Business case studies are critical to offering prospects a thorough set of marketing materials.
When Should You Use a Business Case Study with Prospects?
If you are selling your solutions to an IT manager, you may want to show him/her a business case study. Make sure your business case study displays benefits other companies have received when they worked with you. Business case studies should be relevant and on-point to have maximum effectiveness.
What’s in a Good Business Case Study?
1. A couple sentences providing background information on what the company does.
2. The length of time the company has been in business, its location, etc.
3. The name of the main decision maker for the company.
4. The problem you helped solve for the company.
5. A description of the solution you used to fix the problem.
6. The benefits you were able to offer to the client.
You need to make sure the business case study shows clearly what you did and also states the name and address of the contact person in the case study.
What Writing Skills Do you Need to Have to Create a Business Case Study?
You don’t need to be an expert writer to put together a credible, solid business case study. Just sit down with the subject of the study for five or ten minutes with a tape recorder and conduct an interview. Add the details of what you did, but use your client’s words to create the business study.
Business Case Studies and Marketing Collateral
Don’t use generic or prepared business case studies as part of your marketing collateral. Instead, showcase your uniqueness by talking about the work you do and its benefits to clients.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101
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