Storybird - Collaborative storytelling
This one is for the elementary teachers. Looks like fun.
This is what Google thinks will challenge WOlfram Alpha. What do you think?
Nice tutorials for every Google App. Bookmark this one.
Accredited Online Universities » 100 Best Open Source Apps for Educators
We have created a list of what we think are the best available apps out there and have categorized them into the following: Science, Language, Math, Administrative & Content Management, Interactive & Online Classrooms, Study Aids, Video & Imaging, Music, Multimedia, Geography & History, and Mapping Tools.
50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers | Teaching Tips
"Blogging is becoming more and more popular in the classroom. Teachers can blog to stay in touch with parents and students or they can incorporate blogs from all of the students as a learning tool. The beauty of the student blog is that children from Kindergarten to high school can blog. No matter how you use blogs in your classroom, these tools will help you get started, enhance your experience, or bring the students into the fun."
Copyright Alliance Education Foundation
"The issues surrounding copyright have never been more visible. But the classroom presents its own copyright-related challenges, for students and teachers alike. How is an educator to know what the rules are? How do those rules apply in the classroom? And how can we make sure that students know the rules as well?"
Educators' Workshop
The material in this guide will help librarians and media specialists in their efforts to inform other educators about copyright. It includes a quiz, tips on designing a workshop, and a chart of available classroom materials.
Educators' Guide
This comprehensive 13-page guide is designed for teachers of all grades and subject areas and includes: an overview of copyright, FAQ section, glossary and standards charts for all the classroom curricula available on this web site.
I don't think they do
- In many elementary schools, student work is hung in the classroom or on a wall? Do people read them?
Vocaroo | Record and send voice emails
The fastest way to create an audio. No special effects or editing allowed, but for instant recordings, this is a good option.
The Homework Day website.
Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Save the Date for Wolfram|Alpha Homework Day: October 21, 2009
"Join us on Wednesday, October 21, 2009, at noon CDT, for the start of Wolfram|Alpha Homework Day, a groundbreaking marathon live interactive web event that brings together students, parents, and educators from across the United States to solve their toughest assignments and explore the power of using Wolfram|Alpha for school, college, and beyond."
- During Homework Day, scholars, experts, and members of the Wolfram|Alpha team will explore a wide variety of subjects relevant for K–12 to college students. Segments throughout the day will be tailored for specific age groups and show how students and teachers are already using Wolfram|Alpha in the classroom
Notice that she gave each student the navigation requirements (left side of screens) and they could choose what they wanted to put inside each section. Some added audio files, others made screencasts, and others added games, etcc.
Learning and Laptops: Wikified Research Paper- Year 2
"A WRP, or wikified research paper, is made on and allows students to link to resources within their papers, along with embedding various images and videos within their papers."
- A WRP, or wikified research paper, is made on and allows students to link to resources within their papers, along with embedding various images and videos within their papers
- This knowledge of worldwide access to their papers has seemingly inspired students to give extra time and care to their papers, because they understand how many people could be reading them in the future. -Hannah L
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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