Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Computer Business News: Webplus Releases Web+ v6.0

Top leased ecommerce solutions provider Webplus, Inc. launched its new Web+ v6.0 on March 24 for use by computer businesses and others. Web+ is a powerful and all-encompassing development language that can help program web-based client/server applications using simple processes instead of complex and lengthy CGI programs. Web+ v6.0 has the following improvements over previous Web+ releases:

1. Better stability
2. More speed
3. New installers that make upgrading and installing simpler
4. Virtual Hosting support that makes managing multiple websites simpler
5. Application variables that help developers to maintain variables for the entire life of an application while still keeping them separate from other applications
6. Better WAP support
7. Internalization support
8. Over 10 new tags

Spokesperson for Webplus, Inc. states that this new version offers major improvements and allows for more computer businesses and companies to use Web+ in more ways than ever before. The company is offering free trials of Web+ to users currently employing competing products so they can compare and see the superiority of the new Webplus product for themselves.

Web+ v6.0 was designed after compiling suggestions from the company’s global community of customers. Most asked for a more international product, which led to the addition of Unicode support and new functions.

Current Web+ v5.0 users can upgrade to v6.0 for half the cost of the full version of 6.0. There are three packages of the new product: Developers Edition 2 at $109; Professional Edition 25 at $595; Commercial Edition unlimited $1095.

Begun in 1994, Webplus, Inc. is the top provider of leased ecommerce solutions and develops, markets and maintains talentsoft development tools, middleware and ecommerce solutions.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit


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