Monday, February 14, 2005

Computer Consulting for "Big" Small Businesses

So now that we've addressed Computer Consulting for Micro Small Businesses and Computer Consulting for Sweet Spot Small Businesses, it's time to turn our attention to the next rung up on the ladder....

Computer Consulting for "Big" Small Businesses, or what many even consider tiny medium-sized or mid-sized businesses.

These next size up the account-sophistication-ladder is generally characterized by

  • 50-250 PC's,
  • 3 or more servers, and
  • multiple locations.

(As a side-note, when Microsoft(r) released its Small Business Server(r) (SBS) 2003 suite, it upped the ante to a maximum of75 workstations on a single SBS network. So if your computer consultant businesses focuses on Microsoft Windows'(r) related platforms, bear that 75 workstation limit in mind.)

At this size, you're going to meet true dedicated IT managers with impressive professional IT credentials.

The IT manager (and perhaps a small IT department) will almost always handle the "generalist" work in-house.

While there are always exceptions, at this size, deep-niched specialists become more in demand than generalists and high-level certifications are much more valued.

(This is where someone will be genuinely impressed if you're triple or quadruple+ certified: Microsoft, Cisco, IBM ,Novell, Check Point, Red Hat, HP, etc.)

Bear in mind ... this is also a much more sophisticated, longer sales cycle and more complex account to manage, which only a small percentage of our customers choose to even get involvedwith.

To learn more about the distinctions between the different levels of small business computer consulting (by size), be sure to listen to 5 Easy Ways to Grow Your ComputerConsulting Business (a free 1 hour training audio) available online right now at

Best regards,

Joshua Feinberg

author of Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit


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