Your business inputs establish your business income. A lot of times those starting out in the computer consulting business want to be able to gauge what they will make in the first year. They base their business decisions on income.
The truth is, you can’t know exactly how much you’re going to make because your business income depends on many different and unpredictable variables. However, you can control these variables. The following questions can help you plan to maximize your business income:
1. What is your schooling and work experience?
2. Are you selective when you choose clients? If you just take anyone on as a client, you might end up working with people that have huge problems and can make your job very difficult. The business income in this case becomes too much trouble.
3. What is your personality and temperament? You need to remain calm and professional, which means you need to think about whether or not you are easily irritated and stressed with clients or in general.
4. How much time do you spend on sales calls? You will need to be able to spend enough time on sales if you expect to earn a good business income.
5. Are you good with following up? The sales call and initial consultation is just the beginning of a longer relationship, and you can lose business without follow-up.
6. Is your marketing strategy aggressive? The more strategies you use, the more reach you will have.
7. Are your business partnerships with other advisers strong? These relationships are very important if you want to maximize your business income from both a marketing perspective and a knowledge- and wisdom-gained perspective.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101
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