I was thinking about all of the options we have today to put up slide presentations on the web that were just not possible a couple of months ago and thought it would be helpful to do post on them. One of the really exciting areas with Web 2.0 is being able to share and post our ideas on the web. There are lots of options and I wanted to highlight some of them. One of the sites which I have used is Slideshare. Slideshare lets you upload PowerPoint (.ppt) and PDF (.pdf) and OpenOffice (.opd) files which you then share with others. Slideshare makes it easy to post or embed your slideshow to a blog. Slideshare is very easy to use and registration is free. Another option is using Google Presentation, you can register for a free account and be up an running in no time. With Google Presentation you can choose to upload your PowerPoint presentation or you can start from scratch and create one right from within Google Presentation. You do not have all the bells and whistles of PowerPoint like
transitions or animation but you do have the benefit of being able to share it with anyone connected to the web. I have begun to upload some of my PowerPoint presentations on Google and use it when I ma presenting. One of the advantages of Google Presentations is the ability to invite others to be collaborators. It is a great tool for group work in an out of the classroom. If you want you can also share your PowerPoint so that the recipient is just invited to be a viewer and can't make any edits or changes in your slide presentation.
Lastly, you can also use sPresent which lets you create presentations from scratch. sPresent is a Flash based application and has some very stunning features. It is easy to add images, buttons, charts, hyperlinks, and sound to your sPresentations. Once you have created your presentation it is easy to embed your presentation or email it to whomever you would like. Give each of them a try and let me know what you think.
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