Re: how computer consultants can keep competitors away their best prospects.. and close more sales
Have you ever lost a project that you bid on to a competitor (i.e. another computer consultant)?
C’mon... be honest.
Listen, it’s no big deal to just lose a computer consulting project or two, a few times a year. No one, not even me, has a 100% batting average :-)
But what happens when we’re not talking about losing one or two projects a year? What happens when you’re losing one or two computer consulting projects a month that way? Non-sense you say?
Have you ever taken time to follow-up on EVERY computer consulting proposal or price quote you’ve put out there to your small business prospects?
While a significant percentage of your computer consulting prospects (perhaps 1/4 to 1/3) may be professional procrastinators and decide to do nothing...
The vast majority of your prospects will end up hiring someone’s computer consulting company to do the job. But do you know why someone else’s computer consultant company is getting that job instead of your firm?
One very simple reason...
Your computer consultant competitor cared enough to follow-up!
It's really that simple. Whether it was a phone call, an e-mail, a personal note, an impromptu visit...
Your competitor happened to be in the right place, at the right time... when your computer consulting prospect’s server went down for the 3rd time this month.
Now why didn’t your prospect, that you haven’t spoken to in 6 months, remember how hard you worked on that computer consulting proposal?
And why didn’t your computer consulting prospect remember to call you?
Like they say: Out of sight, out of mind. You snooze, you lose.
So if you want to make sure that your more assertive computer consultant competitors don’t steal away your best computer consulting prospects, make sure that YOUR computer consulting firm has at least a decent follow-up process. And for that matter a decent overall sales process.
To help you get a better grasp on the entire computer consultants sales process, from generating qualified computer consulting leads all the way through to signing up steady clients on computer consultant service agreements, be sure to take advantage of the tools in the Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit.
(It's like the next best thing to having me out there in the field with you, going out on computer consultants sales calls.)
And by the way, if you don’t yet own the Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit and you order yours today, I will be happy to share with you MY personal list of 29 Reasons to Stay in Touch. So you too can have a better, more thorough follow-up process, WITHOUT alienating the prospect.
Remember, you CAN’T just keep calling and asking, "Are you ready to buy yet?"
To get my checklist of 29 VALUE-ADDED reasons for you to stay in touch with your best computer consulting prospects and influencers over an extended period of time, just put a note in the comments field of your Order Form requesting a copy of “29 Reasons to Stay in Touch”
(But fair warning: I don't want too many people getting their hands on this checklist, because it will lessen its value. So we can only honor this offer of parting with “29 Reasons to Stay in Touch” for the next 10 computer consultants to order.)
So you won’t have to worry anymore about losing your best computer consultant prospects to your computer consulting competitors.
Here’s to YOUR great computer consulting success!
Joshua Feinberg, author
Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
Monday, February 21, 2005
How Computer Consultants Close More Sales
5:53 AM
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