Ever since the computer became a common place item in every household all over the world, antivirus software has become a necessity. Of course with such increasing demands for it, many software making companies are taking advantage and developing more and more antivirus engines for use in any electronic device that might need it. Choosing one that is suited to your needs is not easy due to the fact that there are plenty of options and all claim to be the best. However, for those who are on a budget or are looking for something easy on the pockets, free antivirus software is their only option. Even then, the choices are quite numerous. Your best bet in finding the best free antivirus software is to read free antivirus software reviews. I know, I know, you're thinking that these antivirus softwares must be no good when compared to the ones that you have to purchase. In a way, you are correct. However, many of these free antivirus softwares actually provide great protection.
Here's some free antivirus software reviews for you, based on the comments of people who have tried it for themselves.
1. AOL Active Virus Shield (Kaspersky Antivirus)
- This is an antivirus which was based on the leading paid antivirus program, the Kaspersky Antivirus Ver.6. It offers the best detection rates and updates itself frequently just as one would expect from Kaspersky products.
2. Avira AntiVir Personal Edition
- Installation was painless and the user interface has been improved since the release of the last version. The options are displayed in a very organized way, making it easy for the user to try it all as well as to switch to the "expert mode".
3. AVG Antivirus Free Edition
- Considered by many to be the most configurable of all the free antivirus softwares available in the internet. Though the variety of the choices might confuse first time users, it is still arguably the best when it comes to protection for your pc.
4. eTrust EZ Antivirus
- Although not completely free as it is only available for a 1 year trial from the Computer Associates site, it is still among the easiest to install as well as to maintain among all the antivirus softwares. The user interface is very easy to understand and it also provides the user with the necessary information and even links out to other resources in the event that it is necessary.
5. Avast 4 Home Edition
- This antivirus is among the most rich in terms of features when compared to other free antivirus software. It monitors many of the overlooked potential virus entry points such as through your mail and through instant messengers. It is also very configurable and would provide the user with many great features such as the antivirus screensaver which would run the virus scan while your screensaver is active.
So there you have it folks, five of the free antivirus software reviews that would help you in choosing free antivirus software that would meet all your standards as well as your computer's needs. Remember, just because its free it doesn't mean they are no good.
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