This falls under the categories of, "What Took You So Long?", and "If YOU Don't Promote Yourself, Who Will?"
A couple of weeks ago, after a LONG time in the making, my website is up and running. Take a quick look, if you're so inclined, and let me know what you think of the format. Now, it just opened so I don't have a lot of material in it, yet. I am hopeful that I'll get to spend some quality hours this summer working on rectifying that.
But, the purpose is to make it known that, while I say I'm "retired" that doesn't mean that I'm sitting on a rocking chair on the front porch at the cabin all day. I work at this stuff because I eat it up. I've had a career in education, from k-12 vocal music classes, to high school programming classes and Internet classes, and even middle school computer classes. And, I've been teaching adult computer classes since 1985. I love it.
Anyway, I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts on the site. Stop by to check it out, then you can use the Contact Us (well, it's just ME) web form.
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