When working with your sweet spot customers, you should consider which of these other services you can provide.
What Website Design Programs Should You Know?
At minimum, you should be able to use Microsoft Frontpage. However, if you work with many high end clients, an understanding of Macromedia or Dreamweaver can serve you well. Although you don't have to provide web design services, this will be just another income pipeline.
What about Terminal Services?
You should be familiar with what is built into the window server and with how other technologies work. For instance, although the fax machine may be fast disappearing, faxing over the network is still important. You should also be able to monitor performance and provide tune-ups. VPN, RADs, virtual private networking, and remote access is still important and should be part of you repertoire.
What about Virus Protection?
You should be familiar with some of the more advanced virus protection applications. Especially when working with Exchange Server or IAS, you should be familiar with how to automate that within the management server. You should also be able to use sophisticated firewall and intrusion detection software packages.
Learn more about what you need to know and what you can offer to sweet spot clients in the full article (link above).
Posted by Joshua Feinberg
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