By. Agus47-jatiblogger
This is the title of my friend post. Yes, he is having problems with the hosting of its use. This can override the all Blogger in the internet world. Check before the hosting you will be use. Look for a reference as much as possible on Google or another search engine to avoid problems later. This is more than just a testimonial to remind the blogger to be more careful. Testimonial:
Original language.
Akhirnya…. dengan rahmat Tuhan YME, hari ini saya bisa kembali ngBlog, walau pun harus mengulang dari awal lagi, setelah sebelumnya lebih dari 200 artikel (baik yg sudah dipublic mau pun yg masih berupa schedul) yg tersimpan dalam database hilang entah kemana! Terus terang saja, saya bener2 dibikin GONDOK oleh etamhost.
Awalnya, pada bulang februari, saya mendapat referensi dari hakimtea untuk ngBlog dengan menggunakan jasa hosting dari etamhost. Menurut dia sich katanya bagus, so aku nurut aja ma seseorang yg udah terbilang master di bidang internet, terutama ngBlog, sekaligus belajar banyak dari dia.
Setiap hari dan malam saya update blog saya dengan berbagai artikel hingga kurang-lebih 5 artikel/hari guna meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dari para shahabat dalam negeri mau pun mancanegara. Bagi seorang yg baru terjun ke dunia blog, tentu saja hal ini tidak mudah.
Baru empat bulan berjalan, tepatnya 2 minggu yg lalu, tanpa hujan, tanpa angin, tiba2 blogku kosong tanpa data sedikit pun! Awalnya saya pikir mungkin masalah jaringan yg memang sering terjadi dengan blogku yg kadang tidak bisa tampil, tapi setelah saya periksa ke dalam account hosting/database ternyata tak satu pun data yg tampak kecuali tinggal namanya doank (domiannya saja) termasuk 2 domain lainnya dan! Datanya kemana?…
Saya sudah berusaha hubungi pihak costumer via YM ke juga kirim pesan via porum, tapi sampe sekarang tidak pernah ada tanggapan satu hurup pun. Begitu juga dengan sms yg dikirimkan hakimtea ke ownernya etamhost si Deny Koerniawan, awalnya ada balasan dengan jawaban ‘icukcole, icukcole’ (nanti sore-nanti sore), tapi besok dan lusanya dihubungi lagi ga pernah ada lagi jawaban. Mungkin dia pikir saya ini ga penting! Cuma seorang pemula yg ga perlu dilayani bgt!!!
Terus terang, sebagai pelanggan saya merasa disepelekan dengan bisnis hostingnya, saya kira dia benar2 profesional menggeluti bisnisnya, ternyata cuma PEMBUAL belaka! Padahal menurut perjanjian pelayanannya kan sampe satu tahun, tapi… baru saja 4 bulan dah ketahuan belangnya….
Kekecewaanku memang ga bisa diganti dengan apa pun. Saya hanya berharap jangan sampe ada blogger lain yg menggunakan hosting murahan seperti etamhost, yg mungkin pada awalnya baik2 saja, tapi setelah beberapa bulan ke depan tiba2 hilang dech semua datanya!!!
Apa anda Tidak Merasa Khawatir?…
Untung saja, dengan rasa tanggung jawab, hakimtea menawarkan hostingnya untuk saya gunakan sementara, sampe saya mau memilih sendiri hosting mana yg bisa dipercaya melayani dan menjamin keamanan database pelanggannya. :-)
Demi keberlangsungan, ketentraman dan kenyamanan blogger nusantara, saya mohon kepada para blogger yang budiman untuk mendukung keluhan saya, bahkan klo perlu diposting ulang tulisan ini, disebar biar dia tau, sebagai sebuah peringatan, agar supaya para mengusaha hosting lokal pada umumnya lebih meningkatkan pelayanan dan jaminan keamanan terhadap database para pelanggannya!!! Sebab jika anda seorang blogger, saya pun yakin anda tidak akan pernah mau mengalami hal yang serupa!!!
Maap! Saya tidak bermaksud memprovokasi, tapi masalah ini harus benar2 diperhatikan! Klo bukan kita yg bersikap kritis, lalu siapa?…
This the English translate.
Finally .... YME with the grace of God, this day I can again create a blog, even if it also must repeat from the beginning again, after more than 200 articles (whether you already want to publish in any form schedule still do) I saved in a database somewhere to go missing! Out giving course, I strongly constrained by etamhost mumps.
Initially, on February wrapper, I get a reference from hakimtea to create a blog hosting service with the use of etamhost. According to him I said good, so I am just the same How well be regarded a master in the field of internet, especially to create blog, as well as learn a lot from him.
Every day and night I update my blog with various articles to approximately 5 articles / day to increase visitor traffic from our friends in the country like any other countries. For a new world of blogs, of course, this is not easy.
Just four days running, exactly 2 weeks ago I, with no rain, no wind, suddenly my blog a little empty without any data! At first I thought perhaps I was a network problem often occurs with my blog I sometimes can not appear, but after I check in to the hosting account / database was not any data unless you appear to live his name only (to its domain only) including 2 domain and other! Where the data ...
I already tried the costumer contact via YM @ to cs.etamhost also send a message via porum, but until now have not had a response to any letter. So also with the hakimtea I sent sms to its the etamhost owner Deny Koerniawan, initially there is a reply to the answers' icukcole, icukcole '(later afternoon-evening later), but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will never be contacted again have more answers. Maybe he thought I is not important! Just a beginner you do not need to be so!
Overtly, as a customer I feel disappointed in a business with its hosting, I think he was really running the business professional, the only purely bucko! According to the agreement the ministry is one year, but ... just 4 days i discovered it killer.
My disappointment is not replaced by anything. I only hope do not have the other bloggers I like to use cheap hosting etamhost, you may initially OK, but after a few months ahead suddenly lost all data!
Are you not worry? ...
Lucky course, with the sense of responsibility, hakimtea hosting offer its use to me while, until I want to choose their own hosting where you can be trusted to serve and ensure the security of the database clients. :-)
For the sustainability, peace and comfort nusantara blogger, I ask the blogger a good complaint to support me, even I need to re-post this article, though he is assigned, as a warning, so that the local hosting business man, in general, improve service and guarantee the security of the database of the customers! For if you are a blogger, I also believe you will never want to experience the same!
Excuse me! I do not intend provoke, but this problem should really be! What we do not be critical, and who ...
This testimonial is published on the permission of
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