. Now you have inexpensive device with the community around it. Building an active community of developers, the main challenge for Microsoft, the developer of the first Apple and Google Android waste IOS. Skype video and kinetic

The idea began to experience video games, in fact, Skype. Connect with the kinetics and finished the impression that the film is much more natural than the desktop model was popular in the last 10 years. Voice of Google and Apple see and be seen playing for the occasion. Another challenge for these companies, as well as services such as Skype works perfectly kinetics, but flexible enough that they are trapped in the integration process.

Video kinetic example, is sold as a meeting house. You can watch live video chat kinetics connect to Xbox Live and Windows Live Messenger related users.To kinetic Lync require complex integration. But Skype can lose the connection? The point is, once again, integration and cost-effectiveness as a tool for kinetic Enterprise. Julie Bard makes Microsoft Update for the Xbox can be used as a videoconferencing system at low cost. But with the SDK for Windows and Xbox kinetic Skype is not a necessary part of the puzzle.

Last idea to use Skype, how to get a comparison of Microsoft to lose. When services are tightly integrated. E 'integration, bureaucracy hinders many different and innovative. But if Skype is poorly connected and the developer community of coal, there is not much to say. This is a business model that accounts for developers. And that makes work fun. Skype is a pleasure. Kinetics of fun. Windows Mobile 7 is a unit of potential income. Just do not block Skype and the market should be open well.


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