You know by now that the Learning.Now blog is one of my favorites, and today’s article is another example of just why I like it so much. In this article we learn that the Federal government is going to establish a National Center for EdTech Research. Read this post and follow the link to the Fact sheet ( that tells more about the goals of the Center.
I wonder...
What if the study reports that blogging really IS an EXCELLENT way to improve student writing? THEN, will our schools stop blocking them? Or what if they say that wikis are the PERFECT tools for collaboration? THEN will schools stop blocking them? What if they say that sites like Delicious, Diigo, Flickr, and YouTube are all EXCELLENT resources that schools should be using? THEN can we use them? What if they say that Second Life is a great tool, too? Well, now I’ve gone too far even for my own argument, haven’t I? :-)
Still, I’m looking forward to reading the results of their work. I wonder how many teachers will be hired there.
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