During a recent discussion with two other teachers, the subject of YouTube videos came up. One person commented that she was upset that she couldn't show some of them to her classes, as they are PERFECT for what she's trying to get across. The conversation went something like this.
Woman: "I link to them and even embed them, but the kids cant see them at school, and some don't have computers at home. It's tough"
Man: "I download them all and upload them into my Moodle."
Woman: "Well, you know that's against the YouTube acceptable use policy and a violation of Copyright."
Man: "Hey, I need them to teach with, so I do what I have to do. I'll use them as long as I am teaching that subject."
And all of that could be avoided if the teachers were given a different filtering policy from students and access to youtube. Instead, the teachers are turning into copyright criminals. The man had ZERO guilt associated with taking those videos.
This could ALL be avoided!
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