How can providing outstanding business IT services through virtual IT benefit you as a consulting firm? Well, most successful small business computer consultants position their companies as virtual IT departments because it gives them stady business that benefits both them and their clients.
Virtual IT and providing business IT services is about being an outsourced IT department. Instead of selling merely PCs to customers and clients or servers, routers, Wi-Fi, cabling and other “commodities,” as a virtual IT professional you spend time selecting and designing networks and looking at real business problems. You devote time to figuring out how to use technology to solve business problems and to being a part-time IT manager – a virtual CIO.
A Definition of Business IT Services and Virtual IT
Virtual IT is a flexible and sophisticated technical services program that gives small businesses what they need and when they need it in terms of IT help without the overhead cost of full-time, salaried IT staff.
Providing Virtual IT to Clients
In order to successfully deliver business IT services in a way that will help you profit you need to figure out how to spot opportunities and what typical business solutions will resemble. Ask yourself which types of services you can sell to existing and future clients and also what other opportunities might exist for you.
Grow Relationships
In order to continue to provide excellent business IT services and add value to both your existing customers and clients and new customers and clients, you need to start building relationships. Relationships are at the heart of your business. You have to go beyond selling the initial network installation, getting it installed, walking out and hoping everything works.
You can’t wait for customers and clients to call you. You need to proactively provide business IT services on an on-going basis to avoid major emergencies. When you provide virtual IT services, your business gets more profitable and you and your customers have less worries.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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