When you are building your computer repair business, you need to think about what you can do from a customer service standpoint to sell more managed services and monitoring. Think about what the value would be to your clients if you could predict and prevent major issues before emergencies arise.
When planning how to market your computer repair business, think about specific situations. For example, if someone had $1,700 worth of virus-related services last quarter, what can you offer them that can prevent this in the future?
Which Services Can You Provide with Your Computer Repair Business?
Think about what you need to offer your clients. Do you need to give them more virus protection or just more end user training? Look at your service tickets for your computer repair business and identify patterns. When you really gauge what you need to do, you are providing excellent customer service because you are truly anticipating needs.
Be Proactive!
You and your computer repair business staff members need to be proactive about how you deal with relationships and anticipate your clients’ needs ahead of time. You should learn for what you should be looking.
You also need to provide rewards for the technical staff of your computer repair business and pass along opportunities. Compensate account managers and staff based on customer satisfaction ratings so you are constantly putting the focus on customer service.
Added By: Joshua Feinberg
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