1, can not finally block the implementation of return, continue such statements, or exceptions will "eat"; 2, in the try, catch the return statement if, in the implementation of the return prior to implementation of the finally block below please example: public class TryTest (public static void ...
1, not in the finally block in the implementation of the return, continue such statements, or exceptions will "eat";
2, in the try, catch the return statement if, in the implementation of the return prior to implementation of the finally block
Please the following example:
public class TryTest (
public static void main (String [] args) (
try (
System.out.println (TryTest.test ());// returned no results for the true anomaly of its
) Catch (Exception e) (System.out.println ("Exception from main");
e.printStackTrace ();
doThings (0);
public static boolean test () throws Exception (
try (
throw new Exception ("Something error ");// Step 1. throws Exception
) Catch (Exception e) (/ / Step 2. Catch the exception matches (in class or parent class), access control block
System.out.println ("Exception from e ");// Step 3. Print
return false; / / Step 5. return before control is transferred to the finally block, then return to complete the implementation (this step was eaten, not the implementation)
) Finally (
return true; / / Step 4. control transfer, directly back, eat an exception
public static void doThings (int i)
if (i == 0)
/ / Return before the Council in the implementation of the first implementation of the finally
int t = 100 / i;
System.out.println (t);
) Catch (Exception ex)
ex.printStackTrace ();
System.out.println ("finally");
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