Could you use some proven sales IT strategies that help you more easily and more rapidly turn your prospects into long-term clients on ongoing support agreements?
If you want to get more clients for your IT business, you need to be able to effectively and persuasively overcome prospect sales objections. In order to do this, you need to turn the tables on your prospective clients and ask questions that make them decide on their own that they need your help. Because after all, don't most ideas sound better when they are "your" ideas?!?
Now in order for your sales IT strategies to be successful, you need to convince your prospects that what you are trying to sell is both crucial and urgent. The following 3 tips can help prospective clients overcome their own objections and get on the road to being great new clients for the long-haul.
1. Suggest Potential Problems to Your Prospects. In order to get your sales IT strategy to work with potential clients, you need to set up in their minds that there are some potential problems with their current systems that they simply aren't aware of. You need to ask questions that will get them thinking. “When was most of our system infrastructure installed?” “How long ago was that and who did the work?” “Is that person or company still maintaining the systems?” After you ask these questions, your prospects will start to think, “Gee, it’s been a while since we had these installed, and I don’t even really remember who did it. No one’s been maintaining it for at least the past six months, if not more.” They will start to realize the need for more consistent, responsive, proactive professional support. And of course, if you have some client case studies and testimonial letters to support this all, don't be shy about flaunting your credibility enhancers.
2. Ask Questions about Maintenance. The next part of getting your clients to do the work with your sales IT strategy is asking questions about how often their systems are maintained. These questions will help you get a better idea of the current condition of their computers and technology assets, while also showing prospects that they are more disorganized than they believed and need your expertise. You have to rattle their cage a little, get them to second-guess their previous judgment and become a little bit borderline-obsesses about rectifying this severe oversight on their part. “What kind of maintenance is done and how often is it done?” “Do you have a log showing the maintenance activities and routine support requests?” “Do you have any support history, or do you have copies of some support invoices or something similar?” "What kind of encryption is being used?" "What's your automated data backup and restore plan?" "When was the last time your firewall was tested and updated?" "If your office was devastated tomorrow by a tornado, flash flood, or earthquake, could your business survive? Really? How?"
3. Get An Idea of How Many IT Professionals Your Prospects Have Used. To really get your prospects to buy what you’re selling and ease them along the sales IT process, you need to ask about the number of people that have been involved with their systems over the years. If they are like most typical business owners, they have had three or five different companies in the past several years. This means they probably have a very messy IT environment and a much bigger blob of blurred accountability and botched, highly-vulnerable infrastructure than they probably even realize.
In this short article, we talked about 3 sales IT strategies to help you turn the selling process around on your clients, so they can overcome their own sales objections. Learn more proven secrets about creating strong, profitable sales IT strategies that get you steady, high-paying clients now at the attached link.
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