Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Web 2.0

As I scour the Internet for new applications I am amazed by all of the new Web 2.0 developments and can only imagine what the future holds. A lot of venture capital is now being invested in some of these new companies looking for the next Google. In my travels I came across this wonderfully crafted site that has aggregated new and upcoming Web 2.0 companies. Take a look at www.go2web20.net to get a sense of what is happening on the Web 2.0 front.

If you haven't already used it Google has integrated Writely and their Spreadsheet application on the web. This is just a glimpse of what is possible-just imagine access to a word processor and spreadsheet wherever you are. Just add a text to speech and their you have it a talking word processor over the web. Better yet, you can collaborate on your documents by giving others permission to share your documents. I

In the drawing realm you could access Gliffy and have at your disposal an easy to use drawing and design application . It is easy to create flow charts and simple diagrams using the application on the web.

These are just a couple of applications that give you a glimpse of what is to happen as the Internet gets faster. Just for fun go to Springdoo and send someone a audio or video email. The future is exciting as more and more companies begin to weave their applications on the web.

[TIPS] another great pumpkin carving site

I almost forgot about this one. ANother truly amazing collection of pumpkin carvings.

[TIPS] Halloween sites 2 C

Oh... sorry. Didn't really mean to scare you. :-) But hey.. 'tis the season, no?
Speaking of the season, this tip is a reminder about an oldie but a goodie for Halloween clipart. http://www.halloween-clipart.com has to be the BEST clipart site for this kind of stuff EVER. Great little animations, backgrounds, signs... much more. When viewing them, but sure to notice the Next button under the table containing the images or you'll miss most of them.
Then there's this site: http://www.villafanestudios.com/pumpkins.htm  I've sent out sites before that had great pumpkin carvings, but I think this one tops them all. Amazing! What talented people there are in the world.
Today's topics include: "Not Just for Kids: Using Social Software to Create Community among Teachers and Provide Sustained Professional Development",
"Its a Small World After All!", "No Teacher Left Behind - The Urgency Of Web 2.0?, "Glow: Lighting Up Learning in Scotland"
If you haven't yet watched any of these presentations then you're in for a treat. For the most part they are VERY well done and they give practical advice and tips.


Monday, October 30, 2006

[TIPS] Back to school with WEb 2.0- - Part 3

This is the third in the series of "don't-miss" articles about how the new web 2.0 tools are impacting - or COULD BE impacting - our schools. If you missed the previous two parts, the links to those are along the right side.
Consider this professional development and read all three parts.
- - k12OnlineConference Update - - -
The two threads this week are "Professional Development" and "Overcoming Obstacles". Check out this week's offereings at http://k12onlineconference.org

Sunday, October 29, 2006

What Should You Seek Out in Contact Management Systems?

Contact management systems can help you manage the effectiveness of the marketing strategies you use. Why put together a haphazard spreadsheet to track contacts when you can use contact management systems that can do more complex fork for you?

Your first job when starting a business is development of the business, not software development. Don’t spend time custom-designing contact management systems when you could be getting more contacts.


You can spend over $25,000 on a complex contact management system if you want to, but what you spend it not as critical as the amount of time you spend using the system. Most products work well off the shelf, but there are two that stand out – ACT and Goldmine. What’s the difference?

1. ACT is just over $230 and offers PDA links as well as a version that is usable online.

2. Goldmine is second to ACT in popularity and is a type of contact management system with similar features but at a less expensive $200.

Maximizer and Sales Force are also useful contact management systems. Sales Force sports a free online service or a more expensive Team Edition online service for $1000 annually.


You should look for import and export capability from the following Microsoft formats: Word; Excel; Outlook. Also look for links to PDAs, accounting software and packages that offer the best client server online solutions.

Contact management systems are incredibly useful, but only if you use them. Research products before purchasing and make a commitment to use them properly so you can best track the effectiveness of your marketing strategeis.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sales Calls Are More Than Just Selling

Sales calls can be exciting, but extremely stressful. While as a new business owner you may be tempted to focus on the sales angle of the sales calls, you need to focus just as much on the information you’re getting.

Prior to a sales call, you should have done your homework about the prospect’s business. Find out how many computer users the company has, the number of computer systems, software applications, types of operating systems and their general problems.

How can you make the most of a sales call?


The sales call is about the prospect, and not you. Let them speak, vent and reveal information that will help you make the sale.


You can’t rely on your memory in a sales call. If you have a pen or pencil and paper, you will appear professional, interested and you will help yourself keep track of valuable information.


Do you want this prospect as a client? Not every sales call will lead to a client, so look for unrealistic expectations, nasty personalities and lack of focus and direction when you are on a sales call.


The sales call can help you figure out how long the prospect’s problem has been an issue, how it has affected the business and how bad the problem is.


Find out what support the prospect currently receives to manage systems. This is a critical question to have answered during a sales call. Also find out past supporters of the system to help you gauge the prospect’s ability for long-term relationships.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit

Other Blogs of Interest

One of the highlights of going to conferences like Closing the Gap is having a chance to sit down with your colleagues and find out how they are using various technologies to meet the needs of students with disabilities. At closing the Gap I had a chance to chat with Lucy, Brian, Nora, Kirk, and David and was just amazed at how they are using technology.

Some of my colleagues have some wonderful blogs which should be of interest to use.

Lucy Gray is an Apple Distinguished Educator from Chicago and has some wonderful ideas about using technology with students. Lucy's blog can be found at: http://elemenous.typepad.com/weblog/2006/10/friday_5_found_.html

Brian W. Wojcik, Nora Bardi, Kirk Behnke, and Dave Hohulin did a presentation about

Blogs, Wiki's, Webcasts, Etc. - New Tools for Students with Disabilities at

Closing the Gap which you should find interesting. Here is their link:

Friday, October 27, 2006

Very new, very active, very impressive!...

A quick note to make a reference to a new IBM Informix dedicated site.
It's called Informix Zone ( http://informix-zone.com/ ) and it's maintained by Eric Herber, but it's a cooperative site. You can sign in and give him an hand.

The site is very active, and this seems to reflect all the excitement surrounding IDS technology that keeps increasing, fuelled by IBM investment it this technology.

Keep an open eye on this!

When 'Exclusive' is not really exclusive...

One situation that can really annoy an IBM Informix DBA happens when you're trying to ALTER TABLE [...] and you get the error "Non exclusive access when executing a DDL...". You then think... "Oh... I'll lock it in exclusive mode"... And after killling some sessions, setting the lock mode to WAIT and opening a transaction you get the desired 'exclusive' lock. Then you try the ALTER TABLE again and what happens? The same error! How can it be you ask?! Read on...

First let me say that this same subject is referenced in one of the many technical support articles. The link is here. Why am I writing this then? Well, because I think there's a bit more than what the article says... But please understand that everyhing in that article is correct, and that it solves the problem in most cases.

Let's start by making a few points:
  1. When you set the exclusive lock on a table using "BEGIN WORK; LOCK TABLE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE you don't prevent sessions with DIRTY READ isolation level from accessing the table
  2. In order to do an ALTER TABLE on a table, you need exclusive access on a different level. The fact that no one (besides dirty readers) can't read data from the table is not enough. There must be no references to the table structure. This is on a lower level than the SQL layer. This means for example that there can be no open cursors, no prepared statements using the table, and there can be no sessions waiting for the lock you establish. If for example at time T0 you get the exclusive lock, and before you make the ALTER TABLE, at T1, a session in LOCK MODE WAIT tries to SELECT FROM THE TABLE, this session will have a reference to the table. At T2 when you give the ALTER command, you won't be able to execute it. This needs a very precise timming to happen, but it can be easy when you're dealing with an "hot" table

For the first situation, our friends at R&D have come up with a solution, documented in the already mentioned article. There is an otherwise undocumented variable called IFX_DIRRTY_WAIT which allows us to specify a maximum number of seconds that we will wait for DIRTY READERS to release the table structure. This will also prevent new sessions to attach to the table structure.
So, two things can happen. If the ammount of time specified in IFX_DIRTY_WAIT is enough to let all dirty readers to complete their jobs, your ALTER TABLE statement will wait for a while and successfuly execute after the last one ends their reads. Otherwise, if there are still any dirty reader after the timeout, you'll get the normal error. In this case you'll have to increase the value you put in IFX_DIRTY_WAIT or use the time to kill some sessions.

But this won't solve the second situation. For this you will have to find what sessions have references to the table and close them. And if you have a "wild" environment where you can't stop sessions from popping up, and many of this sessions make references to the table, you'll also need a way to stop this new sessions from using the table. I had cases where I checked which sessions were preventing me from doing the DDL and closed them. But when I retried the ALTER, there were already other sessions with references to the table. So, how can we find which session has a reference to a table?

> ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -g opn

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 00:43:22 -- 87776 Kbytes
tid rstcb isfd op_mode op_flags partnum ucount ocount lockmode
39 0x477bf4c8 0 0x00000400 0x00000397 0x00100071 2 2 0
39 0x477bf4c8 1 0x00000002 0x00000003 0x00100071 2 2 0
39 0x477bf4c8 3 0x00000408 0x00000017 0x001000a3 1 1 0

Err... and now? Well, as you can see you have a column called "partnum", and another with the "rstcb". Knowing the tablename allows you to find out the partnum (and vice-versa) by looking at sysmaster:systabnames.

[informix@PacMan ~]$ dbaccess sysmaster -

Database selected.

> select hex(partnum), tabname, dbsname from systabnames where partnum = '0x001000a3';

(expression) 0x001000A3
tabname customer
dbsname stores_demo

1 row(s) retrieved.

And you can find the session ID from the "rstcb", using something like:

[informix@PacMan ~]$ onstat -u | grep 477bf4c8
477bf4c8 Y--P--- 21 informix 2 482d71a8 0 1 0 0
[informix@PacMan ~]$ onstat -g sql 21

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 00:48:19 -- 87776 Kbytes

Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
21 SELECT stores_demo NL Not Wait 0 0 9.03 Off

Current statement name : slctcur

Current SQL statement :
select * from customer

As long as session 21 continues to reference the table structure you won't be able to issue any ALTER TABLE on customer table, even after being able to lock it:

[informix@PacMan ~]$ dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.

> begin work;

Started transaction.

> lock table customer in exclusive mode;

Table locked.

> alter table customer add (dummy_col char);

242: Could not open database table (informix.customer).

106: ISAM error: non-exclusive access.
Error in line 1
Near character position 40

So, this are the basics to find which sessions are referencing a specific table. But I really don't want to see anybody messing around with a lot of onstat commands, greps etc. I've already wrote a script which can do all this. It's called ixtableuse and it will be available soon.

So, by now, we have ways to handle dirty readers and to find out the sessions referencing the tables. We only need a way to prevent new sessions from getting references while we clear the ones we identified. How can we do this? Well... using a dirty trick... All the sessions trying to access a table somehow will have to read it's record from the systables table. Yes... that's it... If somehow we lock that record also, the sessions in LOCK MODE WAIT will get stuck on this systables record, before they open the table in question. How can we lock a record on systables? For example by GRANTing that table some dummy privilege.

So, let's see how to do some DDL on a very "hot" table in a "wild" environment.
In session 1 (the session where you want to ALTER TABLE):

> #the above will take care of dirty readers...
> [informix@PacMan ~]$ dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.

> set lock mode to wait;

Lockmode set.

> begin work;

Started transaction.

> grant select on customer to dummy_user;

Permission granted.

> lock table customer in exclusive mode;

Table locked.
After this, if you try to access the table from another session in default isolation and lock mode you'll get:

ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.

> select * from customer;

211: Cannot read system catalog (systables).

107: ISAM error: record is locked.
Error in line 1
Near character position 22

Note that the error refers to systables, not the table customer.

Back to session 1:

> alter table customer add (dummy_col char);

242: Could not open database table (informix.customer).

106: ISAM error: non-exclusive access.
Error in line 1
Near character position 40

Why?! Well, the initial session that ended the select * from customer statement is still referencing the table. You can see how many "users" are referencing it using another onstat:

> ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -t

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:22:31 -- 87776 Kbytes

n address flgs ucnt tblnum physaddr npages nused npdata nrows nextns
4 477f8d38 0 1 100001 1:14 250 250 0 0 1
30 47de1018 0 2 100071 1:126 16 11 5 65 2
80 47e6f018 0 2 1000a3 1:176 8 3 2 28 1
3 active, 108 total

This can be cleared by an onmode -z or a kill to the client process:

onmode -z 21

And again:

ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -t

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:24:52 -- 87776 Kbytes

n address flgs ucnt tblnum physaddr npages nused npdata nrows nextns
4 477f8d38 0 1 100001 1:14 250 250 0 0 1
30 47de1018 0 1 100071 1:126 16 11 5 65 2
80 47e6f018 0 1 1000a3 1:176 8 3 2 28 1

Only one ucnt for the table... We can now ALTER the table... but what happens when the user who got the error on systables retries with anothe LOCK MODE? Check it:

ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.

> set lock mode to wait;

Lockmode set.

> select * from customer;

He gets stuck... where?:

ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -u

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:30:03 -- 87776 Kbytes

address flags sessid user tty wait tout locks nreads nwrites
477be018 ---P--D 1 informix - 0 0 0 30 42
477be544 ---P--F 0 informix - 0 0 0 0 682
477bea70 ---P--- 7 informix - 0 0 0 0 0
477bef9c ---P--B 8 informix - 0 0 0 0 0
477bf9f4 Y--P--D 14 informix - 4407d574 0 0 0 0
477bff20 ---P--D 11 informix - 0 0 0 0 0
477c044c Y-BP--- 43 informix 4 47f706d0 0 10 0 0
477c0978 L--PR-- 45 informix 5 440d03c4 -1 1 0 0
8 active, 128 total, 18 maximum concurrent

ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -k

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:30:06 -- 87776 Kbytes

address wtlist owner lklist type tblsnum rowid key#/bsiz
440d0314 0 477c0978 0 HDR+S 100002 204 0
440d036c 0 477c044c 440d057c HDR+IX 100074 0 0
440d03c4 477c0978 477c044c 440d04cc HDR+X 100071 80b 0
440d041c 0 477c044c 440d036c HDR+X 100074 911 0
440d0474 0 477c044c 440d041c HDR+X 100074 911 K- 1
440d04cc 0 477c044c 440d0524 HDR+IX 100071 0 0
440d0524 0 477c044c 440d0474 HDR+X 100074 911 K- 2
440d057c 0 477c044c 0 S 100002 204 0
440d05d4 0 477c044c 440d03c4 HDR+X 1000a3 0 0
440d062c 0 477c044c 440d05d4 HDR+U 100071 80c 0
440d0684 0 477c044c 440d062c HDR+U 100071 903 0
11 active, 10000 total, 16384 hash buckets, 0 lock table overflows
ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -u | grep 477c0978
477c0978 L--PR-- 45 informix 5 440d03c4 -1 1 0 0
ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -u | grep 477c044c
477c044c Y-BP--- 43 informix 4 47f706d0 0 10 0 0
ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -g sql 45

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:30:44 -- 87776 Kbytes

Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
45 SELECT stores_demo CR Wait 0 0 9.03 Off

Current SQL statement :
select * from customer

Last parsed SQL statement :
select * from customer

ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -g sql 43

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:30:47 -- 87776 Kbytes

Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
43 - stores_demo CR Wait 0 0 9.03 Off

Last parsed SQL statement :
alter table customer add (dummy_col char)

> ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> dbaccess sysmaster -

Database selected.

> select hex(partnum), tabname, dbsname from systabnames where partnum = '0x100071';

(expression) 0x00100071
tabname systables
dbsname stores_demo

1 row(s) retrieved.

He is waiting on the lock you got on systables, and this prevents his session from grabbing a reference to the table structure:

> ideiafix@PacMan.domus.online.pt:informix-> onstat -t

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC5 -- On-Line -- Up 01:34:12 -- 87776 Kbytes

n address flgs ucnt tblnum physaddr npages nused npdata nrows nextns
4 477f8d38 0 1 100001 1:14 250 250 0 0 1
30 47de1018 0 2 100071 1:126 16 11 5 65 2
80 47e6f018 0 1 1000a3 1:176 8 3 2 28 1

so you can complete your work (back to session 1):

> alter table customer add (dummy_col char);

Table altered.

> revoke select on customer from dummy_user;

Permission revoked.

> commit work;

Data committed.

And after this, the waiting session will continue:


customer_num 128
fname Frank
lname Lessor
company Phoenix University
address1 Athletic Department
address2 1817 N. Thomas Road
city Phoenix
state AZ
zipcode 85008
phone 602-533-1817

28 row(s) retrieved.

Please, remember to include the REVOKE...

So, this ends the article. To summarize it:
When you need to alter some table structure you'll need more than exclusive lock on the table because you'll need that no more sessions are referencing the table structure. These other sessions can be of two types:

  • Dirty readers - for these set IFX_DIRTY_WAIT=300 in your environment (this will give you at most 300 seconds while you can kill the sessions or simply wait for them to finish)
  • Other sessions with holds on the table structure. These can be sessions in LOCK MODE WAIT [x], that are waiting for your lock (but that already have a reference to the table structure) or sessions with open cursors, prepared statements etc. referencing the table

    For these use:

    -- dummy grant to prevent new sessions from getting holds on the table structure
    GRANT SELECT ON FOR dummy_user;
    -- before continuing use onstat -g opn to identify the sessions with references
    -- and kill them...
    -- clean up the dummy GRANT
    REVOKE SELECT ON FROM dummy_user;

A Good Experience

Just yesterday I had the opportunity to try out video conferencing over Skype with my graduate class in assistive technology. Deb Barrows from Crick Software was gracious enough to come on-line using the video feature found in Skype. For the most part it worked out great-we are having some bandwidth issues on the campus which should be remedied shortly but every once in awhile Deb's voice would break up and go in and out. This was partially fixed by turning off the video stream. Everyone in the class was able to see her as we spoke about Clicker 5 and the just announced Clicker Paint programs. After a short introduction, Deb set up a GotoMeeting session and we were able to share Deb's computer desktop. Deb walked us through creating a Clicker 5 ebook which went extremely well and then she introduced everyone to Clicker Paint. I think that everyone was generally very excited to use this technology and have someone come into the classroom using the Skype setup. Having access to these technologies can transform classrooms and I hope that my graduate students whom themselves are teachers will take the risks and give these technologies a try in their classrooms. Think about all the exciting ways you could use simple video-conferencing in your classrooms. I know that there are a lot of eager teachers who are looking to use these technologies and what a great way to do link classrooms across town or across the continent. Take a look at the iSighted web site for ways to hook up with other teachers who are using webs cams in their classrooms.

[TIPS] more k12onlineconference sessions today

I was under the mistaken impression that there were no more new sessions today. Turns out that there are, and there are some more good titles. Basic/Advanced Training - “Wiki While You Work (Basic)”, “Globally Literate”, “Hardy’s Wessex:
video editing and learning online”, and “Moodling Around: A Virtual Tour (Basic)”. YES!!! One on Moodle!!

Check 'em out

[TIPS] CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder



"CamStudio records activity from your screen and audio from a microphone
into AVI video files and can also convert the AVIs into Streaming Flash
videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer."

Did you see the SourceForge name in the URL? That means Open Source.
Free. Gotta love that, eh?

- - - K12 update - - -
Have you been catching any of the k12online conference? More coming next
week. If you missed the presentations don't worry. They'll be archived
for you to watch later on. Is that a great idea, or what?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Are Children Suffering from "Nature Deficit Disorder"?

Clearly, the more time children spend indoors with technology like video games and television, the less time they're spending outside, getting in touch with nature. Now, studies are suggesting that children are beginning to suffer from "nature deficit disorder," leading to hyperactivity, obesity and attention deficit. These studies point to this as a growing health threat... yet recommend that kids spend more time outdoors to foster their creativity and challenge their intellect.

Source: World Future Society

[TIPS] What happened on YOUR birthday?

Here's a fun thing to get started with your students. Get a list of their birthdays. On the given day send that student to a computer in the library and have him or her visit this site: http://www.paulsadowski.org/BirthDay.asp. (Thanks Barry) There they will enter the date of their birthday and get back all sorts of things that happened on that day. Try it yourself - unless you don't want to be reminded that Eisenhour was President, that is. :-)

- - - k12 update - -
On the agenda today:
“Listening to the voices: student empowerment through collaborative learning projects beyond the school walls”, "RSS for Educators (Advanced)", "Getting to Know FLickr", and this one with the great title, "iPods- iSpeak- iSing- iListen- iLearn”

If you do the RSS one, don't forget to watch the 4 part series from yesterday. ;-)


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mixing and Matching

Today I was working with a middle school student trying to put together a system of tools that could work for him at home. As much I would like to find tools that give students the most coverage for what they need, it often comes down to looking at several different pieces of software to do the trick. Working with the middle school student who has difficulty getting started with writing book reports and essays, it was apparent that looking at programs like Inspiration and Draft:Builder would be great starting points. I showed the student the programs and had him try it out so that I could get his feedback. After using the programs he thought that Draft:Builder could do the trick for him. We next took a look how Dragon Naturally Speaking could integrate with Draft:Builder and I had the student dictate into a Draft:Builder Note-which worked quite well. Between Draft:Builder and Dragon Naturally Speaking we had a real winning combination to support this students writing. I guess if there is a lesson to be learned sometime you need to think out of the box and mix and match your AT.

bits n Bytes online

The latest issue of Bits n Bytes, the newsletter for Tech Services of the CAIU, is now online. I encourage you to check it out. The article on Internet2 is especially good, I think. And then there's my column, of course. :-)

[TIPS] 180 Tech Tips - and the K12Online Conference

That link is to a page that was created by one of PA's Keystones teachers. A tip a day, all archived and easily accessible. Check it out. He did an excellent job, and the tips are easy to follow.
- - k12onlineconference.org update - -
I hope you had a chance to view the presentation yesterday on using a wiki with first graders. Catch her excitement and enthusiasm. Don't forget, wikispaces.com is still giving away free wikis to educators. You should grab one now before too many other teachers catch on to this wiki idea and the free wikis are gone.
What's on today's agenda? "RSS - A Four Part Series" (by some guys you might know), "Publish Your Podcast in Less Than 5 Minutes using Taking It Global.", "Two Way Teaching: An Overview of the Read/Write Web in Education", and "Second Nature - Extending Dialogue in the Blogosphere."
Remember, all these sessions are archived and be accessed long after this conference is over. http://k12onlineconference.org/
Oh... a word to the wise... the file sizes on those movies on RSS are large so be patient as they download. And don't even bother if you're on dialup. I think they may get modified for dialup users sometime soon, though. Don't you think, Kurt? ;-)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


IIUG - International Informix Users Group has made available a version of IDS - Informix Dynamic Server version 10.00xC5.

This version is limited to 5 concurrent sessions, has no "timebomb" and has some legal limitations. It's mainly for educational purposes and can't be used in production environments.

To have access to the download area one has to become an IIUG member. This is free, easy, and you'll have access to some other resources.
If you need to study or want to find out more about IDS, then you shouldn't miss this opportunity.
You're just about 130MB away before you can install, test and learn anything you want about IDS. This is the newest version available and you can download it for several OS (AIX, Solaris and HPUX in 64 bit versions, Linux [x86] and Windows in 32 bit versions)

[TIPS] Using a Wiki in your classroom

I've been talking about wikis for ... a long time.. but I don't hear of many/any teachers in the area who are using them. Perhaps the reason is that they don't feel comfortable enough with the process of wiki'ing (look THAT one up in your Funk and Wagnall!).  Well, this may be just what you need in order to get you started.
This is one of the four presentations from yesterday's k12onlineconference in which Vicki Davis tells how she uses a wiki (a Free wiki from wikispaces) with her classes. Give this a listen and see if it doesn't get you interested in starting one of your own. I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed in the results.
Today's agenda includes the following topics: "Blog if You Love Learning", "Who's Teaching Who? Are We Ready?", "Using Web 2.0 Tools in a Grade One Classroom", "All About Internet Audio" (advanced level), and "TIGed Basics: A Beginners Guide to Social Networking in the Classroom." I encourage you to check them out. Some are very good. Others... aren't. Visit http://k12onlineconference.org/ to get started.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Getting New Clients During IT Business Start-Up

Starting a fresh IT business can be very challenging. Customers rarely come calling without effort, and you will most likely not get first clients that will become long-term, sweet spot clients.

When you start a new business, you won’t have a complete business foundation, and your clientele will be made up of stepping-stone clients. These people will bring in early revenue and help you get your first positive business testimonials.

Six months after IT business start-up, you need to be selective about the clients you get. Earlier, accounts will be smaller than you might like, but you still need to be confident that these early stepping-stone clients will eventually give way to ideal sweet spot clients.

Expect to work with the following items during IT business start-up: LAN audits; MCSC tutoring; training seminars; small peer-to-peer jobs; upgrades; PC tune-ups; some web design; optimization and trouble-shooting with customers.

During IT business start-up, your personal and business network are absolutely critical. Contacts will refer you to small jobs, and as you complete these small jobs well your services will become more widely-known. More referral business will start coming in soon after you start your new business.

Don’t ignore any potential customers during IT business start-up, and don’t get discouraged. IT business start-up is an exercise in patience and perseverance, and any of your small jobs could lead to something larger and more valuable.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit

Wicked Weather May Be in Our Future

Droughts... floods... heat waves... bugs! That's some of what many regions in the world will have more of in the years to come, thanks to global warming.

A study by the National Center for Atmospheric Research has found that the western US, the Mediterranean region and Brazil are especially vulnerable to changing weather patterns brought on by a warmer atmosphere. The results could be longer dry spells followed by torrential rains, as well as deadly heat waves caused by warmer nights that do not allow daytime heat to dissipate. Also, more rain combined with more days with above-freezing temperatures could lead to more insect infestations.

The news, however, is not entirely grim. Many regions of the world will see a longer growing season from a milder climate.

Source: AP (via Breitbart.com)

[TIPS] k12onlineconference starts today

A reminder that the k12 Online Conference begins today at 8:00 AM. Today's topics include two in the category of, "A Week in the Classroom", and two training sessions. I'm especially looking forward to the one entitled, "I didn't know you could Could Do THAT With Free Web Tools." The home page is here: http://k12onlineconference.org/. Why not check it out and then check out the wiki here: http://k12online06.wikispaces.com/
- - - Never too late to sign up - - -
Just an FYI... if someone mentions that they didn't sign up for the new tips list, it's never too late. They can do so at any time. I'm just not going to be reminding you any more. :-)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

CTG 2006 Comments

I am exhausted just getting in from Newark Airport and having spent the week at Closing the Gap. Having a chance to walk the Exhibit Hall and spending lots of time talking to other assistive technology specialists is invigorating. If anything, everyone pushes themselves to the limit and tries to squeeze out every minute learning and talking about our experiences in the field. Having walked the Exhibit Hall, there was lots of new assistive technologies displayed but there were no really big announcements to speak of. Crick Software showed Clicker Paint which I am sure that you will enjoy using with your students, it integrates with Clicker 5 and is truly accessible by mouse, switch or any other access method. Clicker Paint can also be used as a stand alone paint application, It will be a great addition to Clicker 5 when it is released in January. John Crick has done some outstanding programming to make the Clicker Paint a truly accessible tool. Also look for a free upgrade to Clicker 5 in the next couple of weeks. TextHelp released Read & Write Gold on a USB Flash drive which now brings true portability to their full featured assistive technology suite. Likewise, Don Johnston was showing off their recently released Incite videos which is a great way for teachers to help provide students with the background information they need when accessing the curriculum. For teacher working with students with more severe disabilities, SoftTouch just announced the release of Test Me Score Me 2.0 which is a wonderful tool for teachers to have at their disposal for alternate assessment. The program is easy to set up and use and keeps a running record of the students performance. Teachers can use graphics, sound, text and select from many access methods. If you need to design alternate assessment for your students with moderatge to severe disabilites then Take a look at Test Me Score Me 2.0.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Referral Programs: How to Build Incentives in Order to Improve Quality and Quantity of Referrals

Referral programs can help grow your network consulting company. Referral programs offer service credits to special clients that bring new business to you. A good referral program will encourage your clients to pass your name along to their acquaintances and business partners by providing them with unparalleled benefits. Referral programs, such as the following can typically improve your business response rate:

1. Give satisfied customers fliers describing referral programs you have, such as the following programs:

a. Explain to them you are eager to help friends of theirs with computer problems. Tell the clients that they can earn service credits by referring friends, family members and business associates to your firm.

b. Tell clients that part of your referral program involves sending prospects they refer a certificate for 10% off a first service visit. When the friend uses the certificate, say you will give the clients a $100 service credit to their account. Of course, thank them for their loyal business.

2. Mail out a clear description of your referral program to inactive clients as well as other business contacts.

3. Send a referral program mailing every 90 days to remind clients without overwhelming.

4. Add a line to your e-mail signature with a promotional blurb about your referral program.

5. Clients might feel strange about accepting a reward from you as part of a referral program, so don’t be apologetic about it. They will see referrals as a fair way to reward you for your hard work. You might, instead of other types of referrals make a donation to a local charity or bring them chocolates, send them flowers or provide with other types of appreciative gifts.

Good referral programs will motivate clients and contacts to send you business. Since the most successful marketing comes from other people, the more you can get your clients talking about the work you do in a positive light, the better off your business will be.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

[TIPS] - web 2.0 for school - part 2

This is part 2 of the series from yesterday. Very cool tools.
- - - last reminder - - -
This is the last reminder. After today you may still sign up, it's just that I won't be telling you how in these messages.
In the BODY of the email, type:
subscribe tips firstname lastname
subscribe tips James Gates
That's all. No more. no less. If you subscribe to my blog then you don't have to do anything. (I met two subscribers at yesterday's conference. Hi!)  :-)
Oh, and I don't think the emails will be coming from me. I think

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Space as a Battlefield

Through Star Wars and other works of science fiction, we have become so accustomed to thinking about space-based warfare that the Bush Administration's recently revised National Space Policy comes as little surprise.

Aside from encouraging research and free enterprise in space, the policy declares America's right to defend space against anyone "hostile to US interests." It also rejects US participation in future arms control agreements that would attempt to limit or ban space weaponry.

Despite the concerns of critics, the Bush Administration denies that the purpose of the new National Space Policy is to develop space weapons. Rather, according to National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones, the policy merely "reflect[s] the fact that space has become an even more important component of U.S. economic, national and homeland security." Additionally, the idea of militarizing space is nothing new, with serious discussions on the matter dating back to at least the Clinton years.

TIE and X-Wing fighters won't be duking it out in Earth orbit anytime soon, but the policy speaks to the importance of space and very real concerns about space warfare. According to the National Reconnaissance Office, China recently aimed a ground-based laser at a US satellite... an act that could have destroyed the satellite given a powerful enough laser. As such devices become increasingly powerful, and potentially fall into the hands of rogue states like North Korea or terrorist groups, the need to protect our space-based infrastructure will quickly move from the theoretical to the critical.

Source: Washington Post

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

[TIPS] - web 2.0 for school


Want to see what this web 2.0 stuff can do for your classroom? Check out
part 1 of this two part series. Part two tomorrow. How can you not love
this stuff?


(I'm sending this from home Wednesday night since I'm out all day
Thursday and can't do the usual delay from home.)

- - - one more day of reminders - - -
Tomorrow is the last day when I'll be sending these tips out via
groupwise. After that, if you want to get the tips you'll either have to
subscribe to my blog (http://tipline.blogspot.com) or SEND AN EMAIL to
listserv@mailinglist.caiu.org. It doesn't matter what the subject says,
but the body must say:

subscribe tips firstname lastname

Example: subscribe tips James Gates

[TIPS] - PDF Pad

- - - snip - - -
What is PDF Pad?

PDF Pad is a comprehensive online destination where you can download and print the high quality documents you need for work, school and play, free of charge or registration hassles.
- - - snip - - -
You can print calendars, flags, graph paper, staff paper, storyboards, and sudoku puzzles.

Reminder: After Friday the only way to receive these tips is by either following the blog (http://tipline.blogspot.com/
) or by being subscribed to the official tiplist. To subscribe, send an EMAIL to:

and put: subscribe tips firstname lastname in the  body.

Subscribe tips James Gates
When you receive the confirmation email, you must click the link it provides in order to complete the process.

Closing the Gap Day 2

I'm sitting here checking my email and waiting for the festivities to start this evening. From 5pm - 8 pm the Exhibit Hall opens for a preview of the latest hardware and software. It is very exciting to be able to catch up with my colleagues in the field to find out what they are up to. I'll let you know what happens and keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Closing the Gap 2006

It is that time of year again when I make the annual pilgrimage to the Minneapolis , MN for the 2006 Closing the Gap Conference. If you have never been to this conference it is a lot of fun. It is a chance to connect with other educators in the field of assistive technology and to share our stories of working with students, teachers, and families. With hundreds of lectures, workshops and presentation it can be a little overwhelming but for seasoned Closing the Gappers we have a good handle on how to pace ourselves. Tomorrow night the Exhibit Hall opens for us to preview what is new and soon to be released products. I am always on the prowl for the next great assistive technology tool or software application. I know that Don Johnston will be showing their newly released videos called Incite and Crick Software will be showing off their new Clicker Paint program. Can't wait to see them in actions. I will be presenting on Thursday morning and again on Saturday on using Mac OSX and the accessibility features. Keep tuned in to the blog as I report on some of the highlights of the 2006 Closing the Gap Conference.

[TIPS] - Free English teaching materials for ESL

If you teach the ESL kids then this is a MUST-SEE site. (I wish I could remember where I found it. Did one of you send it to me?) Tons of resources, from audio files to help with listening, speaking, reading, and more. It truly is GOLD!
- - - K12 Online Conference Kickoff - - -
Last night was the Elluminate broadcast of David Warlick's introduction to the K12Online Conference (http://k12onlineconference.org/). I think I saw almost 50 people there, but I had to leave early. The actual conference workshops will be made available beginning next week. Remember, all workshops are online, and asynchronous. They are being made available beginning at 8:00 AM EDT on the days listed here: http://k12onlineconference.org/docs/k12online06-agenda.html. Our presentation (Kurt P and myself) will be made available on the 25th. "RSS- A Four Part Series." I do hope you'll check it out. It just may change the way you collect and share resources and news.
- - - mailinglist update - - -
Reminder - Friday is the last day for this list to be distributed via my regular groupwise account. Instead, it will be sent out via an automated mailing list. If you don't subscribe to it then you won't receive the tips - unless you're subscribing to the tipline blog, of course.
To subscribe to the list, send an email to: listserv@mailinglist.caiu.org
In the body of the email, type:
subscribe tips firstname lastname
Subscribe tips James Gates
This is processed by the computer, so the syntax must be exact. You cannot, for example, type: "I want to get your tips James Gates" It must be as I've written it above. If you just can't get it to work, send me an email and I'll enroll you manually. No big deal.
This process has been a humbling experience as I learn the difference between the number of people who RECEIVE my tips vs. the number of people who READ them. :-)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Laser TV

Just when you got used to the idea that plasma and LCD were television's state-of-the-art technologies, an entirely new approach is emerging. Earlier this month, Mitsubishi unveiled a prototype for a 50-inch laser TV.

By using laser technology, the TVs can display more colors than plasma or LCD sets. What's more, wide-screen laser TVs use less energy than other technologies, and may sell for less than $1,000 when available.

Speaking of which, don't expect laser TVs to be on Santa's sleigh this year. At the earliest, laser TVs won't reach the consumer market until next year's holiday season.

Source: Red Herring

Disease Database

When fighting diseases, physicians, pharmacists and geneticists don't always speak the same languages. Even when they do, finding treatments is a painstaking trial-and-error process. Now, a new database promises to match drug compounds with disease symptoms, helping researchers identify potential treatments much more quickly than before.

The Connectivity Map, a database being developed by the Cambridge, Mass.-based Broad Institute, uses gene-expression signatures as a common meta-language to link the behavior of certain compounds with their effects on cells.

Already, the Connectivity Map is credited with helping to identify treatments for prostate cancer and leukemia. The ultimate goal of the Broad Institute development team is to include all 1,400 drugs that are currently approved by the FDA.

Source: MIT Technology Review

The Best Way to Use Your Time During Sales Calls

Making sales calls is a challenging process and requires specific techniques and procedures. Many IT consultants are not well-versed in the sales process, and uninitiated sales calls can be scary. As an IT consultant, you need to see sales calls in the right light and fully understand the range of outcomes you might receive. When you properly analyze these factors, you can start to develop the tools you need to be an expert on sales calls.


During the process of a sales call, you need to guide the prospect’s decisions. Your questions should entice them into hiring you rather than push them into using your services. If you are successful during a sales call, the client will be pushing you to take them.


Every sales call will have one of four outcomes, two good and two bad.


1. The client needs emergency service. A lot of sales calls will end in this manner; something will be broken and need to be fixed. You might fix it right away and prove you know what you’re doing, are good with people and are trustworthy. You could end up with a couple hundred dollars in revenue and confirmation that the client is willing to pay for your services.

2. The client will be interested in your IT audit or IT needs assessment offer, and the sales call will involve a contract for future work.


1. The client will turn out to be just using you to gain information – free advice. These people are typically not the type that have ever paid for IT service, and have no plans to pay for it in the near future. You need to get rid of them immediately.

2. The client is just shopping for the best price. This type of sales call is just a bid solicitation, and the client will not actually want your services. They just want to know how much services like yours might cost.

Sales calls are an important part of business, and some will end on a positive note and further your company, while others might just waste your time. Don’t engage in hard selling techniques. Let the client come to you and be able to identify what type of sales call you are on so you can best use your time.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101

[TIPS] - Stonehenge solved? - and k12onlineconference kickoff

I know that you know Stonehenge. Ever wonder how those rocks got there? This site is an excellent resource on the subject. But, at the bottom of the first page, click the ReadOn... link and on the second page you'll find a link to a movie that just may explain how those rocks got there and how they were set on their ends. Watch as this man moves and sets upright a 19+ ton pillar of his own. Amazing. For those of you studying simple machines this is a great movie.
- - - -
It's here. http://k12onlineconference.org/ Tonight (6:00pm edt) is the Elluminate kickoff featuring David Warlick, author of, among other things, his 2 cents blog. Tune in to hear his kickoff to this first-of-its-kind conference. Then, starting next week you can tune into the site for some excellent, free, professional development courses. Here's the agenda: http://k12onlineconference.org/docs/k12online06-agenda.html There are some great "workshops" on hte new web tools and web technologies. The great thing about them is that they will be archived, too. I DO hope that you'll check them out.
See anyone on there that you know? :-)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Business Income: What You Can Expect to Make

Your business inputs establish your business income. A lot of times those starting out in the computer consulting business want to be able to gauge what they will make in the first year. They base their business decisions on income.

The truth is, you can’t know exactly how much you’re going to make because your business income depends on many different and unpredictable variables. However, you can control these variables. The following questions can help you plan to maximize your business income:

1. What is your schooling and work experience?

2. Are you selective when you choose clients? If you just take anyone on as a client, you might end up working with people that have huge problems and can make your job very difficult. The business income in this case becomes too much trouble.

3. What is your personality and temperament? You need to remain calm and professional, which means you need to think about whether or not you are easily irritated and stressed with clients or in general.

4. How much time do you spend on sales calls? You will need to be able to spend enough time on sales if you expect to earn a good business income.

5. Are you good with following up? The sales call and initial consultation is just the beginning of a longer relationship, and you can lose business without follow-up.

6. Is your marketing strategy aggressive? The more strategies you use, the more reach you will have.

7. Are your business partnerships with other advisers strong? These relationships are very important if you want to maximize your business income from both a marketing perspective and a knowledge- and wisdom-gained perspective.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101

Friday, October 13, 2006

[TIPS] - Dates That Matter

Thanks to CS for sharing this one.
Click the "Click to learn more" link under the title to see a clue about something that happened on this date in history. Not only can you get hints to the answer, but when you do get the answer you can find out why it matters. I like that!! I think  you will, too.
- - - - mailing list reminder - - -
Once again, the reminder about the mailinglist. If you want to receive the tips after next Friday then you'll have to signed up on the tips mailinglist. Failure to take action will result in NO tips.
Send an email to: listserv@mailinglist.caiu.org with the following in the body of the message:
subscribe tips firstname lastname
EX: subscribe tips James Gates

Thursday, October 12, 2006

[TIPS] - bonus - the Royal Deluxe Parade in Nantes

Did you watch the Sultans Elephant movie that I sent out the other day? That's the one that had that haunting music with it.
Several people emailed me back to tell me about the music and one thing led to another and I found this site with some amazing still images AND movies of that event. http://www.laughingsquid.com/2005/06/03/royal-de-luxe-parade-in-nantes/
Under the image of that 42 ton elephant is a link that says "amazing photos". Check it out. http://www.nantes.fr/ext/royal_de_luxe_2005/ There was a lot more going on that day than just what that first movie showed us. What a show that must have been.

[TIPS] - Excel - Prevent duplicate entries

Are you ever in need of a spreadsheet where you don't want duplicate entries in a column? Recently, I was asked how that could be done and I didn't know. But, I was able to find the answer online here: http://www.mrexcel.com/tip008.shtml
It's certainly not something that I would have guessed how to do, that's for sure.
- - -

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

[TIPS] - Copyscape - Website Plagiarism Search

So you've had your students create web pages and you warned them against plagiarizing, yet you suspect that a couple of them still don't quite understand the concept of plagiarism. ;-) Enter Copyscape. Just fill in the student's website address and the site will go out to see if they can find a match. It's not perfect, but it's pretty darned good.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

[TIPS] - The Literacy Project

"A resource for teachers, literacy organisations and anyone interested in reading and education, created in collaboration with LitCam, Google, and UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning."
" Find books, articles and videos about literacy, or start your own literacy or reading group!"
Does anyone else think it's funny that they would use the British spelling of "organizations" on that site? :-) It wouldn't be so bad but it's not consistent throughout the site.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Using Credit Terms to Manage Receivables

Using credit terms and credit extension policies with customers is a delicate operation. You need to be careful about managing money and make sure your cash flow isn’t interrupted by the process, but you also want to make sure your clients will want to buy your services. The following rules can help you maintain good credit terms and keep clients happy:

First Rule For Good Credit Terms: Get paid as you work, and you will not get stuck with major bills. Don’t give credit terms until after the first bill has been paid.

Second Rule For Good Credit Terms: Get credit card authorizations if you can. You can ask for a credit card or do a check before you leave the site.

Third Rule For Good Credit Terms: Demand a credit check and an application and make no exceptions.

Fourth Rule For Good Credit Terms: Ask clients to give you a deposit up-front to protect you from losing money in the future. If you have a check in hand for half the amount, you know you are more likely to get the second half. Enforce this under all circumstances.

Credit Terms Rule #5: Don’t give credit on product sales, because they don’t produce a lot of money. Make sure the client prepays you for this item or that you get an authorization on a credit card.

Credit card terms can be very important to business operation, but you have to keep in mind that you are a computer consultant and not a bank or loan department.

Added By: Joshua Feinberg

Saturday, October 7, 2006

What Promotion Tools Are Most Effective?

There are many different types of promotion tools and each has its own price and effectiveness rate. No matter how different the promotion tools are, they all are designed to promote your business and make your name known.

There are varying degrees of effectiveness for promotion tools; some work really well, some work most of the time and some just don’t work at all. Before you choose a promotion tool for your business, you need to analyze each one carefully.


The following questions will help you figure out which promotion tools are viable:

1. Where will you be promoting and adverising?

2. How will the promotion tool you use get to the market? Will you use e-mails, postcards, organizational membership or something else?

3. Can the promotion tool showcase how unique you and your services are? How can you be unique and stand out above your competitors without spending a lot of money?

When weighing the pros and cons of specific promotion tools, use your creativity. If you choose an obvious promotion tool, you will get predictable and probably boring results. Take a risk by choosing a promotion tool that sets you apart from the rest, over one that just shows how well you follow rules.


1. Involving yourself in organizations;

2. Becoming the expert technology person on a panel of business leaders;

3. Becoming the preferred provider for a high-profile, well-respected company.

Just remember that not all promotion tools will have the same results. As a business owner, you need to choose those that showcase your specific skills and uniqueness and set you apart from the huge crowd.

Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg

Friday, October 6, 2006

[TIPS] - Google Gadgets For Your Webpage - and the mailing

Do you have a web page of your own for your classes? How would you like some really cool gadgets to put on your page? From games to weather or horoscopes to calculators to quotes and even crossword puzzles or Sudokus are all here - for free. I even added a Sudoku puzzle to my Moodle class. Check it out.
- - - Mailing List - It's here! - - -
The mailing list from Listserv is finally working the way I want it, and it's now officially open to subscribers. Beginning in about two weeks I'll no longer be sending the tips to you UNLESS you have subscribed to the official mailing list. Send the subscription information to anyone you think may want to subscribe.
Please note that during the period from when you subscribe until I end the current list you will be receiving two messages, but the one will stop without you doing anything.
Instructions will follow. (The instructions will NOT be posted to the blog, however) There will be a link to click that will open an email and put some things in the body of the email. All you will have to do is add your name to the end of that line and click Send. You'll then receive an verification email with a link. Click that link and you're in!

Thursday, October 5, 2006

The New News?

Could Jon Stewart's The Daily Show be the model for news programming of the future? Why not?, says a study by the University of Indiana that has found that The Daily Show is as substantive as any conventional news program -- perhaps more so.

Political heavy-hitters such as Sen. John McCain and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf have made recent appearances that have become newsworthy themselves, and Stewart's humor helps make important issues relevant in a way a "straight" delivery can't. Moreover, the show often picks up significant stories that the mainstream media miss. Add to that the Daily Show's popularity among college students and other highly educated, highly informed young viewers, and all the makings of a new wave in newscasting are in place. If the "Big Three" news ratings continue to fall, they may want to catch that wave.

Source: Huffington Post

Study Says US Rich in Renewable Energy

Oil prices are coming down for the moment, but that's hardly reducing exploration into wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable energy sources. And the US has great potential to harness such energy, according to a recent report the the Worldwatch Institute.

The American land mass ideal for generating wind power, and solar cell and biodiesel production has increased exponentially since 2000. Currently, the state of California gets over 30% of its energy through renewable sources (though renewable energy in the US overall is only 6% of total consumptions).

Worldwide, investment in renewable energy has reached nearly $180 billion since 1995. In addition to being clean and reducing dependence on fossil fuels, renewable energy also boosts economies. In Germany, which has a campaign to achieve energy independence, renewable energy projects have created 20,000 jobs in the past three years... not to mention lessening the volatility of imported oil dependence.

Source: Worldwatch Institute

Teleportation Moves Closer to Reality

Long a staple of science fiction, teleportation is rapidly becoming a reality, if only on a small scale.

In the past, scientists have managed to transport atoms and light short distances. Now, researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen University in Denmark have conducted experiments that use light as a transmitter of information between matter.

The Copenhagen experiments have teleported information only a few feet, but the researchers are confident that the distances can be expanded. Although teleporting large objects and individuals a la Star Trek is a very long way off at best, the transmission of quantum information has applications in transmitting digital information in new and powerful ways.

Source: News.com.au

Harnessing PlayStations to Fight Disease

Sony's PlayStation 3 is expected to be one of the hot must-have items this holiday season... and it might have an unexpected benefit for public health.

The Internet-ready game device contains a powerful Cell processor -- the same model used in IBM's supercomputers -- as well as ample hard drive space (up to 60GB), inspiring a project by Stanford University to harness the power of all these online PlayStations.

The project, Folding@home, is similar to the seti@home initiative that utilized the processing cycles of idle PCs to search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. In this case, the project has created a distributed computing system out of idle computers to run complex calculations and simulations so that scientists can analyze proteins related to Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis, and other challenging diseases.

The project, active since 2000, has 1 million CPUs online. One estimate is that a network of 10,000 PlayStations would increase the speed of conventional calculations by a factor of five. A network of 100,000 machines would make it 50 times faster.

To participate, PlayStation users should visit this page on the Folding@home site. Windows, Linux and Mac users can also download software to participate.

Source: CNN.com

Temperatures in Northeast Could Rise by 12 Degrees by 2100

Cool, crisp New England weather could become a thing of the past if climate warming trends continue unchecked. A two-year study by the Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment has found that, by 2100, the average temperature in the Northeastern US could rise by 12 degrees F (nearly 7 degrees C).

Typically, cities in the Northeast have only a couple of days each year when temperatures reach 100 degrees F. If the warming trends continue, days of triple-digit temperatures could increase to anywhere between 9 and 28 days... making New England weather feel more like that of the Deep South. And imagine what the South will feel like!

The good news in the report, however, is that a reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by only 3% could reduce this warming trend. In one low-emission scenario, the temperatures could rise as little as 3.5 degrees F.

Source: Reuters

[TIPS] - xyAlgebra and a writing resource

The student programs (xyAlgebra and xySolver) feature:

  • Explanations of principles of basic algebra (320 instructional items).
  • Step-by-step sample problems that the student can consult later.
  • Practice problems randomly generated until student shows mastery.
  • All solutions are entered step-by-step.
  • All legitimate solution methods supported.
  • Any incorrect step is flagged as soon as it is typed.
  • A hint or suggested next step can always be requested.
  • Intelligent help at every step, including instant prerequisite review.
  • Solution strategy changes intelligently in response to the student's steps.
  • 700 practice problem forms generating 100,000+ distinct problems.
- - - bonus - - -
http://writing.whatcom.ctc.edu/ - Looks like some very nice writing resources. The Online Writing Center from Whatcom Community College

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

At Georgia Church, ATM Means "Automatic Tithing Machine"

Anyone who attends church knows the embarrassment of not having cash on hand when the collection plate is being passed. If you're one of those, Pastor Marty Baker of the Stevens Creek Community Church in Augusta, Georgia, feels your pain.

That's why he has installed "giving kiosks" that allow any of the congregation's 1,100 members to make an offering via credit or debit card. The kiosks allow members to donate to specific church funds, and print out a receipt as well as send a confirmation via e-mail.

Baker debuted what he calls his "ATMs for Jesus" in early 2005, and is now marketing them to churches across the country through a firm called SecureGive. With an eye toward future trends, Baker sees the kiosks as a solution for a "post-cash society," for members who are willing to give, yet who increasingly rely on credit or debit cards in place of cash.

Baker has run into some challenges in promoting the kiosks, such as resistance from older congregation members, congregations that discourage credit card use (the machines can be set to accept only debit cards), and those who feel that not passing the collection plate takes away from the worship experience.

Source: L.A. Times

[TIPS] - Podcast Free America - and book covers

Thinking of trying your hand at podcasting? Here's another site to check out. Who can podcast? Foreign language teachers - definately. Math teachers - certainly. English teachers - easily. Science teachers - effectively. You - absolutely!!
- - - Bonus - - -
Wanna make some fun book covers for your students? POC!! (Piece Of Cake!) Check this one: http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/bookcover/

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

[TIPS] - Tabblo and a very cool puppet

Got digital pictures? Upload them to this site, arrange them as easily as dragging and dropping and resizing. Then add your text. Share them - or not. Then print them into posters, magazine, or 4x6 prints. If you're taking pictures of your students this year, keep this one handy. Wouldn't it be fun to turn it into a poster some time in May with little narrations about the things your group has done?
- - - Bonus - - -
This little movie haunts me. It was filmed in New Orleans, I believe. Nothing unusual about a puppet, right? Well, not unless it's 40 feet tall. The music here is maybe what haunts me the most. If anyone knows where it comes from I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Click the Photography link at the top, then the link for the Sultans' Elephant movie. If it's too slow loading for you, let it load in a separate window while you work on other things. You'll have to click the large play button in the middle of the image when it comes up. Enjoy.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Business Expenses and What to Incorporate into Your Budget

Business expenses are a part of any professional endeavor, and you need to create a budget listing your main business expenses and what each will run you per year before you even start any business. The best way to track business expenses is with a cash flow planner. This item will help you plan for business expenses and the leftover cash one quarter, 13 weeks at a time.

The following is a list of common business expenses:

SALARY: Six to nine months after you’ve started your business you should be earning enough income to take some out for yourself. At the beginning salary is a great business expense even if you’re only getting $400 - $500 weekly.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: Benefits are yet more significant business expenses. You should investigate to see what the competitive benefits rates are currently and if you are still employed, figure out from your current employer what the total monthly premiums are. You may not be able to get a group discount rate at the beginning, so be prepared.

IRA: Many business owners forget about this business expense, but you need to be able to retire eventually; make an IRA a priority at the beginning rather than using it as an after-thought.

PAYROLL TAXES: You need to talk to your accountant about this business expense so he/she can give you the right advice specific to your business.

CERTIFICATION AND TRAINING: This business expense will be about $1,000 annually.

SUBSCRIPTIONS/DUES: This business expense will be about $300 a quarter.

PURCHASED PRODUCTS FOR INTERNAL USE: This business expense involves spare PCs and parts. You need to budget this in as a business expense that will run you about $3,000 to $4, 000 per year. You need to only buy items that will bring you immediate ROI and tie to billable hours.

TELEPHONE AND ISP: You should consider this business expense to total about $110 a month that includes a business phone plus a low-cost DSL account.

MARKETING/PROMOTION: You need to invest a lot into these items – about $5,000 - $6,000 each year.

COMMERCIAL INSURANCE: This business expense should be approximately $2,200 per annum.

TRANSPORTATION: You can expect this to be $30 each week.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: This yearly business expense will be about $2,000.

CORPORATE INCOME TAXES: These business expenses will vary; you should discuss specifics with your trusted accountant.

LOANS AND PAYMENTS: These items will depend upon your borrowing and situation, but you definitely need to plan for them in your budget.

Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg

Capping Greenhouse Gases Could Cost $1 Trillion

The continued emission of harmful gases by industrialized countries, combined with the growth of emissions by developing economies, will double the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by 2050. Reducing these emissions and their environmental consequences is possible, but it would come with a price: $1 trillion over the next several decades.

The estimate, by PricewaterhouseCoopers, considers the cost of helping to convert world economies to cleaner fuels, as well as aggressive overall energy reduction, without inhibiting the growth of emerging economies.

One trillion dollars is a lot of money... but it is minimal compared with the environmental catastrophe that would ensue if carbon emissions were left unchecked. "It is implicit from our findings that a trillion dollars certainly is a cost worth incurring," said John Hawksworth, the chief economist at PwC and author of the report.

Source: The Independent

[TIPS] - Interactive Periodic Table - and an article

Pass this one along to your science teachers. Looks like a good one. An interactive periodic table.
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A couple weeks ago I went on about the state of education. I mentioned China and India as being powerful and serious competition, and if you read "The World is Flat" then you've heard it before. Well, this article brings home that point some more. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060929/tc_nm/life_education_india_dc_1
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And here's an article that just makes you wonder just exactly when the lunatics began running the asylum. http://www.10news.com/education/9936513/detail.html 

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