The new happens, what in the Web world is Web 2.0. You must have wracked your brain, how it works? What is it? And Where is it going?
So you feel that there are some very technologically ahead software program, a debut on the Web world.
Let us just see how Web-2, 0 is nothing more than a simple tool that works to make the Internet more user-friendly.
Consist of Web 2.0 AJAX, social book-marking, RSS feed, tags and blogs. This will give you not the whole idea. Let's see some other aspects. Web 2.0 assists with media-related activities, graphically appealing sites, and work constantly on the relaxation of the entire Web world. It also helps us to experience the technology, without even knowing it.
If Web 1.0 existed, it was the age of the Internet. It was not attractive. Web 2.0 helps us to regular updates as opposed to Web 1.0.
It is important to compare some differences, as this would allow you to understand better.
In the case of Web-1, 0 would have to sign up for something you had to do something similar to an online dictionary. They had a limited access to a definition, but now with Web-2, 0 You have a large study with the help of Wikipedia.
Wikipedia provides you with depth study updated by the user.
Blogging is a new rave on the Web 2.0. They help both personal-business purposes.
With 2.0 of the Web traffic can be calculated by the cost per click. Height pays determines the traffic.
On Web 2.0, RSS feed automatically updates you with messages and delivers them directly.
Tagging is also a Web 2.0 technology. Tags can search more. Book marking sites helps in the identification of tags.
Web-2, 0 Internet has a much easier to play and shop work. The future of the Internet lies in Web 3.0. While it is unpredictable, but there are certain standard paths can lead us in the right direction. The problem with his prediction is that there are too many possibilities.
Some people think that the Internet will have its own artificial intelligence and some think that the graphics would be more.
It could be more Web applications, which would be modular and especially the speed will increase.
It is on innovation, which would help to apply. These would be small and have the opportunity to multiple devices. Some believe that the Internet is three-dimensional. There are many ideas that are taken into account, while talking about the modification, caused with Web 3.0.
Let's talk to a relative concept is to say that a network of each new version would be wiser than the previous version, more interactive and easier to use. With each year, these things would develop.
Internet was a magnum opus since its birth and any age, it would be bigger and bigger. Given the fact that Internet has enormous potential, there will inevitably lead to further growth and development.
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