Michelle Krill's post pointed us to this blog where students will discuss the book, "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", by Brian Selznick. This is such a neat idea for these kids, I think. Here is how the teacher, Erik Wittmer, introduces the project on the blog:
"Hello. Would you like to join us for our 2009 The Invention of Hugo Book Blog Project? This is the first year of this project but we have many great ideas planned. We are scheduled to do the book blog project between February 23 through April 3rd.
If you would like to join us - either an entire class, just yourself, a couple of students would love to read, etc. - just e-mail Erik Wittmer at ..."
This sounds like such fun. Do you know someone who is reading or had read that book? Maybe your son or daughter would like to join in. Send this post to your favorite 4th grade teacher. I'm sure the more the merrier. This will be fun to watch.
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