Friday, July 24, 2009

Disable autoplay in Windows XP using Registry Editor

Whenever We attach my Flashdisk, External Hard disk or CD, Windows scans the entire contents (which can take quite awhile on a large disk) and brings up a list of suggested actions.

Even when We select 'Take no action' and check the 'Do this in the future' box, autoplay is executed the next time I insert my media or device.

This also bring harm effect to our computer. Virus can be attack our Computer by let the autoplay Configuration On.

If we disable our Autoplay, our computer will probably safer from viruses.
The autorun file in the plug and play drive (Autorun.inf or autorun.ini) can't be work if we turn off autoplay in all drives. So The Virus that usually came with autorun can't directy infected our computer.

We can disable autoplay in 2 manners,
1. Configure gpedit.msc
2. Configure Registry as brief explained here

How to Configure Registry Editor to disable autoplay in Windows XP is brief explained below :

1. Click Start --> Run
2. Type regedit in Run Windows

Windows Run
3. Browse For HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

Disable Autorun Registry Editor
4. Set NoDriveTypeAutoRun Value to ff

NoDriveTypeAutoRun Disable Autorun Registry Editor
5. Reboot Our Computer.
6. Finish, Your Computer Autoplay Configuration is become off.


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