Sometimes your IT marketing strategies won’t give you the results you need. There are some common mistakes you can avoid with postcards that can help you maximize your success.
IT Marketing: The Postcard Story
A consultant sent out over 300 postcards offering general troubleshooting services, automated online data backup and wireless home networks. In terms of IT marketing, this consultant purchased lists of area businesses broken down by revenue, credit rating, years in business and # of PCs. The wireless home networks went to homeowners that were over $500,000 in purchase prices and the automated online data backup went to those that had a recent new business license. The general services postcards went to accountants, lawyers and small clinics.
The consultant reported not a single phone call or response of any kind. He wonders, “Are these the wrong lists? Are postcards the wrong media?”
IT Marketing and Expectations with Postcards
First of all, 300 postcards is not a lot. You need to send enough to give you a good guess on statistics but not too much so that you use your entire IT marketing budget in one shot. However, you can’t think that you are going to spend $180 (at 60 cents per unit) sending out 300 postcards and for this investment get rich.
What Your Postcards Should Include
The truth is, if you got results like those cited by the consultant above, you are probably not using the wrong lists. But you might be using bad copy. What are you offering? Do you have a good headline? Did you hit their painful points, use a deadline and use a compelling offer to get them to respond?
The truth is, postcards are not the wrong media for your IT marketing campaign. Postcards are great because your prospects don’t have to open anything and can more easily make a decision.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit
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