It’s been a long-time coming, but I’ve exactly found an example of a great computer consulting niche Web site… for a consulting firm that serves CPA’s and tax professionals.
I see so many lousy computer consulting Web sites that for lack of a better word suck that when I run across a good, or even great one, I feel compelled to bring it to your attention.
My only real complaint with this site? The owner went out of his way to hide his identity… There’s no “About Us” page… or “About the Founder”, listing a bio.
However, I still figured out who the site owner is (I won’t post it here because he probably prefers to stay anonymous) but I ** CAN ** tell you that his computer consulting company got their business development training from yours truly… Joshua Feinberg’s Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit.
So if you specialize in accounting offices, or just want to go see a great example of a deeply niched computer consulting Web site, go see this company's Web site at the above link.
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