Many that are trying to learn how to start a computer repair shop wonder, “How can I do this when the economy has been so tough?”
Even before the recent economic downturn, the rules of computer repair and technology businesses have changed dramatically. It’s not enough to be a highly-talented repair person or technology expert anymore. You have to be on the lookout for new client business opportunities all the time.
Those starting computer repair shops face not only a tough economic client, but also a highly-challenging business environment. If you are trying to figure out how to start a computer repair shop, you do need to know that it’s going to be tougher for you to find new clients, but certainly not impossible. The flip side, the economic turmoil has also created a lot of new opportunities that didn't exist as recently as 12 months ago.
Finding new customers needs to be one of your top priorities, so you can not only survive, but thrive. You will need to stand apart from your local competition and constantly plant the seeds for future business development activities.
To help you organize your lead generation activities, use the following 5 field-tested, proven low-cost, high-impact tactics for starting a computer repair shop.
1. Think about Word-of-Mouth Referrals. In order to help you as you learn how to start a computer repair shop, you need to know how to get more word-of-mouth referrals. Think about how you will stay in touch with your existing contacts and get back in touch with those that have lapsed over months and even years. For a retail store-front computer repair shop, this almost screams for the idea of planning a super-cool, high-excitement launch reception or open-house event.
2. Uncover All Service Revenue Opportunities. Chances to grow service revenue for your computer repair shop surround you every day. You have to learn to look for networking opportunities and methods to help you provide better and better solutions to your valued clients everywhere you go. You should always be on the lookout for new clients and partners, and be proactive about building relationships... especially with those small businesses that need IT service on a regular, scheduled basis.
3. Make Your Marketing Materials More Response-Driven. As you're figuring out how to start a computer repair shop in difficult economic times, you need to prepare marketing materials that can dramatically boost the number of prospects you convert into lucrative clients. Focus on low-cost opportunities to attract ideal clients that will build long-term relationships with your firm. Work on creating a very strong brand and logo that communicates your unique solutions and for whom you provide these solutions. Then put together a Web site and business card that supports your overall business plan. Remember it's the problem-solving that clients pay the big bucks for, not the break-fix repairs, technical features, or IT buzzwords.
4. Learn How to Make Great Sales Calls. You need to make sure you avoid making common mistakes in sales calls as you think about how to start a computer repair shop. Avoid dwelling on the price of your services when you are talking about your solutions to clients and always outline the unique benefits you provide. This will put you on the right path to presenting yourself professionally and truly communicating the strength of your complete business solutions.
5. Always Remember Customer Service. You can really leave your competitors in the dust if you are mindful of providing great customer service. When you really show you care about your clients and helping them grow their businesses, you will gain their trust and loyalty and build the lifetime relationships that will bring you steady, on-going revenue for your new computer repair shop.
In this article, we talked about 5 concepts you need to grasp as you build your new computer repair shop. Learn more about how to start a computer repair shop with the best steady, high-paying clients now at the attached link.
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