When you are first starting a computer business, you might wonder which types of consulting business firms are out there for technology providers. What exactly are pure consulting business firms, and how do they work best?
Pure Consulting Business Firms and Technology Providers: A Definition
Many computer consultants decide to start pure computer consulting companies because they have no interest in reselling products because they believe they will not make a profit off product margin or for some other major reason. A pure computer consulting firm is one that provides solely technology business solutions for its clients and does not bother with reselling hardware, software or peripherals. These types of consulting business firms WILL help their clients decide which products to buy and tell them which specs they should look for and where they can buy quality products.
Many computer professionals enjoy great success with this business model because of the pure profit margins and the opportunity to really get in there and provide comprehensive business solutions without having to bother with messy product sales.
Alternatives to Pure Consulting Business Firms
1. Purchasing Agents: A purchasing agent does the buying for clients and then bills them for a couple hours for this. These types of agents review quotes, place and track orders and take the purchase to the end.
2. Hybrid Firms: With this type of business model, consulting business firms will resell just some products. A lot of times this means reselling a white box PC (a PC clone), which means selling non-branded desktops, servers and sometimes notebooks.
Today we talked about pure consulting business firms and how they differ from other types of computer consulting businesses. Ultimately you should choose the business model that works best for you, but be sure whichever you choose suits your specialty and goals.
Added By: Computer Consulting Kit
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