If you want steady computer repair employment, you need to understand that the game has changed in a big-time way.
Let's face it. Computer repair employment ain't what it used to be. This isn't 1999 or 1989 or 1985. And unless you have access to Marty McFly's DeLorean time machine and its cultural-icon flux capacitor, it's time to face reality.
Don't put your career in the hands of someone else. Take control of your own future. What's one of the best ways to do this? Take your hard-earned computer repair skills and build your own computer repair business around the needs of local small business clients.
Because unless you’re ready to really go head-to-head with computer repair giants, you need to build relationships with clients that will need you for on-going computer repair services and all of their other IT-related needs. This means you really have to get to the heart of their biggest business problems and IT needs.
If you want to build a strong enough business, so you never have to worry about computer repair employment ever again, consider the following 4 tips that help you learn about your clients' true needs.
1. Ask Clients about Their Top 3 Business and IT Problems. When you first meet with prospects, you need to get them talking about their top 3 business and IT problems. You might learn that the problems your prospects have are not the ones your business can solve. In this case, you will know immediately you are barking up the wrong tree and need to move onto better opportunities. The key point is to get your prospects talking.
2. Ask about Your Prospective Clients’ Preferences. You need to get prospects talking about what they like and dislike about past computer repair they’ve received. This process can give you a lot of clues about what they ARE seeking. Remember, most non-technical small business owners and managers have very little experience in computer repair employment-related issues. So you'll really need to take charge of the discussion if you want it to be a productive dialogue.
3. Find Out if There is an Emergency. When you first talk to prospects, you also need to make sure you find out if they have an emergency that has to be addressed in the next 24-72 hours. Or they might just be looking for something like an IT audit, site survey or technology assessment, but you have to find out in the first meeting.
4. Bring Your Prospects to the Next Step. You need to move your prospects from non-paying prospects to paying customers and clients. In order to do this, you have to make sure you don’t let them pick your brain too much in the first meeting. You need to get them to write a check to your company sooner rather than later, so you can make the most out of each prospect and not just provide a free advice session. If you don't take charge, it's almost like pro-bono computer repair employment. Make sure you have something ready to offer prospects that allows them to get started with you right away in a relatively low-risk setting for both parties. That's what a proving ground project is all about. If you want to be really prepared, you can bring blank forms with you so you are ready for them to sign on for your initial proving ground project at the end of the meeting.
In this article, we talked about 4 tips to help you build a profitable and sustainable computer repair business around the unique needs of local small business clients. Learn more about how to avoid dead-end computer repair employment by building a business with great, steady, high-paying clients now at the attached link.
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