The second Internet Guide: is overloaded? CTS, CLS and CLR, respectively, be interpreted?4. List know about your performance and the practical application of XML types and reference types 5.value the difference? Write a C # sample source code. in which everyday objects? Describe, respectively. 7. How to understand the commission? 8.C # interfaces and classes in what similarities and differences. 9 .. net in which classes are used to read and write database needs? Their connections and TCP connection function 10.UDP the similarities and differences. Body:
Want to become. Net engineer? Consider the following 20 questions you can answer how much road?
1. OO What are the main ideas?
2. What is. Net user control in the
3. What is the actual use of application domain? What is regulated? What is a strong category?What is boxing and unboxing? What is overloading? CTS, CLS and CLR, respectively, be interpreted?
4. List know about your performance and the practical application of XML
5.value categories and reference category is the difference? Write a C # sample source code. in which everyday objects? Describe, respectively.
7. How to understand the commission?
8.C # interfaces and classes in what similarities and differences.
9 .. net which classes are used in reading and writing needs? Their function
10.UDP connections and similarities and differences between TCP connections. authentication methods are there? What were thinking?
12. Processes and threads, respectively, how to understand?
13. What is the code-Behind performance.
14. Gathering the list of features.
15 .. net class to read and write XML, which all belong to the namespace?
16. Explain UDDI, WSDL meaning and function.
17. What is SOAP, what practical use.
18. How to deploy one ASP.netPAGE.
19. How to understand. Net recovery mechanism in the Junk.
20. Everyday tips for calling webservice What?
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