With all the clamor about apps for smartphones, I too have been on the hunt for unique applications that run on on my Blackberry Curve that make me more productive. One of the apps that I had been looking for, for some time is the ability to print from my Blackberry Curve. If you are like me you probably get lots of emails and every once in awhile you may have a need to print your emails or a picture from your BlackBerry. Well about two weeks ago I did a search on the web for printing solutions on the BlackBerry and found out about a solution called Tazzle It I was excited to see that in addition to allowing me to print my emails, I could also view emails, and send pictures to my computer and printer.
So let me share with you my experience when I received my Tazzle IT just today. Before I start, I would like to thanks Bruce at Tazzle IT for sending me a review unit. The Tazzle IT device is a small USB dongle that plugs into your USB port and communicates via Bluetooth to your BlackBerry phone. To get started using Tazzle IT. I downloaded the most current version of the Tazzle IT Desktop Software to my laptop and did the installation which went smoothly. The installation wizard moved through the process and directed me when to plug in the Tazzle IT device. Once I did, I was able to name the Tazzle IT device and select a PIN number that would be used during the Bluetooth pairing process. Step 2- I went to the Tazzle IT website and entered my email address and cell phone number so that I could over the air get a link on my BlackBerry to download the Tazzle IT app for my BlackBerry. Seconds later my email arrived from support with the link and I was off and running downloading the Tazzle IT app. Once the Tazzle IT app was installed on my BlackBerry I did the initial pairing and I was off and running.
Now the moment of truth. I launched the Tazzle IT app on my BlackBerry and on my laptop. Once you launch the Tazzle IT application on your laptop you have three different options when sending files from your BlackBerry, you can View, Print, and Save. So for example if you want to view a large email on your computer rather than have to read it on your BlackBerry you can select the View option, and from your Blackberry menu low and behold you will see a couple of new commands; Tazzle Mail as DOC and Tazzle Mail to Browser. If you select Tazzle Mail as Doc your email message will open within Microsoft Word. If for some reason you don't have Word you can select Tazzle Mail to Browser and your email will open within your default Browser. It is very cool to see your email sent so quickly and appear on your computer within seconds. If you choose the Print option from the Tazzle desktop app your email will automatically get routed to the default printer ready for you to pick up. Sending picture files from your BlackBerry is a snap with Tazzle IT and a great way to move them off of your BlackBerry to be printed out.
Tazzle IT works as advertised and is an easy way to view, send and print files from you BlackBerry through your computer. You will be amazed just how easy Tazzle IT is to use and one of the really nice pluses of this solution is that it is highly portable. If you ever have a need to print something when you are out of your office you can quickly download the Tazzle IT desktop app and send the information you need to the computer to view or print. Tazzle IT comes with a nice small protective case and a lanyard so that you can put it on your key chain and take it wherever you go. Tazzle IT is a wonderful addition to my BlackBerry apps and one I know I will be using to make me more productive! So if you have a chance take a look at Tazzle IT - a truly elegant way to get your contents off your BlackBerry and onto your computer.
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