Today's the big day! If you've already voted, great! If not, and if you still have some questions, the following are some resources that might help you:
- NBC News is hosting a toll-free nationwide voter hotline to help voters find their polling places and report irregularities: 866-MY-VOTE-1. The line supports English and Spanish.
- The Federal Election Commission has a web page of links to various resources and frequently asked questions. The FEC also has an online directory of state election resources.
Early reports indicate long lines at many polling places, with waits sure to increase as the afternoon goes on.
Finally, is it just me, or do the major news sites appear to be creeping? is in stripped-down high-volume mode, and even that way, it's sluggish in loading. I barely got the CBS News site to load at all, while Fox News seemed to load fine. Non-news sites are loading with no problem.
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