Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Celestia Motherlode

I wrote about this program a year or more ago. It's a free, 3-d astonomy program. This site says that it's, "The Celestia Motherlode is a repository for various addons like textures, models or celestial objects for Celestia."

Haven't tried it yet? I encourage you to do so.

BTW - I discovered this site form one mf my classmates, Jared K.

Still learning after all these years. :-)

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An update on Bloglines' Image Wall

I must have been one among the many who wrote to Bloglines to ask that they remove the Image Wall as it served no purpose but it DID give cause for some schools to being to consider blocking bloglines because of the potential for inappropriate images.

Well, good news. Check out this news article from Bloglines detailing the changes they've made to it to make it more palatable to educational institutions.

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Cheetah spot by spot: sysdbopen/sysdbclose

Continuing the Cheeta's new features articles, it's time to talk about sysdbopen and sysdbclose.
These are DBA controlled procedures that are run by the users when the try to connect/disconnect to/from a database.

These procedures are regular SPL procedures but with a few particularities:
  • Only DBAs can create or drop them
  • The owner has more meaning than usual. If you create a procedure called myuser.sysdbopen, only "myuser" will run it when he connects to the database.
    If you create a procedure called public.sysdbopen, then all users that don't have a matching user.sysdbopen procedure, will run public.sysdbopen
So, why is this useful? Well... I can only point out several uses for it... But it will really depend on your environment:
  • Can be used to do some kind of logging for connects and disconnects
  • Can be used to change the isolation level when changing the application code is not an option
  • Can be used to change the LOCK MODE in the same situations as above
  • Can be used to stop the creation of new database sessions (inhibit connections during a maintenance period)
  • Can be used to restrict certain users from connecting at certain hours, or from certain hosts...
  • sysdbclose can be used to gather session statistics (and save them in some history table)
Some of the above are obviously very useful, some are less, and you can certainly find a lot more of useful actions that you can do with it.

This mechanism was made available in XPS (DW Informix engine) a long time ago, but it took really too much time to be ported to IDS. Flexibility is the keyword here. It improves usability and adds functionality.

One final note. There is an environment variable (IFX_NODBPROC) that can be used to stop the server from executing these functions, BUT it can only be used by DBAs. Since a DBA could even drop the function this is a nice feature.

It could be nice to have sysdbopen/sysdbclose procedures associated with database roles. Currently this is not possible, but you can use the generic "public.sysdb*" procedure and put some logic in it so that it behaves differently for different default roles (just an example).

For now, let's just appreciate the fact that this was finally implemented.

To summarize, this is really a simple feature, but one that really brings more flexibility and manageability for the DBAs.


[TIPS] Couros Blog - Net Neutrality Open Source Documentary

Blogs as professional development. You learn about all sorts of things. Consider the movie of Amanda's story that I sent the other day. Or the one of the 4th grade class using Skype to bring in a homebound child to their classroom. Now this.
I mentioned Network Neutrality back in July, but it's getting to be a serious issue. Watch the video that the Couros blog points to. Note in particular how the movie encourages people to use tagging to help to spread the word. Do YOU know what advantage tagging has to the system?
Watch the video. Contact your representative. Think about what's at stake here. Act NOW!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Remote-Controlled Pigeons

Chinese scientists have reportedly been able to control a pigeon's flight remotely through electrodes that stimulated different parts of the bird's brain. Scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center at Shandong University were able to send the pigeon commands to fly left, right, up and down. It is reportedly the first such successful experiment in the world, and could have important implications for neurology and even remote mind control.

Source: MSNBC

Sutures from Bacteria

Sounds icky, but it's true -- the FDA has approved a polymer suture made from modified bacteria using recombinant DNA technology.

The material in Tepha Medical Devices' TephaFLEX Absorbable Suture breaks down in the body as a deep wound or surgical incision heals, improving the healing process and preventing infection. Recombinant DNA allows the manufacture of materials from organisms that would be difficult if not impossible to produce otherwise.

Lights out for incandescent lights?

The incandescent electric light was one of the paradigm-shifting inventions of the last 125 years, transforming the way people live, work and play. But the era of the incandescent light bulb may be drawing to a close.

Though more expensive up front, compact flourescent light bulbs are far more efficient -- and environmentally friendly -- than incandescent bulbs, using less electricity and lasting longer while providing the same amount of light. For that reason, local and state governments have been encouraging the adoption of compact flourescent bulbs, largely through subsidizing their cost. However, Australia is moving toward banning incandescent bulbs altogether by 2010. By enforcing minimum energy performance standards, selling incandescent bulbs would effectively be illegal. In the US, California is considering a similar measure that would outlaw sales of incandescent lights by 2012. The measure is significant because, as the nation's most populous state, California is a trendsetter in environmental and health legislation. Indeed, state governments in Connecticut and New Jersey (ironically, where Edison developed his light) are considering similar bans on incandescent lights.

The private sector is also jumping on the compact flourescent bandwagon. Retailers plan to increase shares of the bulbs substantially, and light bulb manufacturer Philips will stop manufacturing incandescent bulbs by 2016.

By switching to compact flourescent bulbs on a national level, Australia could cut its greenhouse gas emissions by four tons per year.

Source: International Herald Tribune

Monday, February 26, 2007

What Matters

How do you like this assignment for some 9th graders at Arapahoe? (Notice that's a CiteBite link?)

Here's how the teacher describes the assignment:

All semester long, my students have been examining the big question of “What Matters?” What matters to them in their own lives, what matters to them from each piece of literature we studied, and most importantly, how does that all relate to the world around us. At the beginning of the semester, I told my ninth graders I wanted them to create a Photo Story showing the connections of what matters. "

This link (top) takes you to the blog post that contains the links to the assignments. Give them a listen. And if you can, comment. It means SO MUCH to the students to hear that someone is reading/watching/hearing their words.

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Cheetah spot by spot: LAST COMMITTED READ

This is the first of a series of articles about the announced features of IDS v11.10, code named Cheetah and currently available as Beta release. I'll try to show the features in random order. Being the first doesn't mean it's more or less important than other features.

LAST COMMITTED READ is a new isolation level that is available in Cheetah. As you probably know, the isolation levels define how "isolated" one session's transactions are from other sessions. If you're not familiar with the subject I suggest you search online. Wikipedia has a nice article on this.

If you ever did any programming in Informix databases you surely understand the subject and you know that the two most used isolation levels are COMMITTED READ (the default for logging databases) and DIRTY READ. In short terms their definitions are:

    In this isolation level, your session will "honour" other session's locks. The session's behaviour when it finds a locked resource (table row, index key) depends on the LOCK MODE you selected. If using the default (LOCK MODE NOT WAIT), you'll get an error immediately. If using a time wait (LOCK MODE TO WAIT [x seconds]), it will wait the maximum number of seconds for the lock release. If the lock remains after that timeout you'll get the same error as with lock mode NOT WAIT.
    This is equivalent to the ANSI COMMITTED READ isolation level
    In this mode, your session won't "see" any locks. It will not give you errors or wait. It will read whatever value is available at the moment. It is called "dirty" because this means you may get values that aren't and possibly will never be committed in the database.
    This is equivalent to the ANSI UNCOMMITTED READ
Most of the time you have probably used COMMITTED READ and we usually try to minimize the time we're holding locks. This way we minimize the number of lock waits and lock related errors. Sometimes, depending on the kind of data and what we're doing with it we can use DIRTY READ.

Note also that this lock waiting and/or lock ignoring happens when we're SELECTing data. Obviously, if you want to change the data, even in DIRTY READ you'll have to wait for any lock holder to finish his transaction and unlock the resource.

So, what does Cheetah bring into this issue? A new isolation level called "COMMITTED READ LAST COMMITTED".
This isolation level is similar to COMMITTED READ in the sense that it only returns committed data, but with the great advantage that your reads will never block. If your session hits a locked resource, the IDS engine will retrieve the value that was there before the current lock holder session made any change. That's where the name "LAST COMMITTED" came...

This information is always available because if the lock holding transaction tries to ROLLBACK WORK, the original value will have to be restored.

Some of you with knowledge from other RDBMS like Oracle or Postgres may be wondering what's new about this... Well, historically there have been two types of RDBMS: The versioning (each transaction gets a "version" number that marks all the data it changes) and the non-versioning. The versioning RDBMSs have always this sort of isolation levels because each transaction sees the "current image" of the Database. But the non-versioning RDBMS usually didn't implement this. They have more light-weight reading primitives that read the data directly (not the before images marked with earlier versions stamps) and this causes the locking conflicts.
Also, some versioning RDBMS don't support the ANSI UNCOMMITTED READ, because the way they read doesn't allow it.

So, it's has been a kind of trade-off. But currently, most of the non-versioning databases implement this kind of COMMITTED isolation without blocking the readers.

Ok... But how do we use it?!

Well, the obvious answer is by issuing the "SET ISOLATION TO COMMITTED READ LAST COMMITTED". After this statement your session will be working in this new mode and it won't get blocked by any row or index locks while reading.

But this would force you to change your existing application code... and in some cases you possibly don't have access to that. So what can be done? Ah!... The nice people of R&D did think about this and you have three solutions:

  1. There is a new ONCONFIG parameter called USELASTCOMMITTED
    You can set it to several values and depending of these values, the database server will automatically "promote" the specified isolation level to the new mode. The values are:
    1. 'NONE'
      This is the same as clearing it. No isolation level will be promoted. This is also the default value
      The transactions with traditional COMMITTED READ will work in the new isolation level
    3. 'DIRTY READ'
      The transactions with traditional DIRTY READ will work in the new isolation level
    4. 'ALL'
      The transactions with traditional DIRTY READ and the transactions with traditional COMMITTED READ will work in the new isolation level

  2. You can also use USELASTCOMMITTED as a client side environment variable. The syntax is the same

  3. If you want this promotion to happen only to specific users, you can use the new feature that allows you to force the execution of a stored procedure (sysdbopen) when a user connects to a database. Inside this procedure you could use the SET ISOLATION.... statement
Some limitations or considerations:
  • This feature requires that the tables use the ROW level locking. Tables with PAGE level locking will inhibit the feature in that transaction.
  • When you established this new isolation level for a session, if it makes a distributed query to a remote database server that don't support this feature (i.e.: any pre v11.10) it will fallback to COMMITTED READ
  • If the table is a RAW (non logged) table the feature will not work
  • If the table has some user-defined columns and these don't support the new mode, the feature will not work

Now, let's see an example. To test this you'll need two sessions. We'll use the customer table from stores_demo database. Please make sure it's defined to use row level locking.

Session one:
  1. connect to the stores_demo
  2. show the customer data (fname, lname) for customer number 101
  3. upate this data to "John Doe" inside a transaction and maintain the transaction open> dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.

> select fname, lname from customer where customer_num = 101;

fname lname

Ludwig Pauli

1 row(s) retrieved.

> begin work; update customer set fname='John', lname='Doe' where customer_num=101;

Started transaction.

1 row(s) updated.


Now, in session 2:
  1. Set the isolation to committed read (default) and select the data: An error is returned
  2. Set the isolation to dirty read: the "current" data, as changed by session 1
  3. Set the isolation to the new mode: we get the original (pre session 1 update) data> dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.
> set isolation to committed read; select fname, lname from customer where customer_num = 101;
Isolation level set.

fname lname

244: Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.

107: ISAM error: record is locked.
Error in line 1
Near character position 90
> set isolation to dirty read; select fname, lname from customer where customer_num = 101;

Isolation level set.

fname lname

John Doe

1 row(s) retrieved.

> set isolation to committed read last committed; select fname, lname from customer where customer_num = 101;

Isolation level set.

fname lname

Ludwig Pauli

1 row(s) retrieved.


One final note: Recent versions of IDS have an ONCONFIG parameter (DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE) where you can configure the default lock mode for tables created without the "LOCK MODE" clause. The current Cheetah Beta drop apparently doesn't support this. So, if you're counting on this to make your tests it won't work.

You can see aditional info about this subject at:

[TIPS] Amanda's Story

Thanks to Chris C for sharing this.
Incredible story of Adaptive Tech for Autism

This is .... to say powerful is to understate it, I think. A "low functioning" autistic woman is videoed interacting with her environment, and then she types her explanations (at 120 words per minute)  and ... well... it will surely change the way you perceive Autism.
Read the story and watch this today.

Teacher in Hospital after taking away an iPod

Kim Komando's daily News pointed this one out today...

The teacher had taken an iPod from a student who, along with another student, demanded it back and the attack happened.

Do you use an ipod or similar device? I suppose you listen to your music on it. And I know that many of you download podcasts and get some personal enjoyment or professional development from them. Now, we don't know the details of this incident so we have to be careful judging the situation. Did the student refuse to put it away when asked? Did the teacher threaten to keep it? We don't know. But what we DO know is that schools are going to HAVE to find a better way of dealing with the issue of ipods. Telling the students not to bring them to school can't be the answer.

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[TIPS] Several Tips

Those of you who receive these tips via the mailing list are at a disadvantage from those who get them via RSS. Why? Because I've been very busy posting lots of cool sites and tips using a Firefox add-on called "Performancing." It allows you to write up a description of the web page you're viewing and post it to you blog all in one step. But, I can't send it to this mailing list that way. As a result, lots of tips have made it to the blog site that haven't made it here.
So, today's tip is to visit my blog site and check out what you've been missing:
Here are some of them:
Some great links about student blogging, a post about a student who wrote his assigned speech on being bored in class and had it censured, a pointer to another EXCELLENT video at the TED site, a lawsuit against a law firm from where a WIkipedia article originated, another flickr mashup that's VERY cool, and more.

An Outline of IT Audits: The Three Main Parts, Features and Benefits

There are three parts to IT audits: actual features; a written and detailed report; a set of vendor-neutral recommendations. You need to explain the three parts of IT audits carefully by focusing on benefits in order to sell them to clients.

IT Audits: Features of Your Audit

You need to complete the following steps as features of your IT audits:

1. Review the current network

2. Look at the configurations of PCs;

3. Look at the telco circuts;

4. Analyze and critique IT policies of the client;

5. Examine data security and data protection measures that are currently used;

6. Explain data loss risks to clients.

Change these features of IT audits into benefits such as the ability to understand what is already owned, awareness of the limitations of the items owned, a knowledge of weaknesses of systems and what could be done to get the most out of current systems and processes.

IT Audits: Written, Detailed Reports

Provide clients with a written report that includes a detailed and up-to-date assessment of inventory. This report give clients the following benefits: complete documentation for insurance; better ability to make good decisions about future purchases.

IT Audits: Provide a Set of Recommendations

As part of IT audits, you need to give clients a vendor-neutral series of recommendations named in order of possible risk and importance. The benefit of these recommendations to clients is that it protects them from being swayed to purchase products from non-technical sales representatives. This part of IT audits also helps clients understand their current IT investments and what they will need in the future.

IT Audits: The Three Parts, Features and Benefits

If you present the parts of IT audits to clients in a way that stresses features and benefits you will make the important point to them that IT audits are necessary and help them understand the reasons why they can help the future of a business.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101

A wiki about student blogging

Vicki Davis, the CoolCatTeacher, pointed me to this wiki: which has some excellent links about student blogging. But it also has her Elluminate session which is excellent! If you're having your student blogging or considering it, give this a listen.

While you're there, check out Vicki's page: Watch her video about her Flat World Project wiki, and check out her Slideshare presentation. THIS is how rich your web page can be!!

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

What if a student said he was bored?

Again, this is why I read blogs. I learn so much from them, and I LOVE being involved - even if only as a lurker - in the conversation about education.

In this post by Vicki Davis,, she tells of reading another person's blog and hearing about the story of a 6th grade student at St. Sebastian Elementary School who was censured by his school Principal for writing a speech in which he said,

"”My message is to you,” he (the student) writes in his speech, “let nobody steal your joy by keeping you bored. Find a way out. To be happy is your purpose in life.”

She points out that this student wrote the speech as an assignment - which he did. He, in fact, WON last year's speech contest, but this year the principal felt his speech showed disrespect for his teacher and so she disallowed it.

Are you reading my blog? I invite you to post a comment on this situation. First, read Cool Cat's blog post, as she also points to the PA Teacher's Association's blogging guidelines.

So how do YOU feel about this situation? I keep saying that we're risking becoming irrelevant to our students. Do you think this youngster just gained or lost respect for his school? Did this draw him in closer or push him further away?

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Selling and Maintaining Computer Service Contracts

Computer service contracts are incredibly intricate and important parts of a business and need to be carefully maintained. Each computer service contract has to be sold with a good and consistent system, and each client needs follow up.

Go to each client with a prepared computer service contract. Base the amount of details you provide on the individual client; if the client likes computer service contracts that are detailed, provide as many details as you can, but if he/she prefers shorter versions, have that ready.

Computer Service Contracts: Time Block Contracts

This type of computer service contract involves a purchase of your time with the hope the client will renew the computer service agreement once the time expires. The basic information required in this type of computer service agreement is the following elements: the normal rate; the discount given for prepayment of the specified number of hours; the length of time the prepaid time block stands; the list of services that are included.

When clients sign time block computer service contracts, push them to use the time quickly. You want clients to realize how much IT affects their daily operations and show them that service contracts can be an essential item. This will encourage purchase of longer periods of time and year-long contracts.

When you have a client on a computer service contract, you want the client t use up time blocks consistently. If the client is not using these blocks up quickly, he/she is just a customer. Clients become customers when they renew their computer service contract time blocks or go to an annual contract.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101

Another excellent video at Ted

Set aside 23 minutes to watch this video. It's no wonder this conference now costs $6000!! What a great video this is. Here's what the site says about this performance:

"Actor Anna Deavere-Smith brings the TED audience to their feet as she brings to life a series of quintessential Americans. The chameleon-like Deveare-Smith transforms herself in and out of character, as she embodies legendary author Studs Terkel, followed by convict Paulette Jenkins, a Korean merchant in Los Angeles after the '92 Riots, and finally a rodeo bull rider. The monologues - adapted verbatim from tape recordings - are drawn from interviews she conducted for "On the Road: A Search for American Character." Each is a response to a probing question, such as, "What is a defining moment in history?" (Recorded February 2005 in Monterey, CA Duration: 23:50)"

Let me know what you think of it.

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Jimmy Wales discusses Wikipedia in schools

The Savvy Technologist (by Tim Wilson) is a blog I read daily. He always something that I find interesting in there. Take this article, for example. He points to another site: net@nite (which I hadn't heard of until now) where you can hear an audio of an interview with Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia. I think it's very interesting how the man himself responds to questions regarding the trustworthiness of Wikipedia articles.

This quote, for example:

"I think it basically should be fine in schools, it should be
acceptable, to add a footnote saying I did a lot of my preliminary
research in Wikipedia just to acknowledge where you got a lot of

Give it a listen

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[TIPS] - Good news about Wikipedia

After hearing about someone suing that law firm about a wikipedia article I felt sure that schools would be locking kids out of there left and right. But this article,, points to some better news. I like the discussion about our learning networks, too.

Check out this article. Does it change your thoughts on Wikipedia? And, who is in YOUR learning network?

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Mindmapping Meets Web 2.0

I have always been a big fan of graphic organizers and mind mapping for brainstorming and presenting information. I find it a lot easier to get my ideas down using these tools as compared to straight outlining or creating lists. This past week I was invited to be part of a Private beta test for Mindmeister, a new online mind mapping application. Mindmeister lets you upload your Mindjet MindManager Mindmaps or you can create your own from scratch right within the browser. The program feels fast even though it is coming off the server. There are limitations in terms of the number of icons that are available to use and the fonts. Other than that it is a really useful tool that also allows for collaboration. You see I could easily invite others to both View or Collaborate on my mind map which is really an exciting feature. Imagine all of the possibilities as you are planning your project. When you are finished using Mindmeister you can Export your mind map to a RTF file or to GIF file format. This is really a very cool tool and gives you access to a graphic organizer when connected to the web. It will be interesting to see how this tool develops and the new features that are added based on the early feedback from users.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

[TIPS] - Citizendium to launch

Thanks to Michael P for alerting me to this one. Here's what it says about itself:

"The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), ( a "citizens' compendium of everything," is an experimental new wiki project. The project, started by a founder of Wikipedia, aims to improve on the Wikipedia model by adding "gentle expert oversight" and requiring contributors to use their real names. It has taken on a life of its own and will, perhaps, become the flagship of a new set of responsibly-managed free knowledge projects. We will avoid calling it an "encyclopedia" until the project's editors feel comfortable putting their reputations behind this description."

This should be interesting to watch as it evolves over the next year or two or three. This article in eschool News tells more about it and the plans in store for it.

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[TIPS] - Barefoot College
I watch Rocketboom daily. Many times it's just interesting. Other times it's fun and creative. Other times, like today, it's informative. Today's report is about the Barefoot College in India where they teach middle aged women in six months, how to solar-electrify their homes. That may not sound like much, but when you see the short video and then visit their website ( you will understand how HUGE this really is. Villages that were once dark are now lit up after dark.

At first it may be just a luxury for them. But soon... can you imagine? They too can be watching reality shows and ... no, of course I'm not thinking that. I'm thinking that very soon they, too, will enter the race.

Show this video to your students and ask them to write in their journals or blogs about what this means. Will they see it impacting THEM at any time in their lives? SHOULD they?

[TIPS] stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site

Here's a great website for obtaining images for your powerpoints, wallpaper, etc. Images are uploaded my members of the site and most licenses are the Standard License which says:
You may use the Image
  • In digital format on websites, multimedia presentations, broadcast film and video, cell phones.
  • In printed promotional materials, magazines, newspapers, books, brochures, flyers, CD/DVD covers, etc.
  • Along with your corporate identity on business cards, letterhead, etc.
  • To decorate your home, your office or any public place.
Join for free. Upload your own images that you want to share with others.

Law firm sued for wikipedia article

This is hard to imagine. Someone in a law firm wrote an article about golfer Fuzzy Zoeller. Fuzzy didn't like the article. He can't sue Wikipedia, so he's going to sue the law firm that owned the computer where the posting originated. Here's the news article: I won't link to the wikipedia article because ... oh my... how absurd can this get?

But we'd better take note of how this ends up. You KNOW that if Fuzzy wins then schools across this nation will be blocking wikipedia - exactly the opposite of what SHOULD happen.

Thanks to Steve V for sharing this with me.

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[TIPS] - Fighting the Front

SecondLife is an amazing place. Now with almost 4 MILLION residents and over $1 MILLION of real US currency spent per DAY it's a force to be reckoned with. But, when you get 4 million people together in one place there will be folks there whom you wish were NOT there. Such is the case with Front National - a far right political party from France. What a shame that they would take their marches to Secondlife. But what a greater shame that it would cause all the violence in there that it did.

Read the article below to learn about the violence that erupted in SecondLife over a demonstration there by Front National.

Reminds me of the saying, "NO matter whose side you're on there will people on your side whom you wish weren't." :-)

But good things happen in there, as well. Take, for example. Moodle with hooks into Second life.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Now THIS is cool!

You would almost have to be living in a cave not to have seen Karl Fisch's "Did You Know" powerpoint - or some version thereof, right? Well, check out this post from Karl in which he says that one of his own teachers sent it to him, not knowing that he had made it. But the best part is, it was sent to that teacher by the teacher's 6th grade daughter!!

"Now, I'm probably reading too much into this, but to me it's somehow apropos that a sixth grader is informing the adults around her about this presentation."

Indeed it is.

Now ask yourself how her daughter found it? Perhaps another 6th grade girl saw it and sent it to her. Maybe she saw a link to it in another blog somewhere. No matter how she was made aware of it, she had the presence of mind to share this with her teacher mother and who knows HOW MANY others. What's HER perspective of the world, now? Do you think SHE, at least, knows that 'The race is on!"?

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[TIPS] - photo mashups
I love mashups - especially those that mash with Flickr. This page mentions two, a Sudoku puzzle with numbers coming from flickr, and "Spell with Flickr", a mashup I've used a couple of times already. But the article also points to this list: of 200 photo mashups, some of which I've already mentioned in other tips, and othes (most) that are new.

What's cool about this stuff? Well, check THIS one out: Use the tag: cabin and user jgates513, if you don't know of others to try. Once you choose the type of presentation you can send someone the url, or even get the html code to use that project on your own site. What fun this Internet has become, eh? Wanna see it in action? Come to my blog page and click the link in the top left corner called My Flickr Pics. Cool stuff for your website.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The virtual photographer

Another site from Kim Komando's mailing list. This one is another good one!

Here's what it says about itself:
" Download the free Photoshop plug-in that's getting rave reviews from digital photographers. virtualPhotographer lets you instantly apply high quality, professional photographic styles to your digital images, with just one click.virtualPhotographer includes over 50 presets that automatically apply combinations of film grain, color modification, B/W, soft focus, high contrast and many artistic effects to achieve the same professional-looking images that used to take hours of photo editing. Get results in seconds!

Compatible with Photoshop®, Photoshop® Elements, Paint Shop™ Pro®, Photo-Paint and other popular imaging applications."

Note: I'll bet it'll work with Gimp, too, don't you think?

High Profile Report Calls for New NCLB
Holy mackerel! Check this out. A proposed change to the NCLB law would make this change from just, "Highly qualified" teachers, to "highly qualified and effective" teachers! And, I just read recently where Governor Rendell would like to put the jobs of Superintendents and Principals at risk if their schools don't meet the NCLB standards. The reporter asked the question, "Who is going to want to take on the tough jobs as education leaders in our poorest districts?" Indeed! Now add to that, "What TEACHER would want to take on the challenging job of teaching in our poorest districts?"


The NEA is opposing this change, and it has come under a lot of bipartisan heat. So, it's not a done deal. Still...

Thanks to John B for sharing this article via another listserv.

Monday, February 19, 2007

[TIPS] - A fun video

I don't know why I can no longer send these posts via my listserv, but it's very frustrating. I'm having to post these things twice. Anyway, here's the one that didn't make it to the blog.
Thanks to Kristen H again for sharing this. You probably won't be able to see this from school, but if you have high speed internet at home you REALLY should check out this short video that reminds us that even books were a new technology at one point.
I LOVE the ending to this video:
Kristen has also set up a wiki called the ConnectClassroom wiki that she used when she gave her presentation at PETE&C last week. Check it out, too.

[TIPS] Yugma - free webconferencing

Does anyone know anything about this site? It looks great! Free web-conferencing for windoze or Mac. It says:
"A free and easy to use web conferencing service:
  • Share your information, present your ideas
  • Invite up to 10 people (or more if you need)
  • Collaborate with your community
  • Works with both Windows and Mac
  • Highly secure and reliable
  • No Spyware, Adware, Malware "
The ONLY thing that has me questioning it is that I heard about it from a comment left on my post about But, according to the privacy statement here it looks legit.
Check out the demo video to see how easy it is to use. I know *I* will try it with some folks from my Grad class.

[TIPS] census data mashup

A mashup occurs when someone writes a website that uses data from another website. Google maps and Flickr are the top two sites most often used in mashups. This one uses Yahoo! maps.
The above link is to a mashup that will plot census data based on a zipcode. It displays population and Housing demographics under the tabs found above the graph on the left. (You'll see. It's easy.) Now, combine that site with this one: (You'll have to bookmark it because you'll never remember the IP address.) This site not only shows the census data for your zipcode, but also the data from areas within a 1, 3, and 5 mile radius.
Together, those two sites may be just what the Sociology teacher is looking for.

[TIPS] The NSTA Learning Center

This is a free site for teachers. It's designed to help teachers, especially the elementary teachers, to become more learned in the area of science. Here is what it says about itself:

Welcome to The NSTA Learning Center Beta Release

You want to grow your understanding of the content and pedagogy of the subjects you teach. NSTA is proud to make available the Beta release of this electronic professional development (PD) website. Within this site you'll be able to gain access to over 1,200 different types of PD resources and opportunities, such as:

  • Over 980 NSTA Journal Articles (with over 270 articles FREE of charge), many containing high quality lesson plans
  • Over 30 FREE Science Objects (1-2 hour interactive simulation-based learning experiences)
  • Over 100 e-chapters from selected books and series (over 45 chapters FREE of charge)
  • FREE weekly live Web Seminars where you can interact with experts from NASA, NOAA, FDA and the NSDL Community.
DId you catch that last one? FREE weekly webinars (web seminars) that deal with a variety of topics.
" NSTA Web Seminars are 90-minute, live professional development experiences that use online learning technologies to allow participants to interact with nationally acclaimed experts, NSTA Press authors, and scientists, engineers, and education specialists from NSTA government partners such as NASA, NOAA, FDA, and the NSDL."
" Educators use online tools that allow them to mark-up and annotate presenter's slides or share desktop applications in addition to engaging in chat with others online and answering quizzes and poll questions. Seminars may be archived and available for viewing after the live event has occurred."
Here is a list of upcoming webinars:
This is free professional development!!
Thanks to Mary B for sharing this one.

The Benefits of Computer Service Contracts from a Client’s Perspective

Computer service contracts have real benefits for you and the long-term success of your business, but they are equally beneficial to each client. You need to make sure clients are aware of the benefits of computer service contracts if you are going to get them to sign on the dotted line.

If you clearly outline the benefits of computer service contracts to clients during sales calls, you can help get more clients signed on and add to the longevity and success of your business.

The Benefits of Computer Service Contracts for Clients

1. Dependability: Clients know with computer service contracts that you will be there for them in good times and bad. Computer service contracts are insurance policies offered at a premium.

2. Ownership of a part of you and your business: Clients on computer service contracts own a part of you and your business. They share you with other clients, but they can count on you as if you are a tech person on staff.

3. Peace of mind: Computer service contracts are a commitment you make to be there for clients for the long haul.

4. Hourly billing rates at a discount: You can waive some premiums, surcharges and fees and can offer clients on computer service contracts lower billing minimums.

5. Priority: Clients that sign onto computer service contracts get prioritized response time and scheduling precedence.

6. Access to your entire menu of virtual IT services and perks: Clients signed onto computer service contracts can use the whole range of your services and the perks that come along with them. They get access to different businesses in the area because of your relationships within the community.

Computer Service Contracts and Your Clients

Computer service contracts provide real value to loyal clients. You shouldn’t have to come up with pushy sales campaigns to get clients to agree to them if you really articulate the benefits they offer.

Added By: Joshua Feinberg

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Computer Consulting Kit Put into Practice: Ivan Judd and Photocom NZ, Ltd.

Computer consultants throughout the world are using the practical advice and templates offered by the Computer Consulting Kit. The Computer Consulting Kit outlines tangible strategies for marketing and sales along with templates to help establish rates, handle administrative functions and develop critical service contracts that will attract and keep long-term, steady and high-paying clients.

The Computer Consulting Kit in Wakatane, New Zealand

Ivan Judd, owner of Photocom NZ, Ltd. in Wakatane New Zealand, like many other computer consultants has found himself sometimes in a rut while trying to juggle the many tasks of operating his business and deliver the best services to clients. With suggestions provided by the Computer Consulting Kit about marketing and how to build a trustworthy reputation with clients, he has been able to boost his presence in the community and offer high quality solutions.

Becoming a trusted member of the community, known for offering high quality IT solutions takes time, and by thinking creatively and diversifying techniques for sales and marketing, Ivan has advanced his business and improved the quality of his client relationships.

“Last year we received public acknowledgement that our company is the dominant IT service company in our area. The Computer Consulting Kit enabled me to look at specific solutions with a different perspective, instead of following our previous habit of running around ‘putting out brush fires.’ We were able to earn an additional $30,000 in revenue.”

The Bottom Line of the Computer Consulting Kit

Ivan Judd has learned how to build his reputation within his community with the help of the Computer Consulting Kit and its presentation of practical marketing strategies and organizational tips. Join the many computer consultants worldwide that are learning to make the most of their businesses with free tips and helpful templates and information in the Computer Consulting Kit.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Professional Development & Training

One of my colleagues at the College of St. Elizabeth was kind enough to send me a link to You Tube that was not only humorous but really hit home. For any one who does technology support and training we must remember the importance of professional development and training. In the video one monk is transitioning from using a scroll to using a book and asks for assistance to use this "new technology" by calling the Help desk. As teachers, we must remember that when we introduce new technologies that we must build in support and training opportunities and the application of the technology. Likewise, we must also be cognizant of the learner's learning style as we present the new information. The video really hit home for me and I wanted to share it with you. Let me know what you think.

Get the Pricing Strategy Right from the Beginning

You have to think about your pricing strategy from the beginning of your business. Once you set a pricing strategy for your services, you won’t be able to change it very easily.

Clients depend upon a reliable pricing structure and will resist if and when you decide to change it. You can’t change your pricing strategy dramatically or you may lose clients completely.

What Increases Should You Use?

If you increase more than five to fifteen percent, you will probably get really negative responses from clients. If you intend to make a significant change in your pricing strategy, you will probably have to think about replacing clients entirely.

If you really need to make a change in your pricing strategy in order to stay afloat, you will have to find new clients that are willing to be brought on at your new rate. You will also face probably $500 to $1,200 in client acquisition cost.

Start Right from the Beginning with Your Pricing Strategy

Instead of facing a great deal of costs, you are better off starting off with the right pricing strategy so you can pass along minor increases gently and keep clients for the long term.

The Main Idea of Pricing Strategy

Pricing strategy is a critical component from the very beginning of a consulting business and will affect the long-term success of your business. Choose your pricing strategy well from the beginning and avoid attracting the wrong type of clients.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit

Friday, February 16, 2007

[TIPS] - Watch this great little video - web 2.0 explained

I've had this one ready to send out for a while, but just never did. This excellent video does a great job explaining how the web has changed. Also in why you need to know about it.

Vyew v.2

Some time ago I sent out a tip about But that was the old version. At PETE&C, Kristin H showed Vyew to her audience and - wow! Has it ever changed!

What is it? A FREE, virtual meeting room, a collaborative meeting room, with some great whiteboard tools and no downloads required. But now, it has voice capabilites, too. Check out this demo video: or just go to to register for a free account. Doing some graduate coursework with a group of students from around the area/ Use it to meet and discuss.

Very nice, indeed. There is a free version and paid versions with more options.

Here's what the site says about itself:
"Vyew provides a virtual space to share information and work together. Get your point across visually. Host live conferences and interact in real-time. Post documents and presentations for review and commenting anytime."

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Computer Consulting Kit in Practice: Worldian Technology, LLC in Ohio

The Computer Consulting Kit offers practical advice for those in the IT services industry hoping to grow their businesses and revenue. Many professionals have used the Computer Consulting Kit as a road map to guide them through IT marketing and sales strategies, how to manage relationships with clients and how to juggle administrative tasks with billable work to best use their time.

The Computer Consulting Kit: Randy Hall of Worldian Technology, LLC

Randy Hall is the owner of Worldian Technology, LLC, a computer consulting business based in Medina Ohio. Before discovering the Computer Consulting Kit, like so many others in the IT field he found himself inundated with occasional customers and struggling to make ends meet.

“I was able to move 92% of my clients from being reactive ‘Break/Fix’ clients to full Managed Services clients. On the first of every month, our accounts receivable increases dramatically. Cash flow has never been better, I have never made more money and OUR CLIENTS HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER.”

“The Computer Consulting Kit got me started on the right road, and its advice helped me to identify and separate the losers from the winners and taught me how to move some of the borderline losers to the Winners’ Circle.”

The Bottom Line About the Computer Consulting Kit and Service Contracts

The Computer Consulting Kit offers advice for consultants like Randy Hall looking to eliminate the hassle of occasional, break/fix clients and fill their client roster with high-paying, steady service contract clients. Join the consultants worldwide that are unlocking the potential of their IT services businesses with the Computer Consulting Kit.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit

Kodak Patents Edible RFID Tag

A tasty treat it's not, but Kodak has developed and patented an ingestible RFID tag that could be used by healthcare professionals to explore a patient's digestive system, or monitor food and medicine intake.

The tags are designed to disintegrate in the body, allowing them to be used in other parts of the body for diagnostic purposes. For patients with artificial joints, an RFID tag could degenerate with the joint, providing an early warning system for a joint that might be failing.


[TIPS] Google Mail is now open

Until today you used to need an invitation to open a Gmail account. Well, in today's Komando news newsletter she reports that it's now open for anyone to create an account.

So why would you want another email account? Well, for one thing you can use it when you need to supply an email address to a website and you don't want to give them your work address or your primary home address. For another thing, you can access it from the web. FOr another thing if
you use it for everything you will never have to change it should you ever change providers.

Get 'em while they're hot.

a PETE&C resources wiki

Thanks to Kristin for pointing this out. Kristin is the one who pulled off that skype connection with CoolCatTeacher at PETE&C.

Bridget Belardi (2005 KEYSTONE) created a wiki for PETE & C --

Go to her wiki

It's intended for presenters who didn't get to present on Tuesday to list their resources, or for those who saw a session to comment on it. A good idea, yes?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cheetah in the wild!

No chat talk:

The Open Beta of Cheetah was officially announced. You can get in on:

IBM create a public web support forum at: Cheetah open Beta support
and there is a new infocenter at: Cheetah InfoCenter
As promised, IBM delivered a public open Beta product. This will give the chance to everyone of us to test it, view and work with the new incredible features that R&D have put in this release.

The feature specification is really impressive. Some of them are by far the deepest changes in IDS I've seen since I started working with it in 1998. It doesn't matter what is your role (DBA, Developer...). You'll find some features specifically directed to some of your major pain points.

A quick list of the features:
  • Backup and Restore to Directories with ontape
    Adds flexibility specially if used with the next feature
  • Continuous Logical Log Restore
    Besides HDR, you have another option to disaster recovery or to get a quick copy of your instance. The second instance will be on rollforward until you need it
  • Improved Parallelism during Backup and Restore
    OnBar got a lot smarter. It's able to make faster backups and specially restores. Full system backups can be done in parallel now (as it should have been from the start if I may say it... :) )
  • Named Parameters in a Callable Statement
  • Indexable Binary Data Types
    Well... not really new. We've got it in 10.00.xC6. An evidence on how easy IDS features travel through product families
  • Encrypted Communications for HDR
    Enterprise Replication (ER) already had it. Now you can use encryption on High availability Data Replication (HDR). It's not a must have in LAN, but very useful if you replicate across public or semi-public networks.
  • RTO Policy to Manage Server Restart
    Killer... IDS can tune itself to assure a user defined fast recovery interval. You specify that want the server up again in 2 minutes... IDS will manage checkpoint intervals to assure this. It can also auto tune LRU cleaning and AIO VPs. The RTO is a big step in self in direction to a self managed system. Of course you may wonder why we need it, since it's normally up and running without issues? Well, IDS tends to have greater uptimes than the hardware... at least in my experience.
  • Non-blocking Checkpoints
    Wow... Serial killer! Got your system tuned for everyday load and have seen it 'hang' in a very long checkpoint after some special maintenance (index, table moving....)? No more! Checkpoint locks will be a small (if ever noticeable) fraction of a second. LRU flushing will be done concurrently with normal transaction processing.
    It's easy to imagine that this kind of feature takes very serious thinking, working and testing. But R&D did it. Besides this you'll get a lot of very useful info about checkpoints with a new onstat -g ckp option...
  • Trigger Enhancements
    One trigger for each type operation is not enough? Now you can have several triggers on the same table for each type of operation (Insert, Delete, Update... )
  • Truncate Replicated Tables
    You can now use truncate on tables involved in ER
  • Derived tables in the FROM Clause of Queries
  • Tired of writing "SELECT .... FROM TABLE (....)"?. Ok... Then use the general "SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ...). A usability feature that will facilitate application porting from other RDBMS
  • Index Self-Join Query Plans
    Not new... Reviewed in the last article. Another example of code portability between product families
  • Optimizer Directives in ANSI-Compliant Joined Queries
  • Optimistic concurrency
    Serial killer part II... You don't like dirty reads (who likes?!) and your application keeps waiting on locks because of bad programming or due to high concurrency? No problem! Just set an ONCONFIG parameter, or an environment variable and either DIRTY READ or COMMITTED READ or both (or none) will work in the new mode: LAST COMMITTED READ. No more lock waiting. You'll get the image before commit. No need to change application code
  • Enhanced Data Types Support in Cross-Server Distributed Queries
    Some improvements in distributed queries. More data types supported
  • Improved Statistics Maintenance
    If like me, you're mad for having to scan a table to create statistics for some columns where you've just created an index (which makes a scan of the data and a sort...), than you can rest. Now, an index creation will automatically calculate column distributions and index and table data.
  • Deployment Wizard
    New features. Much more control about want you want installed. Your installations can become smaller (not that they were big...)
  • Performance Improvements for Enterprise Replication like trigger firing during synchronization (already in 10.00.xC6) and dynamically change ER configuration parameters and environment variables
  • Schedule Administrative Tasks
    Database cron. You can schedule jobs inside the database
  • Query Drill-Down to Analyze Recent SQL Statements
    Tracing SQL. Choose who you want to trace, how much etc. Turn it on, off and change it dynamically
  • SQL Administration API
    Ever wanted to add a chunk through dbaccess? If you're like me, probably not, BUT... this will allow every maintenance to be done through client side tools. I think this will fuel a lot of innovation around IDS management environments.
  • LBAC
    Label Based Access Control. Just like in DB2. This is powerful and clean. But my first impression is that it will require lots of thinking before use. You have to structure you access policies. The tooling is there, but has to be correctly used.
  • XML
    XML publishing, XML extraction... The type of data centric XML use that we need. DB2 on the other side (Viper release, v9) has an XML engine inside it. The perfect choice for document centric applications.
  • Node datablade
    Indexable hierarchical data. It was available, but now is part of the product and fully supported
  • sysdbopen/sysdbclose
    Ah!!! It was rumored to appear in 10.00.xC1, but never did it. Now it's here. Do you want to change lock mode or isolation level for blackbox applications? No problem. Create a sysdbopen procedure and the user(s) will run whatever you put in there right after connect and before anything else that the application sends.
So... I've already tested some of this features and I got really impressed. Now it's possible for everybody to test them. Bare in mind a few thoughts:
  1. This is a Beta product. It's not supposed to be perfect. There are issues and a few features aren't already there. (stay tuned for more Beta drops)
  2. Don't use it in production. The product should be able to migrate a supported version to the 11.10 release. But it's not guaranteed that you can migrate between Beta drops. Use it for test only purposes and to inspect the new features.
  3. The product has a time limitation... Again don't use it for serious work. Use it for serious testing
  4. Feedback, feedback... IBM is surely making a big effort to push this. It's the first time I recall seeing an Informix product in open beta testing. The R&D and support personal are very motivated by this effort. If you can spare a few moments, please report any issues you find, give suggestions and ask questions. Your response will be the first reward these people will feel, and believe me... They deserve it.

A final non technical note:

Ever since the acquisition in 2001, we've been listening FUD from competitors saying that IBM would kill Informix. It wouldn't make sense to keep two competitive RDBMS systems. According to this FUD customer should move. Of course, people launching the FUD were expecting customers to migrate in their directions. Now... What do we all know about FUD? We all know it stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. It doesn't stand on Facts, it's Unfounded and we must Doubt it. Let's recall the facts:
  1. Since 2001, IBM released 3 major IDS releases:
    1. 9.40 with major changes in scalability (Big chunks), usability (manageabilty) and security (PAM)
    2. 10.0 with major code changes (configurable page size, table level restore, ER enhancements, default roles, better partitioning....)
    3. 11.1 with all of the above
  2. IBM kept support for IDS 7.31. In fact 7.31 was enhanced with the new btree cleaner and other minor features. Some intermediate release levels were discontinued (9.21, 9.30)
  3. Meanwhile, since 2001 an RDBMS vendor name O.... has discontinued two products (every release levels): version 8 and version 9 (this year, more or less at the same time Cheetah will be released) forcing it's customers to migrate. And let me remind you how easy is to migrate IDS...
So, thinking as a customer, whom do you think will protect your investment? If there was still any doubt about the IBM commitment to Informix, Cheetah should be enough to clear it.
But as we all know, FUD will always be around. Hopefully we'll all be too busy playing with this beloved "cat", exploring new ways to bring value to our organizations and customers to pay any attention to it.


[TIPS] nitschenotes PETE&C

Here's another wiki from one of the presenters at PETE&C. This one is about Virtual Field trips. Lots of good links.
These conferences.. such good stuff.

[TIPS] theconnectedclassroom » home

I'm sitting here in a presentation by Kristin Hokansen that she called "The Connected Classroom." She started off by showing the video on this page. Check it out. Got You Tube? It's called, "the Connected Classroom."
What fun it is to watch a teacher who is actively using these cool tools. Check out her wiki - and contribute! Join her network. 

[TIPS] Greetings from PETE&C

The connectivity at the hotel has been spotty but the connections among the people have been great. Lots of excellent presentations from some very excited and talented people.
I want to share one story that I think sums up the conference (as people are currently fleeing ahead of the expected  weather). Some background, first. I taught a full day session on Sunday about Web 2.0 tools to a group of 15 people. Those are fun to  do. When folks haven't seen those kinds of tools before then anything they see is exciting. *I* might know how much I couldn't show them, but they didn't mind. THen I did two presentations on Monday, both well attended. One on  web 2.0 and another on Moodle as a student centered tool.
But last night when I arrived late for the dinner I was standing at the buffet table when a young woman from my Sunday session came over to me and with a smile from ear to ear said, "Jim, I just wanted to tell you how excited I am - I finally 'get it'. This blog and wikis and web 2.0 stuff... I finally get it, and I can't wait to get back to my school to try it out with my students." The "ah-ha!" moment. I was very happy to not only hear that bit of news but SO happy that she had made the effort to share it with me. I wondered later how many others experienced that same "ah-ha!" moment and had their teaching change forever as a result.
Such GREAT things come from these conferences. Sea-changing experiences. I DO hope that YOU will try to attend one next year. Maybe even NECC in June. It may just be YOUR "ah-ha!" moment.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Customer Expectations: Dealing with Issues of Cost and Time

Customer expectations can change quickly if you don’t pay attention to specific issues that can help you stay in control.

You Have to Avoid Cost Overruns

Increased costs are a great way to lower customer expectations. You should never surprise a client with increased costs; limit cost-related surprises to projects that come in under budget.

Don’t Underestimate

Customer expectations are founded on the sum of clients’ experiences with you. If you underestimate costs for each project, your clients will get used to paying less every time, and this will decrease your value with them and falsely raise customer expectations.

Be On Time to Manage Customer Expectations

Lateness makes a bad impression on customers. If you will be late or need to reschedule completely, make sure you call as much in advance as possible. In order to exceed customer expectations you have to communicate as clearly and as often as possible. Your client should not be your boss.

Stick to Deadlines

Missing deadlines is very bad for managing customer expectations. You need to convey a sense of absolute professionalism at all times, which means sticking to your obligations as planned in the beginning.

More About Customer Expectations

Managing customer expectations is important for computer consultants and allows you to provide the best service possible to clients at all times.

Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Computer Consulting Kit in Practice: Robert Lewis and Plato Consulting

The Computer Consulting Kit provides important information, including business templates and strategies, for computer consultants worldwide looking to expand their IT services companies. Whether you are just starting your IT consulting business or have been developing it for years, the Computer Consulting Kit can help you with important issues such as time management, fee structures and how to sign up more clients on long-term service agreements to build more stable relationships, stay competitive and increase the longevity of the business.

The Computer Consulting Kit: How Robert Lewis Generates Leads and Builds Revenue

Robert Lewis is the owner of Plato Consulting, a business based in Cialfin, Kansas, USA. He is currently running his business part-time, and picked up the Computer Consulting Kit to get some ideas about transitioning into a full-time IT services company.

Reading the marketing, sales and time management strategies in the Computer Consulting Kit showed Robert that he was losing out on business because he was not approaching lead generation and customer acquisition in the most effective way.

Robert also used the tools in the Computer Consulting Kit to better organize his rate structures and make them consistent across all services to bring him more financially solvent and bring him one step closer to full time.

“After reading several pieces in the Computer Consulting Kit I realized that I was losing a substantial amount of revenue. Now that I have that issue under control the New Year's project is to start generating new leads and customers and hopefully by the year’s end I can begin doing my business full time and competing with some of the locally established computer service companies.

In 2006 I established a formal SLA and rates. Up to this point it was a hit-or-miss endeavor. After reading your program I knew exactly what I needed to do; I needed to start billing for ALL my services. I was missing a substantial part of my income, and to my surprise my service calls did NOT decrease when I started charging for everything, including phone support.”

The Bottom Line About the Computer Consulting Kit

If you are a computer consultant like Robert Lewis looking to get paid top rates for your skills and talents, attract high-paying clients and bring your business to the next level, look to the Computer Consulting Kit for tips and templates that can be your road map to success.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Saturday, February 10, 2007


This post discussed a new proposed NETS item for students. Wow! What a dramatic departure from the previous number one standard of just being familiar with technology.
But, What should the NETS for TEACHERS look like? I'm proposing that we collaborate and write it out on this wiki:
Add a brief summary of your proposed standard on the front page and then detail it on the resulting pages.
Can't wait to see what this ends up looking like.

Include Business Case Studies as Part of a Comprehensive Marketing Package

Business case studies are critical to offering prospects a thorough set of marketing materials.

When Should You Use a Business Case Study with Prospects?

If you are selling your solutions to an IT manager, you may want to show him/her a business case study. Make sure your business case study displays benefits other companies have received when they worked with you. Business case studies should be relevant and on-point to have maximum effectiveness.

What’s in a Good Business Case Study?

1. A couple sentences providing background information on what the company does.

2. The length of time the company has been in business, its location, etc.

3. The name of the main decision maker for the company.

4. The problem you helped solve for the company.

5. A description of the solution you used to fix the problem.

6. The benefits you were able to offer to the client.

You need to make sure the business case study shows clearly what you did and also states the name and address of the contact person in the case study.

What Writing Skills Do you Need to Have to Create a Business Case Study?

You don’t need to be an expert writer to put together a credible, solid business case study. Just sit down with the subject of the study for five or ten minutes with a tape recorder and conduct an interview. Add the details of what you did, but use your client’s words to create the business study.

Business Case Studies and Marketing Collateral

Don’t use generic or prepared business case studies as part of your marketing collateral. Instead, showcase your uniqueness by talking about the work you do and its benefits to clients.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101

Friday, February 9, 2007

[TIPS] You heard the story, now see the video

I'm sure many teachers have read this inspirational story before. But,
as Vicki Davis points out in this blog post, this is one that every
teacher should see.

Geez... I wish had SO many things to do over again.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

[TIPS] The new NETS standards?

Again, THIS is why I read blogs. It's my personal professional development. Anne Davis is one of the most respected bloggers out there, and her blog, "EduBlog Insights" is on my blogroll. This post of hers today points to two articles that talk about the NEW NETS standards for Technology for new teachers. Her blog post is here:

Think about it, the first NETS standards came out in 1998. Not so long ago in terms of years, but a light year away from current technology and today's Flat World. Right? Do yourself a favor and read the two articles she points to. Pass them along to every wanna-be teacher you know, too.

[TIPS] sloodle gets deeper hooks into SecondLife

I know I've mentioned this before, but you should check out the video that's there on the front page, now. It describes how you can write a blog entry for your moodle/sloodle class right from within SecondLife. A few things to notice. 1) He says that this is just one of the many upcoming modules linking SL and moodle. 2) These links pass the user both ways, from SL to Moodle and from Moodle to SL – and to the exact location in SL where the user was when the blog was posted. 3) The guy is using Firefox- NOT IE. :-)

Oh to be young again and able to see some of this stuff reach its maturity – instead of watching ME reach my maturity. :-(

[TIPS] What's the story?

I neglected to mention that the guy who draws the daily monster always ends with, "What's the Story?" He's inviting people to write in with a story about the monster he just drew. How clever is that?

[TIPS] Stefan G. Bucher's DAILY MONSTER

This one is for your favorite art teacher who teaches cartooning. I was pointed here by Joanne over at rocketboom. She heard about it from one of her viewers.
The guy draws a monster each day. At the end it turns into an animation. Amazing to watch. Very clever stuff. Share this with your favorite art teacher(s). Barb? Clay? Here y' go.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

[TIPS] Barbican - Can I Have A Word?

This one came to my attention via the Education World Reviews Newsletter ( that I receive periodically. Sign up at their site.
But this "Can I Have A Word" site is difficult to explain. It's for elementary student's I'd say, although they say middle and high school. I guess I'm a sucker for these unique sites that take poems or unique animations to inspire students to write, gather and share definitions and thoughts.
I can't describe it. I can only say that it's worth a look for those language arts teachers looking for another way to inspire your students to write.

[TIPS] How complex is your password

Kim Komando's Daily News newsletter pointed to this article that says that weak passwords help hackers. These hackers use dictionary scripts that run through words in the dictionary to hack into your computer.
Does YOUR password have at least one number in it? How about a special character like an exclamation point? If it doesn't, it's time to change it so that it DOES! Listen to this quote from the article:
     "Left online for 24 days to see how hackers would attack them, four Linux computers with weak passwords were hit by some 270,000 intrusion attempts -- about one attempt every 39 seconds,"
Hmmm... how long before it would correctly guess "buster" as your password and take it over? :-) Change your password. Git 'er done!
Oh... and uh... it's about that firewall I've been telling you about for six years, now. You DO have one of those installed, right?

How fast IS it?

OK... I'll play along THIS time, but I just can't pass it forward. Sorry, Kurt.

Kurt read about this very cool tool that tests your Internet speed. He read about it in Chris Craft's blog here. I read that one, too, but I hadda read Kurt's first, y' know. NOW look what I got myself into.

But, it's interesting. I'm at home on a wireless cable connection. It's 4:00PM. Here is my result. Not bad. Er... can you see it? Sure.. just click on it for the enlarged version. Not bad speeds, at all. Check your speed here:

[TIPS] School 2.0 - Join the Conversation

Thanks to Chris C for sharing this with me via the for:jgates513 tag in
Get this 8.5x11" pdf map- sorta- of web 2.0 schools. Hard to explain, but if you're a geek or trainer in the schools, check it out.

The Computer Consulting Kit: Harold L. Bates and Robotics 1

Computer consultants that want to get the most out of their businesses are quickly realizing the benefits of the Computer Consulting Kit.

During start-up, those looking to create a community presence and get new clients through targeted marketing techniques and lead generation might find the process overwhelming while juggling the many administrative duties, billable hours and the sales process. The Computer Consulting Kit provides clearly laid-out tips and templates for computer consultants to help make the time spent on activities involved with their businesses as efficient as possible.

The Computer Consulting Kit in Vestal, New York

Like so many other computer consultants, Harold L. Bates faced challenges when starting his computer consulting business, Robotics 1. He came from a full-time job with a predictable salary and was concerned about his ability to stay afloat at the beginning and make a profit.

He used the Computer Consulting Kit as a guidepost to help lead him through the first few months in business and was able to succeed and create a real future with high quality clients and a competitive spot in the industry:

“The Computer Consulting Kit helped me earn an extra $5,000 in revenue this past year. I started my business from zero on June 1st, 2006 and was able to match what I was making as a network administrator after three months of being in business for myself.

I am really proud of the fact that the prognosis looks good and I am going to be able to stay in business. The Computer Consulting Kit gave me a direction! It also gave me the key words to use when speaking with new clients. I am going to refer to it again an again as I gain more experience and presence in the marketplace.”

The Bottom Line About the Computer Consulting Kit

The templates and best practice tips provided by the Computer Consulting Kit has given Harold L. Bates and other IT and computer consultants the guidance needed to start a viable services business. Join the many consultants learning how to implement the techniques laid out by the Computer Consulting Kit into their businesses by clicking the link provided. You can also get free tips and other resources.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

[TIPS] A must-see video about Skype in the classroom

Among my favorite blogs is this one, Couros Blog. I've even pointed to a post there before, remember? But this is one that you MUST see. It's about a 4th grade class using Skype to allow a young homebound girl with leukemia to attend school, too. Watch this video produced by the students. It'll warm the soft spots of your heart at the very least.

Oh, and take note of the comments form the last little girl in the video.

Orbiting Junkyard Poses Danger to Space Flight

Fifty years ago, not a single man-made object orbited the earth. Now, approximately 10,000 pieces of "space junk" remain in orbit -- everything from spent rockets to dead satellites to a camera. With more nations getting into space for business and military purposes, the orbiting junk pile will grow exponentially -- especially as nations test antisatellite weapons and explode satellites the way that China did recently.

Scientists worry that the number of junk objects could grow into the billions, threatening active satellites and spacecraft and making space flight increasingly dangerous. They also worry that collisions could create even more space "shrapnel" that simply adds to the risk. The ultimate fear is that, to remain safe, spacecraft will need so much protective shielding as to make them cost-prohibitive.

Source: New York Times

Monday, February 5, 2007

[TIPS] Opera fans should love this

I had sent this out before but I noticed that it never made my blog. Here it is :
I just sent a tip re: splashcast. After I sent it I was checking out some of the sample casts created by users of the system and I was fortunate enough to see the one by Ken Beare entitled On The Opera. If you enjoy opera, watch his entire splashcast. But, for a real treat, skip ahead to #13, and hear Mario Delmonico sing "Vesti la Giubba" from the Verdi opera. When he finished I wanted to leap to my feat and applaud - just as his audience HAD to have done. See and listen for yourself. Does it bring a tear to YOUR eye, too?
Then, listen to track 15 as Victoria de los Angeles sing the famous aria from Madame Butterfly - tu tu piccolo. Another moment that is sure to stay with you.

[TIPS] - Computer Teach Thyself video ( )
Check out this VERY cool video that does an excellent job in walking you through the importance of the Read/Write web. VERY well done.
Some of the students in my grad classes have said that they don't read blogs. They don't feel that they are anything more than just one person's opinion on something, and therefore not worth the trouble.
I argue that it's from blogs that I am staying/becoming educated. It's from the links that others provide and from their ideas that keep me fresh. The above link is a perfect example. This was mentioned in a post
by Will Richardson here ( e-machine-is-using-us/ ). That took me to the link at the top of this post. From her blogroll I found another blog with something of interest. And it goes on and on.
The right blogs bring you into the conversation. The conversation about your profession. It's your personal professional development.

[TIPS] - When technology isn't the answer

I had the opportunity today to sit in on a statistics class at a local high school. This was a class of about 22 juniors and seniors. The class was focused and attentive and engaged as the teacher reviewed for the upcoming test. He was diagraming on the board quickly and jotting down bits and pieces of information that the students supplied as they tried to solve various problems. He would listen patiently as the students would talk their way through solutions and he asked probing questions to get their responses to harder questions. "I don't understand. You tell ME.", he'd say. It was an excellent lesson from bell to bell, and I got the sense that the students would have stayed another 43 minutes had they had that option. They had calculators in one hand and pencils in the other - and EVERY student had a pencil!! Holy cow!
This teacher is slated to get a room full of laptops computers one day soon, and I wondered to myself if the computers would end up getting in the way of lessons like that. Would too much time be spent trying to teach students how to work an applet that would do just what he had done? Would too much time be wasted dealing with computers that for one reason or another not load the page? Would the student's attention be so divided in a lesson like this that they'd lose more than they would gain?
I guess I was worried that this teacher might end up trying to force fit the computer into lessons. It's an art, I think, to know when to call upon the computer and when not to. I hope that this teacher and others like him will know that it's OK to keep the laptops in the cart. In math, especially, I hope that they don't lose site of the fact that math is learned through practice,and that means pencil to paper. A computer can certainly help students to visualize things but it can't replace concentration and good old fashioned WORK.

[TIPS] - Wow! Check out Zoho's notebook
Want to see some exciting developments in the area of online productivity (aka "office") software? Check this out. Zoho is doing some amazing things. Make sure you watch the video. VERY cool stuff.
This isn't new, but it is a different way of thinking about it. "The half life for technology today is just two years." We saw that before in Karl Fisch's "Did you Know ( )" slideshow, right? But it warrants the repeat. That makes technology a touch sell for some people, doesn't it? Why should they invest all this time to learn something that may be obsolete in two years anyway?
"What's the alternative?", I wo uld argue. Hang your upper limit of your tech skills on ..  Hyperstudio? (Don't be silly, you say. That's been out of date for years.) No? Powerpoint, then? (Well, at least that won't go away for a while, you say. "You're right. It's like a bad penny - you can't get rid of it.") Frontpage?... no... Dreamweaver!! YES!!! Do you mean to say that you're going to make your teachers learn Dreamweaver to make their webpages instead of showing them a wiki?
The point is, as you learn about new tools in technology, don't think it's the last one you'll need to know. In two years (or less) a new tool will come out that will be even better. And THOSE are the tools that your students are growing up with. You keep up because that's what makes you most effective and relevant. Right?

Business Partnerships and How to Avoid Complications

Business partnerships can enhance your business, but you have to be careful when you form them. The following are some tips for managing the pitfalls of business partnerships.

A List of Things to Think About with Business Partnerships

Form business partnerships with only non-competing companies. Carefully peruse business cards, marketing materials, websites and other items to make sure the company is truly non-competing.

Have a non-disclosure agreement and a non-compete document ready before you start any business partnerships. These items need to be reviewed by your attorney.

Get a real project commitment from your clients before you enter into business partnerships. You can’t risk forming business partnerships to manage a project and then finding out that the client wasn’t really serious about completing it.

Qualify the budget of your client, the timeline and the project’s importance before using a business partnership to manage it.

Talk about the relationship and the nature of all business partnerships with potential partners from the beginning. At the very least, you want to label the work to decide if it’s going to be done through an informal referral, if there will be revenue sharing, if the relationship will be master-subcontractor, who is going to be the go-to person on the account and who owns the account.

You can’t just count on your partner understanding the world of small business virtual IT. Work in some time for teaching and managing as part of business partnerships.

Be ready to manage relationships between clients and business partners. You will be responsible for protecting your partner and your client from uncomfortable situations that may arise.

Be ready to translate when you get involved with business partnerships. Your client and the partners may not be speaking the same business language so you will be responsible for helping them communicate. Coordination is your job as part of business partnerships.

Your Job is Virtual CIO

When getting involved in business partnerships, you will be the manager of all projects for your partners. Set clear guidelines and ensure the quality of the work being done through careful management and diligent monitoring.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Computer Consulting Kit and Oxford Computers

Professionals within the IT industry are implementing the concepts of the Computer Consulting Kit to improve their businesses and become true technology partners to clients. Thanks to the Computer Consulting Kit, consultants at all levels are becoming acquainted with their strengths and weaknesses and learning how to focus their energy to best serve the needs of small businesses and build partnerships with both clients and other specialists.

The Computer Consulting Kit: Stratos Parisiou and Oxford Computers

Stratos Parisiou is an IT consultant based in Broomall, Pennsylvania that has learned how to capitalize on the relationship between the client and the consultant. By viewing all his relationships with customers and clients as true partnerships, he has been able to build a positive reputation within his community and grow his business. By creating a clearly defined standard for all his relationships with clients and technology partners, Stratos has made his work more efficient and improved the quality of the solutions and services presented by his company, Oxford Computers.

“I have created partnerships that allow me to focus on my strong points and become a resource to my clients. When a client has a problem with networks, my experience allows me to maximize my productivity by spending as little time as needed to fix the problem.

When the problem is database related, I make a phone call to my database partner and meet her onsite. Again, I maximize productivity by spending as little time as possible to find a solution to the problem. After reading through the material in the Computer Consulting Kit and attending the conference calls, I have realized that I am spending too much time trying to learn unknown technologies at the elementary level. Now, I focus on the customer relationship and allow the specialists to do their work.”

The Bottom Line About the Computer Consulting Kit and Partnerships

Stratos Parisiou uses the clear concepts of the Computer Consulting Kit to get the most out of partnerships with clients and other technology providers and specialists. Many other computer consultants are following suit and adopting the best practices and principles of the Computer Consulting Kit to create highly sophisticated solutions and improve efficiency.

Created By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

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