Use Multiple Monitors to Present and See Notes at the Same Time in MS Power Poinr
Microsoft Office PowerPoint provides a feature you can use to show the presentation slides on a projector while keeping the Presenter view (with the speaker notes) on your notebook computer’s screen. To use this feature, you need to change your display settings. Here’s how:
1. Open the Display Properties dialog box by right-clicking the desktop and then clicking Properties.
2. Click the Settings tab.
3. Click the Secondary Display symbol (the 2).
4. Under the Screen resolution heading, select the Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor check box. This setting gives you a desktop that spreads across both the projector and your notebook computer's screen.
You can now set up PowerPoint to use both screens.
1. Open your presentation.
2. On the menu bar, click Slide Show, and then click Set Up Slide Show.
3. In the Set Up Show dialog box, locate the Multiple monitors option, and select the Show Presenter View check box.
4. Start the slide show. The Slide Show view of the presentation appears on the projector’s screen, while the Presenter view and speaker notes appear only on your notebook computer’s screen.
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