Saturday, January 31, 2009

Post weekly (weekly)

  • We dived right into the new suite and came up with 20 tips and tricks that we hope will help you enjoy all the features the new iLife '09 has to offer.

    tags: ilife

  • Welcome to DeepDebate! We are passionate about ideas and are exploring new ways to improve online conversations. In order to do this, we've built a framework which makes it easier for a very large number of people to create a structured conversation.

    tags: debate

  • The International Education K ­ 16 website is a collaborative effort at Pennsylvania Department of Education between the Bureaus of Teaching and Learning and Community and Student Services. This website will emphasize World Languages, World Cultures, and global issues. Global Coin will provide materials and resources to students, teachers, parents and professionals. In the future Global Coin will be enhanced and expanded technologically to meet numerous educational needs

    tags: foreignlanguage

  • wonderful resources from the PA Dept of Education on the topic of Money.

    tags: finance

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Friday, January 30, 2009

One to Watch - a performance artist

I thought I had posted about this before but I can't find it. This is a post from Michelle Krill in her Finding Common Ground blog. She has a Youtube video embedded there that I think you should watch.

This is a young performance artist in her school who does a wonderful piece for Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday celebration. This is one talented young lady. How nice it is that she was not only capable of doing this, but that she was given the opportunity to do it.

I heard another story recently of a class that was studying a novel together. They had to come up with some sort of project. I forget the details of the assignment. One boy brought in his clarinet. He had written some original music that he thought fit the characters in the story. He would play the short piece and then ask the class which character it was. The class got EVERY ONE of those characters right. I was told that a couple students would occasionally disagree about which character it was about, but (and this is the cool part) they had great discussions about WHY. "That music sounded ...., but the character is ...." Interesting, no?

The moral of the story is this: What if the kids were given the opportunity to show their understanding of your content in ways that were meaningful to them? Hard to know how to grade it, for sure, isn't it? But, do you think that the connection would be deeper? I do.

Adobe eLearning Suite- A Very Special Webinar

Yesterday I had the good fortune to be able to do participate in a one-to-one webinar on the new Adobe elearning Suite with RJ Jacquez, Senior Product Evangelist for the Adobe eLearning Suite which was just recently released. I would like to thank Jody from A & R Edleman for making this possible and for keeping me abreast of all the exciting developments that are taking place at Adobe in the eLearning space. RJ was kind enough to highlight the key features in the Adobe eLearning Suite and show me how the individual software applications in the package add value to the suite. The Adobe eLearning Suite consists of the following applications that work together to enrich the users eLearning experience: Captivate 4, Adobe Flash CS4, Adobe DreamWeaver CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, Adobe Presenter 7, Adobe Soundbooth CS4, as well as Adobe Bridge CS4, Adobe Device Central CS4, and a SCORM Packager.

Having been an avid Captivate 3 user I was glad to see some of the new features which have been added to Captivate 4 that will allow me more control and easier ways to personalize the eLearning experience. Captivate 4 now includes the ability to store variables which will allow the developer to personalize the experience in your courses. One of the really nice features which I was able to see yesterday was the ability for automatic panning which lets you capture an area of the screen which may be outside the original preset. All of us who use Captivate will be glad to find out that we can output the video as one SWF file regardless if your video has captured full motion recording. And last but not least Captivate 4 has the ability to send your video out and allow others to comment without the other party having to own Captivate. Using an Adobe AIR application individuals can comment on the video without the need to own a copy of Captivate. What I was most impressed by during the webinar was how the various software applications were integrated into the workflow and how Captivate 4 is able to communicate effortlessly with the other applications in the suite. In the next couple of weeks look for more posts on the Adobe eLearning Suite.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Personal Injury Lawyers for You

Are you facing personal injury case and need lawyers services? Just visit this site, they personal injury and accident lawyers who will invest the time and money it takes to win your case. When you take us on as a client we invest our firm's money to prepare the strongest case possible for you and your family.  

We will support your case with the most qualified expert witnesses, videographers to tape testimony in depositions, top notch graphic artists who prepare computer generated displays for court, we back up you with our 14 full time personal injury staff and a substantial settlement or victory in court by our lawyer to win your case. Many complex and difficult cases to court in all over counties like Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York that we have taken. 

Some of the success we achieve and substantial monetary settlements for our clients as consideration for you, you can read our verdicts & settlements like teenage recovers from Stepmom for fall out from a moving vehicle, $240,000 settlement for 11 year old bicycle rider struck by an automobile and many more.  Most people wait for months or years before filing a suit, please don’t do that, your case can weakens an otherwise strong case. Call us now so that we can collect all the information we need to start building a good case for you. 


Horizon Report 2009 - some interesting findings

I just downloaded and skimmed through the latest Horizon Project Report. (or here) I always like to see which technologies they feel are most likely to have a significant impact in the way we live and learn. Do yourself a favor and download the document and read it. It always puts things into a great perspective.

Here is the part that I found most interesting - the Critical Challenges. I'll list just the key concepts, but you really should go read the entire thing.
  1. There is a growing need for formal instruction in key new skills, including information literacy, visual literacy, and technological literacy. Wow, how long have folks been saying this? Kids may be good gamers and texters, but as for being literate, they're NOT there.
  2. Students are different, but a lot of educational materials is not. And, later in that same paragraph, "Assessment, likewise, has not kept pace with the new modes of working, and must change along with teaching methods, tools, and materials." Can I hear an 'Amen!"?
  3. Significant shifts are taking place in the ways scholarships and research are conducted, and there is a need for innovation and leadership at all levels of the academy. All levels.
  4. We are expected, especially in public education, to measure and prove through formal assessment that our students are learning. Then, "Current systems are not capable of managing and interpreting real time information flows..."
  5. Higher education is facing a growing expectation to make use of and to deliver services, context, and media to mobile devices.
Please go read the full report. Take a look at the trends that it things are just a year or less out. (Mobile computing and cloud computing) Then see what they predict for further out.

No, this won't raise a test score, perhaps, but it WILL give you a sense of what's happening in the world and how it will impact education - or SHOULD.

Twitter Surveys with SocialToo

We just can't enough of Twitter these days, can we? It seems that with every passing day there is a another Twitter tool of one sort or another that comes out to keep us plugged into our social network. I just came across SocialToo which is a very simple to use survey tool which you can automatically link to your Twitter account. With SocialToo you simply create a one question survey and click on the Share with Twitter button and your question is automatically gets posted to Twitter- pretty cool. I tried it out this evening and you can participate in the survey by clicking here. So give it a try and let me know what you think. If you have some favortie Twitter tools please leave a comment. If you would like to follow me my Twitter name is assistivetek

Mindjet Connections Newsletter Available

Check out this month Mindjet Connections Newsletter for some really great articles from Jamie Nast, Michael Deutch, and Stephanie Diamond. You will also find a new video tip that I created showing you the new built in Web Browser feature which is extremely powerful. Also find out more about GyroQ which was just recently released for MindManager 8 to help you keep on track.

Touchscreen Watch Phone

LG release a futuristic gadgets that LG GD910, LG's touchscreen phone watch. There’s a pretty low-grade camera but its 3G HSDPA compatibility, 1.43” touchscreen, MP3 player and text to speech functionality makes it a decent phone and a pretty hot watch. It also packs in bluetooth (so you can look even more spy-like with a headset), MMS and it’s water resistant. 


Improve Your Website's Traffic with SEO
SEO is very useful to increase your website traffic with optimize the use of your keywords, increased traffic will result in increasing your search engine rankings which are vital to the success of businesses in today's internet-savvy world. SEO services for you to balancing the use of keywords with valuable, rich, user-friendly content.

Speaker Bulb Lamp

The future human always want simplicity, this is a very unique design of a bulb that can give 

voice or music (speaker). Wireless speakers are there as are light bulbs, so you basically put 
them together in a rather sophisticated way, citing technological advances as your friend. Wireless speakers streaming music all over the place with the shimmy of disco lights; sounds eccentric!
Apparently the parts of the SoundBulb are replaceable and can be upgraded from time to time. 

The question is? How about heat factor,after all bulbs do produce a lot of heat and could be damaging 
to the speakers.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Be the first to check 11.50.xC4

After a long time without posting (usual lack of time) I decided to take five minutes to make an echo of some nice news. I already heard about plans for IDS 11.50.xC4 around April this year, but nonetheless I was surprised by today's IIUG's announcement.

Accordingly to this news, any customer wanting to get in touch with the next release of IDS will be able to do so, after agreeing to the usual conditions.

In the announcement we can see the major features for this new version:
  • Compression
  • Easy administration, setup & monitoring of Enterprise Replication with the Informix OpenAdmin Tool
  • Improved embedability
  • Support for the Amazon EC2 computing environment
  • Support for VMWare Virtualization Infrastructure and Desktop solutions
So... Compression seems obvious, Amazon EC2 seems intriguing. VMWare seems logical.
Stay alert and consult the IIUG (International Informix Users Group) site for more information.
Once again IIUG shows great collaboration spirit with IBM on promoting IDS.

You should also take a look at the next Chat with the Labs (January 29). Jerry Keesee, Director of the Informix Lab, will talk about recent Informix activities and also about the roadmap for 2009.
To register go to:

The 13th Carnival of Computer Help and Advice

Welcome to the thirteenth monthly Carnival of Computer Help and Advice - a digest of recent blog articles about making interaction with computers safer and easier.

We start this month with a free e-book at entitled Microsoft Windows XP Registry Guide: "This title for power users and IT professionals is the authoritative source for information on the Windows XP registry and how to modify it to suit your administrative and personal needs. The Windows registry contains profiles for each user of a computer plus information about system hardware, installed programs, property settings, and more."

With Windows XP approaching the end of its production life, Pass The Boll presents a review of Windows 7 - A Promising OS From Microsoft. While we are on the subject of operating systems, The Software Junkie has written a blog post for those of you who have tried the Ubunti 8.10 Intrepid Live CD only to find that OSX will not boot correctly: Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Live CD - Mac Boot Error Fix.

"My blog covers computer-related repetitive stress injuries, ergonomics, software, and peripherals. I put this list together for folks who might be thinking of buying voice recognition software." So writes Lindsay B about the 7 Signs It's Time to Try Voice Recognition Software post at Ergoblog.

Malicious attempts to capture our secured information on the web are on the increase. To help us protect ourselves Richard of Geek-News.Net offers his Tips To Avoid Twitter Phishing.

While Twitter's popularity is increasing as a means to communicate with each other, Jam Ward looks at a swiss army penknife of an application that enables us to communicate via a plethora of systems in The Best Pidgin Hacks & Mods at Jam's Ubuntu Linux Blog.

Finally this month, a welcome return of Andrew Edgington with A Preview of Photoshop Elements 7 Part 1 posted at Learn Adobe Elements.

If you would like to host the next carnival then please leave a comment on this post or use the contact form over at our Blog Carnival page where you can also submit your blog posts for inclusion. Don't worry, if you don't want to write the Carnival post I can do it for you.

More next month.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A follow-up to the previous post

I love good timing, don't you?

This evening, while browsing my reader I discovered this post by Dr Scott Mcleod in his Dangerously Irrelevant blog. It's not about cyberbullying but it does go along with the notion of the need to teach our children (well) about the dangers of living online.

Please read this one, too.

Computer Service Tips that Build Your Client List the Right Way

If you want to build a real client list, you can’t live in uncertainty. Building your computer service business around the needs of one-shot deal customers is a one-way ticket to nowhere. Spending all your time and money acquiring customers for one-shot deal transactions is just not a financially viable way to spend your time.

If you want to build a strong, steady client list, you need to move towards a business model based on annual support contracts. Take into account the following 3 ways to build your computer service business the right way.

  1. Annual Support Contracts Give You Recurring Revenue. An annual support contract package gives you recurring revenue, which gets you the stability and predictability that you need to survive long term. When you have a support contract model in place, you know where you will get your next billable service call. This allows you to make predictable plans to expand, hire new employees, and update your benefits to meet the changing best practices associated with your clients’ industries.

  2. Support Contract Clients Are Assets. When you build your client list with steady, high-paying clients that are paying you on a recurring basis, you create a great asset. If you ever want to sell your computer service business – if you move or get burnt out, injured or sick – your long-term clients committed to annual support contracts become one of your greatest assets. A potential buyer of your business would certainly not invest very much in a list of one-shot-deal customers that only call you in the case of an emergency.

  3. Once You Have Clients, You Need to Cultivate Relationships. Beyond just attracting great clients, you have to be willing to work to keep them. You need to cultivate and strengthen important relationships at every stage of the sales cycle. This means you have to keep in mind the end goal of leading every single prospect and customer to towards support contract agreements. You need to know about their biggest business and IT problems. Then actively engage in follow-up activities such as phone calls, e-mails, and proving-ground projects.
In this brief article, we talked about 3 things to think about as you build your computer service client list. Learn more about how you can attract great, steady, high-paying computer service clients now at the attached link.

Copyright (C),, All Rights Reserved.

cyberbullying and sexting

Many thanks to @PLN717 for sharing this on twitter today.

First of all, it's odd how these things sometimes happen. I was just talking to someone whose daughter was the victim of bullying and I know how devastating it was for both daughter and mother. So this video (youtube) is important to watch. It's from @nocyberbullies (might be a good person to follow, maybe?). The only issue I have with this is that the phtographer didn't show the slides. Those are important. Maybe someone can find where those slides are posted online.

Then, @PLN717 also posted this link which points to a VERY interesting and important pdf files about "sexting." Attention all parents of children over the age of 11: READ THAT FILE! If you don't know what sexting is then you OWE IT to yourself and your child to find out. It's illegal, and quite a dangerous practice. Here and here are two articles about the serious nature of the practice. Any old search on the web on that terms will show storiets of kids doing it and adults doing it. When kids do it the charge is trafficking in child pornography. When adults do it the charges vary but losing a job is pretty consitently a side effect when caught at work.

So, thanks again to @PLN717 and @nocyberbullies for sharing these important resources.

A question about the word 'aggregator'

So, how long do you think it'll be before the word aggregator no longer gets flagged as being misspelled?

(Yes, I know I can add it, but that's not the point.)

Something NEW this way comes - in Google Earth

I just LOVE the gearthblog. This post is yet another example of why I think it's a must-have in almost ANY teacher's aggregator.

There, the gearth team reposts an announcement that something BIG is coming to Google Earth very soon. Here's just a little quote from their post:

"Another clue for this announcement was some other speakers for the announcement: Sylvia Earle - Explorer-in-Residence for National Geographic Society; Terry Garcia - EVP for National Geographic Society, and Greg Farrington, Executive Director for California Academy of Sciences."

Stay tuned, science teachers. From the sounds of that clipping this may be HUGE for you folks!

Back to Teaching

With the new semester just beginning I have been preoccupied with getting my graduate classes set up and running. It is always exciting to start a new semester full of new ideas and ways to deliver and instruct my classes. Last week I had a chance to use PollEveryWhere in my class and it worked like a charm. My students were impressed and enjoyed the opportunity to learn a new technology that they may be able to use in their classroom. I plan on using more digital assets for my hybrid courses using tools like Camtasia Studio 6, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Acrobat 9, and Adobe Presenter which I can utilize wtih BlackBoard.

For the past couple of months I have been developing an Assistive Technology eBook with a colleague, complete with video tutorials that should be out in a couple of weeks. More to come about this eBook in a couple of days. It is an exciting project and one that shows the true potential of these various tools for educational purposes. The final product will be delivered as a downloadable PDF file taking advantage of Acrobat 9 now being able to play video's with nothing more than Acrobat Reader 9. Boy we have come a long way!

So stay tuned to this blog for more information about the Assistive Technology eBook and my reflections on using more digital assests in my courses using the aforementioned software applications.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Easy Payday Loans

Do you need money quickly? But, the problem is, you don't know how you can realize your goals? Because anything, one of it is you don't know where you can find the help. Okay, because you're reading this article, don't waste your time again, find what you've been expecting during this time. In your mind, you can't get the additional money with quick, simple, and easy? Don't worry, keep and continue reading, you will find the great information in this post.

That's through easy online Payday Loans method. The requirements is simple, as long as you:
-Maintain a job or have an income from welfare or social security.
(If employed, you must make at least $1000 per month or $800 if you receive income through a governmental program).
• Be at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States.
• Have an active savings or checking account with a direct deposit set up.
You will be in a better chance to get the payday loan up to $1,500.

The process takes short time, when you have filled out all the online application such as: your name, email address, and requested loan amount, the site, will match your needs with best lender. Once the lender approves your data, they will transfer to you the payday loan amount that you requested to your savings or checking account. So, what are you waiting for? Save your future with get the easy online payday loan!

Get Multiple Insurance Quotes in Just Five Minutes

Are you interested in knowing insurance topic? Recently, I found a great website which it as the insurance portal website that you can visit to finding lots of insurances field. Through this site, much benefit will you get such as:
- Get free insurance quotes in just five minutes.
- Compare multiple quotes from the nation's top insurance agencies.
- Get competitive quotes anywhere in the Unites States.
- No obligation to buy today and available to you absolutely free.

So, it means you can get free insurance quotes for lots of insurance types like: auto insurance, condo insurance, health insurance, home insurance, health insurance, and renters insurance. Don't worry, will guiding you how to get insurance with best rates. Than you have to do it yourself, of course it will take more long time and you don't know where you can get the best rates. Also, you will get enough knowledge about insurance topics, what's auto insurance, what's renters insurance, what's condo insurance, how these will work? And many others.

Simple to apply, get a quotes and then click on insurance types as already mentioned above, enter your zip code, and done! Fast, simple, and secure. So, what are you waiting for? Visit this site today!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Post weekly (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Car Loans

Are you looking for the best Cars Loans that most suitable with your car? Yes, of course, you have to get the best auto loan that match with the characteristics of your car. And from this moment, your desire to have your dream car will soon become a reality. Because what? Because has come Get The Best Auto Loan (, specializes in the education of consumers interested in auto financing (via the auto loan blog); it is their hope that through the goodwill of information desemination that financing interest will translate through to their partners. Yes, according to its name, through this site, you can get the best auto loan for any type of your vehicle. And this is the best solutions and answers for you.

For you know, finding an auto loan can be tough, moreover finding the best auto loan that match your expectations, which is why Get The Best Auto Loan is dedicated to finding you the best rates no matter where you are purchasing your vehicle. They work with the nation's top lenders to offer you the lowest interest rates available with affordable monthly payments to match. By making auto loan lenders compete for your business, you are guaranteed the lowest market rates. Do you want to search for Loans for New Cars, Loans for Used Cars, or Refinance Your Current Auto Loan, Get The Best Auto Loan is the right place for you. They also have many useful articles about auto loan that you can read. Okay, what are you waiting for? Get a free auto loan quote now, simply fill out the form at the top of the page. There is no obligation to buy today!

Do you Have No Enough Money to Realize your Dream?

Do you have no enough money to realize your dream? Or just to pay all of your debts in the near time? You are in the panic situation now? Don't worry, You're not alone in this life, there are a great news that you can hear now, a great site has come and give you a better chance to change your situation in a day. Believe it? I know, you will be in difficult situation if you have to borrow money from the bank, friend, family, or even your wife or husband. It's hard because you can know what will they say to response to your request. Sometimes, you can't get what you've expected, just to borrow $100.

Okay, through you can get the easy online Payday Loans with simple process, no collateral needed, fast, secure and affordable. Range the payday loan is between $100 to $1,500 and you can get the money depends to your condition. Just need to submit the simple online application, fill out your data, send it and waiting for response from them to let you know that the money will be send to your checking or savings account. How can I qualify for a payday loan? Simple, don't worry, read carefully any below:
Most lenders require the following:
• Maintain a job or have an income from welfare or social security.
(If employed, you must make at least $1000 per month or $800 if you receive income through a governmental program).
• Be at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States.
• Have an active savings or checking account with a direct deposit set up.

So, are you ready to change your financial situation now through this site? Yes, you should take this great chance.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Faster word processing revisited

Do you wish to be able to use your word processor more efficiently? Would you like to be able to edit a piece of text without having to reach for the mouse every few seconds? If your answer is 'yes' then this selection of time-saving keyboard shortcuts are for you. They should work in any text editor on Windows (and possibly on other operating systems too), whether you are using a word processor or a comments box on a web page.

I have included a text box as part of this article so you can play around with the various key combinations. For those interested, the text in the box is the opening paragraph of Candide by Voltaire.

We will start with quick navigation links.
  • The Home key will move the cursor to the beginning of the line (on most keyboards this key is in a collection of 6 keys located above the cursor keys).
  • The End key will, unsurprisingly, move the cursor to the end of the line.
  • If you hold down Ctrl and press Home, the cursor will move to the beginning of the document. Ctrl and End will take the cursor to the end of the document.
  • The Page Up and Page Down keys do 'exactly what it says on the tin'; they move the cursor one page up or one page down.

You probably already use the cursor keys (the ones with arrows on) to navigate around your compositions, moving one character at a time. If you hold Ctrl and press the left or right cursor keys you can jump one word at a time, left or right.

You should now be able to whiz around your documents; but what about keyboard shortcuts for selecting bits of the text? To select, simply hold down the Shift key as well as the key combinations I have already mentioned.

  • Holding down Shift and pressing a cursor key will select one character to the left or right, dependent on which cursor key you press.
  • Hold Shift and press Home to select the text from the cursor position to the beginning of a line. Shift and End selects the text from cursor to end of line. Thus, a quick way to select a line of text is to press Home, hold down Shift and press End.
  • Holding down Shift and Ctrl together and pressing Home will select all the text between the cursor position and the start of the document. Holding down Shift and Ctrl while pressing End selects all the text between cursor and end of document.
  • To select the whole document you could hold down Ctrl and press Home to take you to the top; then Shift, Ctrl and End to select to end; however, it is much easier to use the keyboard combination for selecting the whole of a text: Ctrl and A.
  • Holding down Shift and Ctrl and pressing a cursor key will select one word left or right, dependent on which cursor key you press.

So, you can whiz through your document selecting chunks of text as you go. The last selection of key combinations in this article enable you to do stuff to the text.

  • Hold down Ctrl and press C to copy the selected text.
  • Hold down Ctrl and press X to cut the selected text - that is to copy it and delete it.
  • Hold down Ctrl and press V to paste the copied text where the cursor is located.

Whereas, it is easy to remember the key combination for copy (Ctrl+C) the combinations for cut and paste are not so intuitive. When I first started using these particular keyboard shortcuts I remembered the cut combination because the X looks like a pair of scissors, and the V looks a little like an upturned glue pot (a little imagination is required I know).

Play around with all these key combinations in this text box.

Some text boxes allow you to use 'rich text'; that is, text that has extra formatting options such as bold, italic or underline.

  • Hold down Ctrl and press B to make the selected text bold.
  • Hold down Ctrl and press I to make the selected text italic.
  • Ctrl and U will underline the selected text.

Thankfully all three of these are intuitive, so no need for imaginative mnemonics to remember them.

To further increase your productivity while using a word processor you can use your keyboard to access the application's menus too as detailed in this tutorial.

This is an edited version of a post that I originally posted on September 5, 2007.

Nouveau Riche People

I think you know, if now, almost around the world are going economic crisis. Then the question, what should we do so that we can stay alive? And not only "keep alive", but also risen to become rich? How so that we can "become rich" in the bad economic situation? Perhaps the best answer is to learn from the experience of successful people.

Nouveau Riche (French for "new rich"), or new money, refers to a person who has acquired considerable wealth within his or her generation. This term is generally to emphasize that the individual was previously part of a lower socioeconomic rank, and that such wealth has provided the means for the acquisition of goods or luxuries that were previously unobtainable.

In you can learn many valuable things from the successful millionaire. They are all people who diligent and want hard working. Try you learn why they can successful become Nouveau Riche. How do they manage their business? What type of business that can make they become Nouveau riche? Their ideas and creativity in developing business so can become a big business, etc.

You need to set up a new business idea that fresh and innovatif. And then also need to be supported with hard work and perseverance, "because everything will not be successful if you do not have the perseverance. Okay, now is a good time for you to "rise up" to become Nouveau Riche. Do not waste more time, make a "bright" business plan now, and do with a vengeance. And you need to know, everything must go through a long process, not instant.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Technology and Supernatural

Can supernatural or the occult thinks be explained by science and technology? It is still a big question until now, in some cases there are some magical things that can be described with technology such as this case but in some instances can not be explained. Important issues that we need to know is that faerie there. 

MP3 Player Design

Nice gesign for your MP3 player, you want to enjoy your audio CDs while traveling but you also have a huge MP3 collection at home that you want to take with you. The ideal solution? DMP, a portable music player that supports CD and MP3 files. Use the MP3 player as you normally would, hang it around your neck, clip it on your jeans or place it in your pocket. Otherwise open both sides and insert your favorite CD and you got yourself a CD player my friend. Now that’s music to my ears. 

Bed Bugs Bites

Bed Bugs Guide will tell you everything you need to know - what bed bugs are, bed bugs can infest all kinds of different places in your bedroom. They usually live inside of mattresses, they crawl out just before dawn and bite you, sucking out blood for about five minutes. So it's always a good idea to get rid of them - because each bug can lay four or five eggs a day. The bites are annoying and they can cause skin irritation and rashes

Citroen Funky New Design

The day is here, the GTbyCitroen has got over its shyness and is ready to be seen by the world. Par for the French, the GT is funky -- and we're not even going to get into the seventh teaser for the car in which the car was completely covered. Contrary to the rakishness of its looks, it's also fairly slow. The 3,000-pound two-seater takes a virtual 3.6 seconds to get to a virtual 62 mph, and that's with a 646 digital ponies boosted by an additional 136 hydrogen-powered horses. As for the design, if you're wondering what that rear overhang is about, the phrase you're looking for is "retinal persistence.


Are you Currently Need Additional Money?

Are you currently need additional money? Yes, we all know, all people need money. But there are times when we need additional money because of the urgent needs. And you have many ways to be able to get a loan, for example, go to the bank, borrowing from your friends and brothers, sell some assets you have, etc. But, all boring and difficult. You must meet many "difficult" requirements such as: must prepare different types of documents, have the collateral, etc. Then, whether there is a new way for you to be able to get additional money (in the form of cash loans) with fast, easy, simple, and without having to go to the bank? Yes, of course, there are, the answer is Perfect Cash Advance. This is a cash advance site that helps consumers meet short term monetary emergencies, with a focus on having the consumer NOT refinance, to save money in the long-run.

You have a great opportunity to get payday loan up to $ 1500 with just filling a simple form that is at the top right of the site. It takes about five minutes and can be completed from the comfort of your home or office. Perfect Cash Advance is very professional, many of their cash advance lenders can offer you these attractive qualities:

* Cash deposited directly into your account on the next business day
* Quick & Easy - no faxing in many cases
* Safety & Security Guaranteed
* 100% online form

So, what are you waiting for? As long as you receive a regular source of income of at least $1,000 per month and you have direct deposited enabled on your bank account, you can sign up for your cash advance today!

Film On The Fly - a cool idea

First, thank to @alytapp for sharing this on twitter today.

Second, this isn't going to raise a test score, so if you're looking for something like that, it's not here.

But, is just the neatest idea. On February 7th, those who sign up will receive a text message containing the plot for your movie. You're to use your cell phone and the people and places and things around you and make a movie. When you're done, you'll upload it to youtube and tag it with a certain word so the results can be found.

If you've read Clay Shirky's book, "Here Comes Everybody", maybe this idea hearkened back to the book. I love this example of how the web is allowing people to form groups - on the fly. They'll come together to make something happen, then go about their way, maybe on to another group action.

Maybe mention this to your students. I'll bet some of them would LOVE the challenge. (Check the website to see if there is an minimum age limit)

MYA Cosmetic Surgery

Many people do not like some parts of their bodies. This can affect their confidence which can impact on their love life, career and general happiness. In the modern world now, plastic surgery is very acceptable, many articles, sites and television discussion about plastic surgery and is set to continue to grow. Top Eight Cosmetic Surgery Procedures are breast enlargement, breast reductions, liposuction, eyelid surgery, face and neck lifts, tummy tuck and rhinoplasty (nose corrective surgery). Top Five Non-surgical Procedures are Laser and IPL Skin Rejuvenation, Dermal Fillers, Botulinum Toxin (Botox), Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion.

Make Yourself Amazing (MYA) is the most experienced and skilled surgeons in the world, MYA are breast enhancement specialists who also offer the full range of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Each of MYA’s surgeons has carried out hundreds, and thousands, of cosmetic surgery procedures. This allows the ‘MYA surgeons’ to offer the best advice and to be able to produce amazing results. 

One of the many plastic surgeries was breast reduction surgery, many women do not feel comfortable having very large breasts, bad posture and embarrassment. Having very large breasts can cause the spine and breast pain. Breast reduction surgery can help restore proportion to your body.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Online Credit Card Application and Information

Do you know how to use your credit card wisely? And otherwise, you've expected to have a credit card? So that you can bring it wherever you are than you bring money? Of course it's more simple, but, an advisory, recommends you so that you know for the first, how to use credit card wisely. It's more important than you have a credit card but you haven't known what's the function of credit card. Read some articles at there, they will guiding you with real thought, real opinion, real advice, why the knowledge is the first than just have a credit card.

Don't worry, it means, should you first understand in using credit card wisely and then you can apply it. Simple, please choose what kind of credit card that you are looking for, and then apply instantly for the credit cards you choose with an online application! This way has resolved your problem because during this time you can not find a place that is easy to apply a credit card. Is it true? Yes, I think! It's required long process, hard procedure, and of course waste your valuable time. So, just think it, is this a great opportunity for you to apply credit card so easily, simple process, fast, and secure?

There are lots of credit card issuers that you can choose like: American Express, Bank of America, Capital One, Citibank, Discover, and many more. It also has unique features like: low interest credit cards, instant approval cards, reward credit cards, business credit cards, and still more. Are you interested to apply your expected Credit Cards today? And then read some advice articles how to use credit card wisely?

Amazing Car Insurance Rates Portal

Are you looking for the best car insurance for your car? Yes, you really need to have wisdom in this life. Because what? Because we all know, if we are living in a era that is not stable. Many bad things can happen to us, at any time, without can be predicted previously. You need to "be smart people" in all matters, including against your car. You may also have been working hard for several months, or even several years, so you can own a car in accordance with your wishes. Keep your very valuable "asset"! Take care seriously so that you do not regret in the future. How? Of course by choosing the best car insurance in accordance with your car.

There is a website that can provide a lot of valuable things to you about car insurance. Do you want to know the website which I mean? Car Insurance Rates ( Their speciality is in helping to inform consumers of tangled web that is insurance information. They hope that by providing quality information, they can earn their business. Through that site, you can also get a variety of interesting articles about car insurance. And, of course, you will get some benefit that you do not find on other sites:

1. Get free quotes for any vehicle, anywhere
2. Choose the policy that fits your lifestyle best
3. Get quotes from the nation's top insurance agencies.

So, what are you waiting for? Car Insurance Rates is the right answer and solution for you. Visit this site today!

Fantastic Payday Loan and Cash Advance Provider!

Almost all over the world, are going financial crisis, a result, many people experience financial problem. I hope you are not experiencing financial difficulties at this time. But, if you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, you do not need to worry, and you also do not need to stress. Because what? Because at this time, there is a new way for you to be able to get cash loans quickly and easily. You do not need to have collateral, you do not need to set up different types of documents that you do not have, you do not need to go to the bank, and of course you do not need to "stress again." Sounds great? Yes, this is a reality, and not just a dream. Whoever you are, you have a great opportunity to be able to get a cash advance up to $ 1500 easily, quickly, and through a simple process.

Personal Cash Advance is good news for you. They're a top tier payday loan and cash advance provider. Through this site, you have a great opportunity to get payday loans with only fill out a simple form on the site. And you do not need to worry about the requirements, because the requirements are very simple:

* Currently have a job (or receive regular income)
* Make at least $1000 per month
* Are 18 years of age or older and a U.S. citizen Have a checking account
* Other requirements may apply
* Even bankruptcy, bounced-checks, charge-offs and other credit problems don't prevent you from receiving the cash advance you need.
* Not active in the military.

What are you waiting for? You are experiencing financial difficulties, and need the money for an urgent need? Sign up now for a payday loan through Personal Cash Advance!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Twitpoll - very nice!

Thanks to an email from Justine K I was pointed to this site: If you're a twitterer (look THAT one up in your Funk and Wagnells'!) you'll love this.

Enter your twitter name and the question. IN the next block enter your options, one per line. Don't bother with A) and B), etc. It makes your answers into radio button options. Click to select and click to submit. You then see your results in a pie chart.

What a cool way to gather some quick info from the twitterverse.

Thank you, Justine!


Adobe eLearning Suite

FYI: Today Adobe, Inc. released a number of products that I thought you would interested in learning about. As I learn more about the new offerings I will share the information with you.

Today, Adobe Systems Inc. today announced the Adobe eLearning Suite, a new content-authoring solution for learning professionals, educators and trainers. Users can create rich learning experiences that are deliverable via the Web, desktop, mobile devices and learning management systems using this integrated set of tools, which includes:

· The just-released Adobe Captivate 4

· Adobe Flash CS4

· Adobe Dreamweaver CS4

· Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended

· Adobe Acrobat Pro

· Adobe Presenter 7

· Adobe Soundbooth CS4

· Adobe Bridge CS4

· Adobe Device Central CS4

The full press release is below. Please let me know if you'd like additional information, including box shots and screenshots, or to schedule time with an Adobe spokesperson.


Gina Pucci for Adobe Systems Inc.



Adobe Introduces New eLearning Suite And Captivate 4 -- Learning Professionals Gain Unmatched Productivity Through Courseware Authoring Tools

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Jan. 20, 2009 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the Adobe eLearning Suite software, a new content-authoring solution for learning professionals, educators and trainers to create rich learning experiences that can be delivered via the Web, desktop, mobile devices and learning management systems. The new suite boosts productivity by tightly integrating a major new version of Adobe Captivate®, Adobe Flash® CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4, Adobe Photoshop® CS4 Extended, Adobe Acrobat® Pro, Adobe Presenter 7, Adobe Soundbooth® CS4, Adobe Bridge CS4, Adobe Device Central CS4 as well as eLearning extensions for Adobe Flash® CS4 and Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4.

“The new Adobe eLearning Suite is a unique and highly integrated set of tools designed to help professionals author, enrich, review and publish rich eLearning content all within one environment,” said Naresh Gupta, senior vice president of the Print and Publishing Business Unit at Adobe. “By leveraging different applications and streamlined workflows, learning professionals can be truly innovative and reach learners in new ways anytime, anywhere and through any medium.”

Adobe Captivate 4

Adobe Captivate 4, a new point product release and also the cornerstone of the suite, is the latest version of Adobe’s eLearning software for creating professional eLearning content and courseware that combines simulations, scenario-based training, quizzing, rich media and interactivity. Professionals can take advantage of more than two dozen new features including single SWF file publishing, text-to-speech conversion, a drawing toolbar for simple graphics, enhanced project templates, and round-trip Microsoft® PowerPoint® workflows, which let users import and edit PowerPoint slides with audio and interactivity. Adobe Captivate 4 also preserves Photoshop layers, which can then be animated individually, and supports PDF publishing and Audio Video Interleave (AVI) output for publishing to YouTube™.

With Adobe Captivate Reviewer, a new Adobe® AIR™ application, learning professionals can capture reviewers’ feedback regardless of their operating system and insert comments directly into an Adobe Captivate SWF file, simplifying the review process. Adobe Captivate 4 also enables users to add customizable tables of contents that automatically update as a learner navigates a project. To further boost engagement, learning professionals can use system and custom variables to provide learners with a personalized learning experience. For example, a learner can be prompted to type their name into a blank field in the beginning of the course and Adobe Captivate 4 will automatically personalize upcoming slides with the learner’s name.

Workflow and Integration Benefits

By integrating Adobe’s industry leading content creation tools, the Adobe eLearning Suite presents learning professionals with workflow benefits that are unavailable when purchasing individual products. With the Dreamweaver CS4 CourseBuilder extension, course designers can use Dreamweaver CS4 to directly create HTML-based eLearning modules, complete with assessments, by utilizing standard question types. Using the new Shared Courseware Object Reference (SCORM) packager, designers can also combine Adobe Captivate 4, Flash CS4, Dreamweaver CS4 and Adobe Presenter content into a single course, which further simplifies course creation.

With the inclusion of Soundbooth CS4, learning professionals can easily remove noise from recordings, polish voice-overs, customize music to fit a production and mix multiple clips on several tracks. Course designers can further engage their audiences with powerful visuals created within Photoshop CS4 Extended, which includes added features for editing 3D images and motion-based content. The visuals along with media developed in Adobe Captivate or other components can be easily organized, browsed, viewed and directly placed into Adobe Captivate 4, Photoshop CS4 and Flash CS4 from one central location using Adobe Bridge CS4.

Once content is ready for delivery, users can select one of several standardized output formats, including SWF, HTML, PDF, AVI, and SCORM, enabling easy delivery to the Web, desktop and learning management systems. If course designers don’t have access to a learning management system, the Adobe eLearning Suite allows users to publish directly to Adobe Acrobat® Connect Pro™ (sold separately). Additionally, Adobe Device Central CS4 allows course designers to design, preview, and test content for viewing on more than 600 mobile device screens.

Pricing and Availability

Adobe eLearning Suite and Adobe Captivate 4 are immediately available through Adobe Authorized Resellers and the Adobe Store. Estimated street price for the suite is US$1799 and US$799 for Adobe Captivate 4 as a standalone product. Upgrade and education pricing for both products is available. Both the Adobe eLearning Suite and Adobe Captivate 4 are compatible with Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) and Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1. For more information about the Adobe eLearning Suite visit, for Adobe Captivate 4 visit .

About Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and information – anytime, anywhere and through any medium. For more information, visit

A (GIANT) Poem in the Desert

"neither shame, nor fear"

Those are words to this 3 km wide poem written in the sand by poet Raúl Zurita. Rather than me tell you about it, go (again) to the gearth blog and read their post about it. You can also download the .kmz file that points to it. Zoom in to see the letters more clearly.

This one reminds me of the story that coolcatteacher wrote about a short while ago about the cellist in the courtyard. When great tragedy strikes (in this case, the unchecked reign of terror of Pinochet) some people turn to the arts to either express their deep sadness or to speak out against the terror.

Share this with your favorite art teacher, or even an English teacher who teaches poetry.

I can imagine, on this inauguration day, a 3 km poem written in the sands of one of the desserts in the U.S. that reads, "FREE at Last!"

Monday, January 19, 2009

Imagine The Car

For his masters diploma project conducted in Citroen’s Design Center (ADN), designer Antonin Maire D’Eglise set out to really break some new ground with his C-BIONIC concept. The hypothesis of the project is that in the near future, mankind will have depleted the natural resources so heavily relied upon in the automotive industry. This will lead way to a second renaissance, where de-materialization and genetic science will be used as building blocks in a more humanistic and poetic world.


A genetically modified tree is used as the chassis of the vehicle, and the rest of the body is made from highly biodegradable materials. The tree was chosen not just as a symbol of environmental conscience, but because it would require little engineering, and it is renewable. Ironically, instead of creating pollution the tree absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen. Each C-BIONIC has been designed to have a minimal material loss lifecycle of just 3 years, after which it returns to the earth. The only part salvaged is the electric engine which is reused in the next vehicle.


Olympic Utilities for MindManager 7 & 8

Over the past couple of months I have had the opportunity to touch base with some of the developers of MindManager add-ins to see what they had up their sleeves for 2009. I was delighted to find out when speaking with Nigel from Olympic Limited that his company would shortly release a MindManager 7 & 8 add-in called Olympic Utilities. The Olympic Utilities tools once installed can be viewed as a new Ribbon Tab within MindManager giving you access to the various tools. Nigel was kind enough to provide with a license so that I could test it out. Olympic Utilities was very easy to install and I was up and running in no time. Once installed you will find that you have a new ribbon with ten new utilities that you can use within MindManager. The ten utilities include the following:


A handy utility that will convert a hyper linked document such as a PDF file or a Word document and change it to an Attachment (embedded within the map). The add-in also allows you to either keep the current hyperlink or have it replaced which allows for additional flexibility.

Topic Text Lock/Un-Lock

This utility allows you to select a Topic and then lock the text so it cannot be changed by other users of the map, (unless they have Olympic Utilities installed). When a Topic is locked, it is indicated by a padlock icon on the Topic.


Allows you to add selected Topics, (providing they have a numerical text title), and have the sum either displayed on screen or added to the map.


Change Topics to Call-Out Topics or back again with a single click.


Takes the selected Topic and inserts a user selected date. The user can select to have the day of the week added to the Topic if desired.


This function allows you to open a map which has its Topic alignment set to Left so that all new Topics created are added to the left hand side of the map.


Takes the selected Topic and steps through the sub-topics and converts them into Text Notes of the selected Topic.


Takes the selected Topic and its first Sub-Topics and creates a new Map Marker Group and adds the Sub-Topics as Resources.

Topic Calculator

Use this on a numerical Topic to display different conversion such as Miles/Kilometers, Inches/Feet etc. Also allows basic math calculations to be carried out on the selected Topic and the result added to the map.


Takes the selected Topic and makes the Topic orientation vertical. This allows the user to select the character spacing of the resulting Topic as well.

As noted I found Olympic Utilities easy to use and found some of the commands quite intriguing. I really enjoyed being able to quickly insert the date into a topic using Date2Topic and the TopicCalculator was outstanding and very well implemented. The ability to quickly change the text in a topic from horizontal to vertical orientation using the Topic2Vertical could come in handy as was the ability to lock the text in a topic with TopicTextLock. The Link2Attachment is one of my favorites and one that I will use often. With Link2Attachment you are quickly able to turn your links into attachments thereby embedding the document in the map. The more you use Olympic Utilities the more it grows on you. I was wondering what your favorite Olympic Utilities feature is? If you enter at the right top of the blog page your name and email you will be in the running for a FREE copy of Olympic Utilities- but you have to be in it to win! You can also purchase a copy of Olympic Utilities in the in the AssistiveTek Prostore. So check it out!

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