Task Updates and Timesheet Submittal and Approval in MS Office Project
Team members update project work in the Tasks, My Work section of Microsoft Office Project Web Access. After they submit their task updates, the project manager approves or rejects their time on tasks in the Approvals, Task Updates section of Project Web Access.
At the end of each timesheet period, team members use Import Task Progress to show progress on their timesheets along with any other administrative time spent during the period. Resource managers can review, approve, and reconcile timesheets against reported project work, non-project work, and non-working time.
Use the following steps to review and approve timesheets:
1. In Project Web Access, click the Action pane.
2. In the Approvals section, click Timesheet.
3. In Review My Timesheet Summary, click My Timesheet.
4. Click the Review Timesheet Detail page.
5. Click Approve to complete the approval process.
6. In the Approvals section, click Admin Time.
7. Click the Review Admin Time Detail page.
8. Click Approve to complete the approval process.
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