Referral programs can help grow your network consulting company. Referral programs offer service credits to special clients that bring new business to you. A good referral program will encourage your clients to pass your name along to their acquaintances and business partners by providing them with unparalleled benefits. Referral programs, such as the following can typically improve your business response rate:
1. Give satisfied customers fliers describing referral programs you have, such as the following programs:
a. Explain to them you are eager to help friends of theirs with computer problems. Tell the clients that they can earn service credits by referring friends, family members and business associates to your firm.
b. Tell clients that part of your referral program involves sending prospects they refer a certificate for 10% off a first service visit. When the friend uses the certificate, say you will give the clients a $100 service credit to their account. Of course, thank them for their loyal business.
2. Mail out a clear description of your referral program to inactive clients as well as other business contacts.
3. Send a referral program mailing every 90 days to remind clients without overwhelming.
4. Add a line to your e-mail signature with a promotional blurb about your referral program.
5. Clients might feel strange about accepting a reward from you as part of a referral program, so don’t be apologetic about it. They will see referrals as a fair way to reward you for your hard work. You might, instead of other types of referrals make a donation to a local charity or bring them chocolates, send them flowers or provide with other types of appreciative gifts.
Good referral programs will motivate clients and contacts to send you business. Since the most successful marketing comes from other people, the more you can get your clients talking about the work you do in a positive light, the better off your business will be.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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