Instant of measuringclose and private P2P exchange stock exchangeUpdate of 30.03.2007 on version
Hamachi is free, an VPN application and a new kind of Instant of measuringclose. It unites the maintenance with friends, in addition, data exchange, like one it from the large ones of the industry knows itself (eMule, KaZaAa etc.). Hamachi stands simply expressed for LAN over Internet.
Even with soft and hardware Firewall (rout) the exchange of data with other computers is problem-free possible.
Naturally one must become thereby no Filesharer, one can. Likewise one can operate Desktop Remoting or lead evenly simply a nice maintenance with friends. Furthermore the Multigaming is feasible, speaks the friend A loads the Game and the others, means Hamachi linked friends, plays a round also.
Data exchange is coded and is considered as safe! Details to the topic and the Download give it directly with Hamachi.
With the first start of the program one receives a personal identification this can one now to its friends convey and it can loose-goes…
The whole is not based on the mass file sharing! Nobody, which you add not expressly, can access your computer. Hamachi is thus meant for friends and acquaintance, who would like to exchange aimed data, pictures and hopefully legal music or films!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Hamachi - Instant of measuringclose and private P2P exchange stock exchange - new version
1:06 AM
ari sari
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