Follow-up is necessary to your marketing and contact management strategies, and it needs to be conscientious and persistent without being overly aggressive. Your follow-up techniques should exercise your creativity and be personalized to each lead or prospect. Follow-up is a way to appeal to people, not overwhelm them or drive them away from you.
Follow-Up Tips for Your Computer Services Business
1. Send a follow-up invitation letter about an event at which you’re speaking.
2. Tell prospects you’re going to be presenting at a trade show and give them a free pass to the show.
3. Ask for a referral through a follow-up call, e-mail, letter, etc.
4. Send a follow-up letter offering support after a natural disaster.
5. If you get word of a promotion the prospect had, an award he/she won, a new business obtained or positive media coverage, make a follow-up congratulatory call.
6. Discuss a joint venture opportunity like a trade show, seminar, or some other event, if appropriate.
7. Send a card to prospects on major holidays as a very personal follow-up device.
Follow-up gives a reason to stay in touch with prospects and can vary depending on the personality and business of the prospect. Keep your name in prospects’ minds without turning them off to the possibility of working with you.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101
Monday, November 27, 2006
What Follow-Up Can I Use for My Computer Services Business?
6:38 AM
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