Computer Consulting 101 Customer Reviews...
"...very useful... excellent ideas... strategic little things that I would have probably never thought of. Very good stuff!"
"Joshua and Jennifer, Thank you for all you guys are doing. Much of the marketing information that I have gleaned from the Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit has been very useful. We are continually reusing the excellent ideas you have presented with fairly good success. Many of the ideas you have presented were strategic little things that I would have probably never thought of. Very good stuff!"
- Jason Harrison, Harrison Technology Consulting, Nashville, North Carolina
... in the computer services business since 1990
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"Since starting out last month, I've gone from billing 0 hours/month to billing over 80 hours/month!!!"
"The Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit has helped grow my business. Just since starting out last month, I've gone from billing 0 hours/month to billing over 80 hours/month!!! I truly believe that it was the model documents, the marketing advice, and the networking advice that has helped make this happen. You've got a customer for life in me. Sincerely,
- Phil Blende, President/Co-Founder, ITEK Solutions, Redlands, California
You can get the same tools that Phil is talking about right now at
"...made me very aware of the key metrics that needto be tracked for overall profitability"
"The Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit has helped me identify key business decisions that are appropriate for this business space. It also has made me very aware of the key metrics that need to be tracked to determine overall profitability."
- Matt Lindell, Vision Technology Partners Chicago, Illinois
You can get the same tools that Matt is talking about right now at
"...really helped us to get our business affairs in order...and expand in a focused manner"
"The Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit really helped us to get our business affairs in order. The implementation of our service agreement program really provided us the opportunity to expand in a focused manner on the market we were going after. It is amazing how much more billable time you can get when you are not learning new lines of business and new software packages all the time! There are many nuggets of knowledge in the program that we are able to use over and over. Thanks for the great work and we look forward to more!"
- Ron Trotto, Try Catch Consulting, New Hartford, Connecticut
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"Joshua is really the only one who knows what the problems are for a business like mine... and he never disappoints."
"I've heard business and marketing advice from quite a few different people who say they know what's best for a company like mine. The reality though, is that someone like Joshua who has 'been there and done that' is really the only one who knows what the problems are for a business like mine. Joshua never disappoints."
- Jeffrey Sherman, Warever Computing (est'd 1989) Los Angeles, California
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"...very clear, concise guidance on what to put in placein order to attract clientele"
"The Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit is a great jump start to a professional image and gives very clear, concise guidance on what to put in place in order to attract clientele seeking routine computer consulting services."
- Thomas L. Forrester, Red Pepr Computing Solutions, Middleton, Wisconsin
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Computer Consulting 101 Customer Reviews
10:15 AM
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