Testimonials are a critical part of your IT marketing campaign and can help you sell your business when used to their fullest.
Credibility is Essential to IT Marketing
If you want to have strong testimonials that lend to your credibility, they have to be real. This means they need to have a first name, last name, job title, company name and a city and state (at minimum).
Having real testimonials help you be more believable. People are going to believe third parties with no vested interest in your company more than they will believe your self-created IT marketing materials.
What Should Be Included in Testimonials?
Testimonials need to stress benefits to clients and be on clients’ letterhead. They should talk about how your company has helped them and give specific examples that include commentary on the following items: information on ROI; your company’s dependability and reliability; your response to emergencies; your understanding of specific business needs; your ability to work within time and budgetary constraints.
How Do You Get Testimonials?
1. Interview clients and guide them with specific questions.
2. Draft suggested testimonials and e-mail them to clients, then get them to put them on their company letterhead and sign off on them.
3. Put together five or six suggested bullet points for them to address in their testimonials (set it up like a survey).
4. Take clients out to lunch or breakfast and conduct an interview. Take notes, go back to your office, type it up, email it and then ask clients to review it and make sure it accurately reflects the conversation. Then get clients to put it on their letterhead.
The Bottom Line about IT Marketing and Testimonials
If you make the process of creating testimonials easy for prospects, you can get all the IT marketing materials you need.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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