Older industrial US cities could benefit from a combination of urban renewal efforts, growing interest in city living, and growth restrictions in suburban and rural areas.
According to Joseph Seneca of Rutgers University, older cities such as Newark, Hoboken and Jersey City in New Jersey, as well as the state's heavily urbanized Hudson County, are enjoying a rebirth as businesses seek new office space. Meanwhile, the amenities and convenience of city life are appealing to "empty nester" Baby Boomers and their twentysomething children. Finally, "green space" initiatives in the suburbs and rural areas are curbing growth opportunities there, whereas cities are working hard to encourage new development.
Cities in northern New Jersey have the singular advantage of being so close to New York City. Whether this trend will apply to older cities elsewhere remains to be seen. A true test would be Camden in southern New Jersey, recently declared to be the most dangerous city in America.
Source: The Times of Trenton
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