Computer is a crucial instrument for running a business on the net. The improvement of Internet technology, the world's people begin to seek business opportunities on line. We travel only PC or laptop can market and sell products and services around the world. We need only computers and high-speed Internet access. You will receive information, business partners, a joint venture, and rental system via the Internet without having your home. Only a few countries, free Internet access. Improve telecommunications technology, high cost Internet access tend to decrease. We have recommended the use of our computers, so that you can use as long as possible. Generally, computer use between four to six years, but depends on the computer.
We give some tips on how you use your computer to stay long, so you will not spend too much money to repair and buy.
1.Use PC has low power consumption. Do not use a screen saver. Shut down the computer when you leave or not.
2.Change your PC to note book, because cheaper than PC --
3.Use LCD monitor as box monitor. Avoid the pressure of your work. They had better save your work as PDF-Soft-Copy
4.Use operating system and software that are needed.
5.Avoid Up Grade software and hardware that you do not need.
6.Use power management in your computer operating system. Agencies and the computer shuts down automatically when you do not use the computer.
7.Be diligently to use management tool, such as defragmentation, to date anti-spyware and anti-virus.
8.Throw waste away information that you do not use more (clean bowl)
9.Decrease ongoing program in the same time.
10.Choose and buy a computer on the logo, save energy, Green PC, Eco Friendly Computer, increase energy efficiency so that your computer performance and saving the earth from global warming.
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