Years ago, and some of you will remember exactly the year in a moment, I had a student who was a BIG TIME fan of Stevie Ray Vaughan. I taught in our relatively new Mac lab, at the time, and we were big into Hypercard and scanning into cards, and inserting sound files, etc - this was pre-windows, so it was only possible on the Macs.
When Stevie was killed in .. a car crash, was it?... this student took it very hard. He came in during his study halls and stayed after school and he made a hypercard stack tribute to SRV. Very well done. A work from the heart. I suppose it was his way of grieving and of finding some closure, as he truly was a big fan.
That was then. Today we've got fancier tools but they're often used for the same reasons. Take, for example, this tribute video to Kurt Vonnegut, Jr on YouTube. (Thanks, Misty) Let go of your thoughts of copyright concerns and just watch and listen. Someone was a very big fan and is missing Mr Vonnegut. Sorta restores your faith in human nature for a bit, doesn't it?
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