Partnering is a way to help small business computer consulting firms do their best with virtual IT services. Three benefits give partnering a real edge.
Advantage #1: Broadening Your Skills
When you use partnering, you can increase the skills you can offer to prospects and existing clients and offer a much more complete solution than without it. When selling to non-technical small business owners, you need partnering in order to simplify virtual IT. Small businesses don’t want to work with six different firms to get what they need. They want one contact point and one person to be accountable.
When you use partnering, you know you can handle clients’ issues yourself or rely on external resources from non-competing tech providers.
Advantage #2: Increase Your Sales Force
You increase your sales force when you use partnering very quickly and efficiently. If another tech provider recommends you for a job he/she is already on, you are as good as sold. Getting this type of referral is almost better than being referred by an accountant, because you are being referred by someone that is already a trusted tech provider.
When you use partnering, you eliminate the problems about price because you are not dealing with a buyer that is price sensitive. You are coming in highly recommended.
Advantage #3: Partnering Can Give You One-Fifth of Your Income
With partnering, 21 percent of your annual revenue can be taken care of. You have to get serious about partnering if you want to get a real opportunity that can help advance your business.
Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg
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