This is terrific. Here are some comments from a teacher who has been working to enhance her lessons with more technology. Specifically, using tools that give her students more creative power. Read what she has to say about her experience. Have you been there? Would you say that this teacher has been transformed?
"First thought that pops into my mind is: Becoming a facilitator and not a teacher was difficult to overcome. I had to give the reigns to the students. In the beginning, I felt I was not teaching and therefore useless. Afterwards, my thoughts changed completely. Seeing the students rise to occasion was fantastic. The students became the teachers and I became the learner. Does that sound corny?
This has become my highlight of each marking period, or now semester. I look forward to watching students come up with good interview questions, struggling with Audacity and finally hearing their final scripts in Podbean. The look of accomplishment on their faces makes my year….The Assistant Superintendent came to observe me once, during the final recording of the Podcast. He left me a note saying that “I used good Web 2.0 tools” He seemed to be impressed. That note made my day. I laminated it and stuck it under my see through thing on my desk as a reminder."
Oh, and do you also see how powerful an "attagirl" can be? Something that easy, yet something so often left unsaid, can make a REAL difference. With students, too. Try this: the next time you see some good work from a struggling student, or from ANY student who appears to have put forth real effort on your assignment, get "in the moment" with that student and say, "Nicole, I REALLY like what you did here. This is very good."
Nicole, I REALLY like what you did here. This is very good!
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