Friday, February 18, 2005

Computer Consultants and IT Certifications

If you want to get into small business computer consulting and you're not yet certified, don't delay on account of having no certifications.

Otherwise, six weeks, six months or even more can pass...

and yes, you will have some pretty impressive certificates to hang on your office wall
(which clients most likely won't even visit)

...and you'll pick up some equally impressive-sounding initials to attach after the last-name comma on your business card.

But you still won't have any paying clients.

And let's call it as it is
...without paying clients, you don't have a business.

So, my advice, while you work on selling and servicing your first few clients, put some time aside to at least get an entry-level certification... which can be a great confidence booster if nothing else.

But by all means, don't let a lack of certifications hold you back from getting started in computer consulting.

In small business computer consulting, good "people" skills, solid technical skills and great references often count for MUCH more than just an impressive sounding credential on your business card.

So if you'd like to get out of the making-excuses business, and actually start profiting more fully from small business computer consulting, you should definitely get my step-by-step roadmap and start today. As a good starting point, be sure to listen to 5 Easy Way sto Grow Your Computer Consulting Business (a free 1 hour training audio) available online right now at

Best regards,
Joshua Feinberg
author of Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit


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